Operator dialogue: Mayer

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Appointed as Assistant Structural design, industrial R&D, scientific research. You name it, and I can do it, Doctor.
Talk 1 The Engineering Department never approve my proposals. Do they have any bias toward me? What should I do... Right! Doctor, would you please submit this suggestion on improvement for me? It's a deal then!
Talk 2 There are many workshops like mine in Rhine Lab, but what takes others six weeks to finish, I can have it done in one. I'm not boasting!
Talk 3 DO NOT interrupt me when I'm doing my research, or you'll have my Meeboos on your ass! And me!
Talk after Promotion 1 At night I'm always full of inspiration... and the urgency to sleep! No... I can't bear it... Where's the pillow... I need to rest...
Talk after Promotion 2 Hm? Why are these cuties called Meeboos? That's because they go "meeee-boooo" when they boot up. So I named them after that. Fitting, don't you think? Just listen and you'll get it. You press this switch to... WHUAH?! Wrong one! That's the self-destruct button! Oh shoot, run awaaaaaay!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 That girl who just passed by... that was Silence, right? If only then... Oh, sorry, the non-disclosure agreement is still in effect. I should keep my mouth shut.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I feel kinda empty when I've got nothing to do... I guess that's just how engineers are. You know how that's like, right, Doctor? Huh? You don't?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, may I request... No! Not 10 square meters! I asked too much last time, so this time... all I need is 3 square meters! Don't... Don't you leave, Doctor! Even 1 square meter for my research will do! Please!
Idle Geez... where's the coffeemaker... Oh, there it is... You want some too, Doctor?
Onboard I am the Lutra Workshop of Rhine Lab, at your service. Yup, I said "workshop," but it's just me. I'm the whole workshop. Am I amazing or what?
Watching Battle Record This structure... Interesting. I'll look into it.
Promotion 1 This raise came just in time! I can afford to upgrade my equipment now.
Promotion 2 I promised I'd show you progress one day, didn't I? Look at what I have! Isn't it nice?
Added to Squad Time to go, Meeboos!
Appointed as Squad Leader Commanding both Operators and my Meeboos at the same time is a bit much even for me...
Depart Hopefully we can get some useful experiment data!
Begin Operation Come on, Meeboo, show them what Rhine Lab's technology can do!
Selecting Operator 1 Whoa!
Selecting Operator 2 Gentle! Be gentle with it!
Deployment 1 Handle with care!
Deployment 2 Precision equipment isn't cheap!
In Battle 1 Get 'em, Meeboo #3!
In Battle 2 Bite 'em, Meeboo!
In Battle 3 If anything breaks, I can just make another one!
In Battle 4 My Meeboos are more than just machines!
4-star Result Come on, Meeboo! Show everyone your victory dance!
3-star Result Nice! We practically rolled over them!
Sub 3-star Result The device is slightly damaged. I'll fix it in no time.
Operation Failure Oh no! My Meeboo...! I'll need to make more...
Assigned to Facility Now I want a new workshop!
Tap Whuah?! Hey, I'm working here!
Trust Tap Doctor, let me touch your head and give you some inspiration!
Greeting Doctor! Heya!
Title Arknights.