Operator story: Matterhorn

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For generations, the Yek family has been serving the Silverashes of Kjerag as their bodyguards; and that includes Matterhorn Yek himself. He has long been the siblings' caretaker and has witnessed them growing up. Even though he could not do much to repair the broken relationship between Enciodes, Enya, and Encia, he will do whatever it takes to protect them from any danger alongside his coworkers Weiss and Degenbrecher.

When Encia was taken to Rhodes Island for her Oripathy treatment, both Matterhorn and Weiss followed suit as her bodyguards. While Matterhorn often provide his combat skill for R.I.'s personnel, he prefers to spend most of the time in R.I.'s kitchen. Others might notice his bulky body and immense strength; but the man is actually an excellent chef thanks to his years of serving for Master Silverash since his childhood.


Preluding Lights

Break the Ice

Matterhorn: One Day

The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Stories of Afternoon

Children of Ursus

Cutter: Meals, Ready-to-Eat

Vulcan: Forging

Luo Xiaohei: Sleepwalker Sailing

Rosa: Yesterday's Morrow