Operator dialogue: Ceobe

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Appointed as Assistant Hm? What should I do? Just put this stack of papers into this box?
Talk 1 Doctor, are you working? Can I watch? Great! Sofa, here I come~
Talk 2 I'm super strong. Forget one bad guy, I can take on a hundred at once. Uhh, maybe a hundred is a bit much... But ninety-nine is no problem! Mhm!
Talk 3 I found a bunch of these little bottle things in some room, and the sauce inside tasted pretty good. Is it spicy? Yeah, seems to be a little hot, but it's also really tasty. Want some, Doctor?
Talk after Promotion 1 My den is right here. Doctor's den is above my head, and Vulcan's is to my left... Okay, got it! Repeat it? Mm, sure. My den is above my head, Doctor's is to my left, and Vulcan's is right here...
Talk after Promotion 2 So this is where I started from? Oh, oh, then where did I go before you caught me? And where did you catch me? Can you find it all on this map?!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 So hungry... My tummy's been grumbling for so long. Can we head to the cafeteria?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I don't know much about these Arts, but when other people try to use my weapons, they can't make all those cool sparkly things happen. But don't worry, as long as I'm here, the bad guys won't be able to hurt you. I know who the bad guys are.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 There's a whole bunch of bad guys out there, and my friends won't always be around. That's why the more weapons I have, the more power I have. Isn't that right? Hey, can you stuff another hammer back there? And a javelin too, those are super useful! Hm? Don't say no to me!
Idle Doctor's snoring sure sounds funny.
Onboard You seem like you're a pretty nice person. "Doctor," was it? My name is Ceobe, but if that's too hard to say, you can just call me Kay! I'll be in your care!
Watching Battle Record I'm watching! I really am!
Promotion 1 This little button is for me? Do I look good wearing it?
Promotion 2 One's not enough, two gets the job done, and three is for safety. As long as I bring the right weapons for the job, I'll take out the bad guys as they come.
Added to Squad Doctor, I'm all ears.
Appointed as Squad Leader Lead? What's a lead?
Depart I wonder if there's gonna be anything tasty when I get back~
Begin Operation Phew... All righty!
Selecting Operator 1 Hmm?
Selecting Operator 2 Loud and clear!
Deployment 1 Leave it to me!
Deployment 2 See you later!
In Battle 1 Haah!
In Battle 2 Gooooooo!
In Battle 3 Dadadadada!
In Battle 4 Prey should stay still!
4-star Result With your brains, my job is super easy! You're the best, Doctor!
3-star Result All that's needed is a bang, bang! And that takes care of them!
Sub 3-star Result Are you hurt? Do you need help?
Operation Failure Hurry, run! We won't be able to get away if we don't hurry up!
Assigned to Facility This fluffy thing is gonna feel absolutely amazing~
Tap I'll bite you!
Trust Tap Hey, can you take me with you?
Greeting Good morning, Doctor! Mhm, that's a proper greeting, right?
Title Arknights.