Operator dialogue: Gitano

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Appointed as Assistant Well, Doctor, your tarot card for today is...
Talk 1 Would you like to learn more about your future?
Talk 2 Never forget that the confluences of unknown forces may very well devour us.
Talk 3 Tarot cards aren't divine, all-seeing tools. Instead, we use them for guidance when we feel lost.
Talk after Promotion 1 Destiny is like the earth beneath our feet – no one can escape it.
Talk after Promotion 2 Humans might never be able to live without the earth... but we can change it. Our actions belie endless possibilities.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 There are countless topics for which you can consult the tarot. One of the most common is luck. To change your luck, you must be brave enough to change your fate.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 We have a ritual among diviners that's all the rage these days. We call it the "Hand of Fate." Would you like to try it?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 It's taboo in the industry to do readings concerning death. But I don't believe death is the end– it's the beginning of something new.
Idle Dreams can often enlighten you in strange ways. If you have an enlightening dream like that, you'd best remember every detail, Doctor.
Onboard Following the guidance of the arcana, I've finally managed to cross paths with you, Doctor.
Watching Battle Record I feel inspired now.
Promotion 1 I'd already foreseen this promotion in my crystal ball. Haha, just kidding!
Promotion 2 You want to know... your destiny, Doctor? Too bad, I can't help you. My mission is not to show you the secrets not meant for human eyes.
Added to Squad Wait a minute, let me predict the results of this battle.
Appointed as Squad Leader Well then, let me pray for everyone.
Depart Fate is a fickle thing... only the victorious will forever be revered.
Begin Operation I can see the outcome. Victory belongs to Rhodes Island.
Selecting Operator 1 A very wise choice.
Selecting Operator 2 My turn.
Deployment 1 Draw a card.
Deployment 2 Do not attempt to go against your fate.
In Battle 1 The tower of void.
In Battle 2 The flying chariot.
In Battle 3 Break the Emperor's scepter.
In Battle 4 The Priestess will destroy all.
4-star Result Does fate have us in a chokehold... or shall we launch the ultimate counterattack against it?
3-star Result I have moved all of them to the graveyard.
Sub 3-star Result Time to reshuffle the deck.
Operation Failure No way... this wasn't the result I saw in the cards...
Assigned to Facility Bad omens seem to lurk inside this room. May I help you deal with them using my powers?
Tap Hm? What?
Trust Tap Want me to do a reading on your future? All right, please give me a minute.
Greeting You're blessed by the winds of luck, Doctor.
Title Arknights.