Operator gallery: Bena
< Bena
Operator | File | Story | Overview | Dialogue | Gallery | Trivia |
Base | |
An outfit commonly worn by Operators.
While not as practical as a uniform, it's what they find most comfortable. |
Elite 2 | |
Part of this section still uses the original Chinese texts. You can help the Arknights Terra Wiki by translating it. Please read the translation guidelines first before translating the section. |
Prairie Pals | |
One of Bena's casual outfits. 贝娜做了一个梦。梦里,超级大蒸笼的主人告诉她,只要她愿意帮忙,就可以给她吃超级小笼包。于是,贝娜拿起钓竿,骑上兽亲......开始跑腿! 0011 New Arrivals/Prairie Pals. 贝娜在草原上执行外勤任务时的装扮。在民族服饰的基础上进行了现代化的创新,轻便又不失可爱。 |