Operator file: Jackie

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A former Columbian auxiliary police officer who came to Rhodes Island to receive treatment after contracting Oripathy.
With her father's consent, she joined Rhodes Island as an operator, displaying above average talent in close combat and participating in various missions.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Jackie
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 3%
Due to short infection duration, only small traces of infection are visible on the surface of the body.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.16u/L
Thanks to timely treatment and physical fitness, the current prognosis is optimistic. With regular treatment, there will not be much burden on the body.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Jackie
An energetic Perro girl.
She is always full of vigor and never remains down for long. As she acts friendly to everyone, she is well-liked by most operators and some older operators even treat her as a cherished sister or daughter.
She enjoys regaling others with stories of her father's glorious deeds.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Jackie
As everyone knows, most Infected are able to cast Arts without the help of an Arts Unit.
On one hand, this is equivalent to using the Originium within one's body for casting Arts, which is likely to exacerbate one's Oripathy. On the other hand, mildly infected individuals like Jackie aren't able to channel much energy for Arts.
For this reason, even Infected Casters often prefer to cast Arts through an Arts Unit whenever possible. Similarly, Rhodes Island provides an Arts Unit to every Caster operator.
——In fact, the Engineering Department is very passionate about designing Arts Units of all shapes and sizes. One of their favorite pastimes is developing "Arts Units" that look nothing like conventional units— and often don't work at all.
The Arts Unit that hangs at Jackie's waist, gun-type Arts Unit PT-29, is the pride of the Engineering Department.
Regrettably, even though Jackie applied for such an Arts Unit, it is only due to a habit formed while serving as an auxiliary police officer. Jackie herself is incredibly uninterested in the subject of Arts and her scores are very disappointing. Because of this, this Arts Unit is mostly an accessory to this day.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Jackie
According to Jackie, her mother passed away from complications during her birth and she was single-handedly raised by her father. Jackie greatly reveres her father.
She will happily describe in great detail how amazing of a policeman her father is, how many people he's helped and what accolades he's received. Some of her teammates can even recite her entire speech from beginning to end by heart now.
Her story may be hyperbolic to some extent, but her father was still willing to bring his own infected daughter to Rhodes Island in person. Throughout his short stay in Rhodes Island, he never openly displayed any animosity towards the other Infected, and even remained agreeable to his daughter joining Rhodes Island after learning about some of Rhodes Island's more dubious activities. At the very least, he is not overly biased towards the Infected, even if he is just exercising self-restraint. That alone is already very rare amongst the non-Infected.
Jackie's good manners and lively attitude in daily life is likely also a result of her father's teachings.
From that perspective, her father is indeed a policeman worth respecting, and a good father.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Jackie
Some people hold on to their hatred of the Infected even when they've become Infected themselves. Contrarily, some never hold much enmity towards the Infected, even while they're still uninfected.
Jackie is one of those people.
Perhaps as a result of her father's teachings, Jackie has never treated the Infected with hostility, unlike most other people. After overcoming her initial horror, she was able to quickly come to terms with her new identity as an Infected.
It is possible that since she was showered in love from a young age, Jackie has a great capacity for love towards others——This can be considered a legitimate ability, as rare as it is. After coming to Rhodes Island, not only did this ability allow her to befriend others easily, it also gave her a new goal——To help the other Infected.
Besides curing her Oripathy, she also wants to lend a hand to the other Infected. To her, it is only natural to do so.
Promotion Record
Promote Jackie to Elite 2
The things we encounter and the people we meet often leave me with a sense of foreboding, afraid that our efforts towards a brighter future are all for naught.
However, whenever I see a youngster like Jackie brimming with purity, kindness and vigor, I am reminded of my conviction: To guide these youngsters along the path of learning, so that they may gain more knowledge of the world, and help make it a better place.
––Instructor Guericke's remarks towards Jackie in her Intermediate General Studies class

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