Operator story: Cardigan

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The young Leithanian Perro Merry is a former member of the Leithanien Bobsled Patrol Team, which she joined to make up for her failure to become a skier. At some point, Merry met Steward and Adnachiel and quickly befriended them. However, the three got caught in a snowstorm while hiking, which caused both Steward and Adnachiel to suffer frostbite and even worsened their Oripathy. After five hours of desperate searching for medical aid, Merry finally found Rhodes Island requesting to become an operator in exchange for the duo's treatment. She picks up the codename "Cardigan" and works as a member of Op Reserve Team A4, where she acts as a defender. However, Cardigan is also infamous for her hyperactive behavior, which has caused many problems for her teammates now and then.


Cardigan: It'll Be Fine, Guaranteed!

The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Melantha: Team Captain

Istina: Let's Go, Let's Go

Cuora: The Great Bagnapping Adventure