Operator dialogue: Dobermann

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, are the new recruits keeping up with my basic training regimen?
Talk 1 A balanced, regular diet is also an important part of daily training. Any complainers get fifty laps around the deck.
Talk 2 As a military instructor, it's important to achieve the perfect balance between strictness and leniency. To be honest... I may be a bit too hard on Fang...
Talk 3 When putting your Operators into squads, it's crucial to assign them positions where they can exercise their skills to the fullest. It's true that Operators' ability is important, what's really being tested here is your judgement..
Talk after Promotion 1 Doctor, when training Operators, you need to work on spiritual fulfillment as much as improving their physiques and skills. After all, they need to be mentally strong enough to survive interrogations and all sorts of attacks on their minds.
Talk after Promotion 2 You're looking for the newbies? They're training out on the deck. Yes, I do realize what the weather's like right now. Of course I do.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Anomalies... ha. You can never fool the eyes of the "Hound".
Talk after Trust Increase 2 If you believe that command allows you to slack off whenever you want, then I will correct your misconception, Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 If I hope to remain at your side through all the difficulties to come, I must be even harder on myself. After all, with the world around us being what it is... the only way we can keep it together is to keep training our mental strengthg.
Idle No slacking off!
Onboard Attention! I am Dobermann, former military instructor for the Bolívarian armed forces. Now, let's cut to the chase. Hand over the list of Operators in need of training.
Watching Battle Record This is how our training pays off.
Promotion 1 Promotion, huh? Thanks. I'm just doing my job.
Promotion 2 The responsibility for training the future of Rhodes Island is on my shoulders. I will do my best to be worthy of that responsibility.
Added to Squad Got it.
Appointed as Squad Leader Then show me the briefing docs for the mission.
Depart Calling all hands. This is not a drill!
Begin Operation Time to interrogate.
Selecting Operator 1 Your orders.
Selecting Operator 2 Orders?
Deployment 1 Understood.
Deployment 2 Commence tracking.
In Battle 1 Flithy scum.
In Battle 2 Take that!
In Battle 3 Tear 'em up!
In Battle 4 Hang in there!
4-star Result No matter the challenges we face, strong fundamental combat skills can mean the difference between life and death.
3-star Result Come back when you're less mediocre.
Sub 3-star Result The operation was successful, but we still have room for improvement.
Operation Failure We have failed. I am the one to blame.
Assigned to Facility The newbies are intimidated by me, you say? That's only natural.
Tap Please mind your behavior.
Trust Tap You want to cheer me up? Hm, let me interrogate someone, then.
Greeting Good morning to you, Doctor.
Title Arknights.