Character trivia: Closure

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  • Closure is the first character in Arknights who has a Live2D (animated) model, used in the Store interface.
    • With the introduction of Skadi the Corrupting Heart as the first Operator with a Live2D model for their Elite 2 artwork, Closure becomes the only NPC who has a Live2D model.
  • Her codename may be a reference to a term in computer programming for implementations of lexically scoped name binding in programming languages with first-class functions.
  • Closure's full name is a fusion of the names of two computer scientists: Ada Lovelace, one of the first computer programmers in history, and Alonzo Church, who created the lambda calculus. Interestingly, her robot companion is also named Lambda.
    • Closure's date of birth, December 10, coincides with Ada Lovelace's date of birth.
  • The logo on Closure's shirt resembles the logo of GitHub, albeit with an additional bat wing on the right side.
    • Closure's shirt during her time as a Babel member instead shows a modified version of the pixelated T-Rex that appears on Google Chrome's "No Internet Connection" screen.
    • The upper half of Closure's shirt during Episode 10 shows the binary numbers: "01010010 01001000 01001111", which is translated as "RHO".