Enemy story: Awaken

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"Now, everyone will be awakened in one true Dreamland..."

The magnum opus of Dorothy Franks' experiments and a fusion of Arts and science, the "Awaken" is made up of several Transmitter constructs with geometrical shapes including a triangle cube, a sphere over a sheet, a ring, a stick, among others that acts as one entity and designed as the "Hub" of the "Dreamland" collective consciousness. It demonstrates abilities that defy all known logic, including warping any objects around it to become part of itself, firing off energy beams (although the Awaken never do the two aforementioned actions in-game), relocating itself anywhere it pleases at which it releases a destructive wave of energy, and releasing parts of itself as projectiles to deter approaching enemies. Interestingly, the Awaken can "share" some of the harm it receives with other Transmitter constructs and the power of its energy waves are diminished based on how many individuals affected by it, likely due to its collective consciousness nature.

The Awaken was inadverdently created after Dorothy terminates her collective consciousness project on the urge of Dr. Olivia Silence, Elena Urbica, and Sonny Romano. As the test subjects are being handled to Rhine Lab's care, they are injected by Transmitter fluids under Ferdinand Clooney's orders, resulting in their minds forming the Awaken that Ferdinand intends to sell to the Columbian Union Army as a weapon of mass destruction capable of striking targets anywhere in Terra. Its creation causes severe damage to much of Test Site 359 as it releases Transmitter constructs and energy waves in self-defense, and conventional weapons are ineffective against it.

The Dreamland Collapses.png

While Dorothy acknowledges the Awaken as a "beauty", she nonetheless decides to put a stop to it by injecting herself with the Transmitter, allowing her to be linked with the Dreamland. She was ultimately able to convince the Awaken to terminate itself because this was not what she wanted, causing it and the constructs to dissolve into a puddle of harmless Transmitter fluids, and releases the test subjects' minds from the Dreamland's bondage.