Trivia: Enemy

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  • Enemy icon old.png
    Before the release of Episode 08, the enemy count icon on the top of the operation HUD displays the Reunion logo. The release of Episode 08 changed this icon to a generic "target crosshair".
    • This is due to the fact that Episode 08 marks the end of the Reunion Saga of the Main Theme, which meant that the eponymous faction will no longer be featured as the only prominent antagonistic group in future episodes. Additionally, enemies unaffiliated with Reunion are often encountered throughout various Intermezzi/Side Stories and even in Episode 08 (where most enemies are part of the Ursus Army), neccessating the changed enemy count icon.
  • When an enemy spawns, usually if they are encountered for the first time during an operation, a tooltip will inform the player of what the said enemy does. Many later enemies' tooltip texts, however, are taken right from their description or ability in the Archives instead of summarizing their capabilities; those who do will not have their tooltip text included in the Overview section of their respective pages.
    • After A Walk in the Dust, the tooltip can be paused upon being shown, but doing this will pause the game as well and the tooltip will disappear when the game is unpaused.