Operator dialogue: Jackie

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, let me help!
Talk 1 Doctor, you've been sitting there for a while, that's really unhealthy. Come do some stretches with me! Exercise and recover your energy. That way, you'll be able to work better.
Talk 2 Doctor, Doctor! She's here at Rhodes Island! Ah, her codename should be Dur-nar now. Anyway, she's really amazing! I've only ever seen her in recruitment ads before! She's also a really good person! She gave me so many snacks, ehehe.
Talk 3 Doctor, I'm actually pretty lithe for my age, you know. Let me show you a standing backflip! Watch!
Talk after Promotion 1 This gun? Oh, it's a gun-type Arts... Arts something. Ah, right, Arts Unit! I applied for one out of habit when I came here, but I still prefer my fists over Arts.
Talk after Promotion 2 Even though I know I'm very lucky, I only realized how badly other Infected are doing after coming to Rhodes Island... Doctor, what can I do to help? I really want to help them!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 ...Hm? Ah, Doctor! I'm writing a letter to my dad. Eh, I haven't introduced my dad to you yet? He's a really amazing policeman, you know! Let me tell you how great he is!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Actually, it was my dad who suggested Rhodes Island. After he found out you could treat Oripathy, he pushed really hard for me to be able to come here. I don't really want to be away from him, but I know that he'll be happiest if I live a healthy life.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You're really reliable, although dad is still better. Yup, you're now the second most reliable person in my heart! Hehe. Ah, Doctor, I talked a lot about you in my letters to dad. He said he really wants to meet you!
Idle Doc——! Ah, Doctor's asleep. I'll have to be quieter...
Onboard Nice to meet you, Doctor! I'm the new operator, codename Jackie! I used to be an auxiliary police officer in Columbia. Let's get along!
Watching Battle Record Amazing... It feels even more amazing than dad...
Promotion 1 Eh, am I being promoted? Wow, that's great!
Promotion 2 I've learnt a lot living at Rhodes Island... Maybe I can even catch up to dad one day! Doctor, I'll continue to work hard. Please guide me well~
Added to Squad I'm here!
Appointed as Squad Leader I'll work hard!
Depart Let's do our best!
Begin Operation Mission start!
Selecting Operator 1 Doctor, is it my turn?
Selecting Operator 2 Warming up complete!
Deployment 1 Leave it to me!
Deployment 2 Time for me to show my power!
In Battle 1 Grit Those Teeth!
In Battle 2 You shall not pass!
In Battle 3 Don't look down on me!
In Battle 4 I'll do it in one go!
4-star Result I thought we were gonna lose a few time, but we actually won in the end. Doctor, you're amazing!
3-star Result Doctor, Doctor, I've worked hard!
Sub 3-star Result Doctor, want me to chase after them?
Operation Failure Sorry, Doctor. If only I'd put in more effort...
Assigned to Facility It's so big inside!
Tap Ahhhh!
Trust Tap Hi, Doctor~
Greeting Ah, it's Doctor!
Title Arknights.