Faction overview: Aegir

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Administration and politics

Senate of Aegir

The Senate of Aegir (Senatus Ægirius) is a bicameral legislature ruled independently by the Consuls, many of whom are technocratic leaders. The two houses of the Senate are the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Technologies respectively, and both houses have multiple categories depending on their specialized skills. Any proposal coming from the categories must first be presented in a meeting held by the Consuls of two houses first to discuss its technical issues and possibilities; once being passed, the proposal will become the ultimate law to all the Aegirian city-states.[1] These laws are then tested in their respective laboratories and institutions. Throughout the millennia, the Senate system has run smoothly without the necessity of a unified leadership; city-states are given the autonomy to look after their own affairs.

Academia Scientiarum

The Academy of Science (Academia Scientiarum) is the house that specializes in scientific progression and discoveries. Their jobs include making breakthroughs in science progression, investigating their racial origin, and proposing new science theories.

  • Institutum Progressionis Scientificae[note 1]
  • Institutum Consiliorum Socialium[note 2]
  • Institutum Scientiea Anthropologicae[note 3]
  • Institutum Scientiea Politismofluxificae[note 4]

Academia Technologiarum

The Institute of Technologies (Academia Technologiarum) is the house that specializes in technologies and their applications in civil affairs. They are responsible for various civil matters such as infrastructure upgrade, provision for job roles, etc.

  • Institutum Progressionis Technologicae[note 5]
  • Institutum Procurationis Aedificatiarii[note 6]
  • Institutum Conciliorum Vehiculificarum[note 7]
  • Institutum Creationum Artium Visualium[note 8]


The Legions are the basis of Aegirian military. They are formed by both infratries on the surface and pilots of war submarines of various types.

The Circitores Marinus[note 9] is a specialized force under the Legion. Aside from assistance for the Legions during combat, they mainly focus on civil law enforcement and defense, i.e., patrolling, investigations, and disaster management.[2]

Weaponry classification

Aegirian technologies enable them to develop highly-advanced weapons. Since the Seaborn crisis, Aegir has developed classification for their weapons to delay their ever-increasing evolution. Depending on the situation, there are four types of Aegirian weapons used:

  • Type I weapons, which are made up of missiles and incendiary devices[3]
  • Type II weapons
  • Type III weapons, which are able to develop miniature gravitational singularity, a.k.a. a tiny, controllable black hole.[3]
  • Type IV weapons, which are biological weapons targeting the Seaborn nests by planting nano-machines inside them and causing them to wither from within.[4] After Brandius' manipulation, the Type IV weapon was secretly altered to have the Seaborn confusing these nano-machines as their kins, hence instinctively clearing a pathway uncorrupted by them.[5]

Social welfares

Because all of Aegir's industries and businesses are fully replaced by robots and AIs, Aegirians could spend their free time to pursue their dreams and career, which is seen as an inseparable part of a human in their culture.[6] In turn, the society can provide ample resources for their citizens' needs that creates various welfare systems. From their birth to their death, an Aegrian citizen is eligible to enjoy all kinds of welfare.

Public child care

Aegirian parents are given the choice to either raise their children on their own or place them under public child care, and most Aegirians prefer to choose the latter since they believe the concept of "family" will only become obstacles to their highly-exalted individualism. Even before an infant's birth, their parents are allowed to have their embryos separated and then hand it to the care of the public nursery.[7] In some extreme cases, parents will even be stripped of their rights to own the child legally if they display unfavoured characters such as misgiving and cowardice.[8]

Children under public care will be provided basic needs, i.e., education, shelters. Parents are sometimes allowed to keep contact with them through family visits. Upon reaching adulthood and finishing their education, youngsters will be provided their future career by institutions of social management to fully retain independence as adults.

Healthcare system

Owing to their technological advances that boost their biological science, Aegrians are able to enjoy free healthcare provided by the state. Furthermore, most of the known diseases can be easily treated through their genetic sciences. As such, most healthy Aegirians can live up to 150 years.[9] Nevertheless, not all diseases can be treated through their current technologies. Euthanasia is hence provided to those who contract terminal diseases or those who are dying of old age.[10]


Aegirian technologies

A legion of bionic drones deployed by the Aegirians

As the inheritor of the "First Civilization," Aegirian technologies are far more advanced than the land civilizations to the point that they are a completely alien civilization. Some of them include heat inductors from the planet's mantle through underwater volcanoes, water flow meters that can direct ocean flow into springs, artificial sun in the abyss, and biological laboratories built in lifeless ocean beds.[9] Despite the lack of Originium in the ocean, Aegirians are capable of harnessing hydrogen energy from ocean water that is capable of sustaining a Legion's submarine fleet. Daily necessities can be simply satisfied through machines, i.e., printed food, cleaning clothings without taking them off, and concepts that can be literally "digested" via food.[2]

Aegirian cities are built with unique infrastructures. They are built within an artificial, transparent dorm that can replicate the surface's temperature and withstand immense water pressure. Their interior is built in a low gravitational environment in which inhabitants can travel around the city by either literally "swimming" within the city through their limbs or using neuron-connected vehicles resembling marine creatures, though the latter can easily lead to proprioception disorder if overused. Because of the artificial sun, an Aegirian city is always bright year round, so the consuls and scientists have been encouraging their citizens to take ample rest when necessary.[11]

Because of their highly-advanced technologies, Aegir was already at the doorstep to become an interstellar civilization. They have already formulated plans to penetrate the Starpod through their cities' beacon towers that fire bionic nano-machines dubbed "mechanical planktons." These mechanical planktons will then self-replicate and self-repair to create pathways that enable their spaceships to pass through the Starpod and enter space. But since the Seaborn crisis, the biological energy supply for their beacon towers that requires ten cities to sustain them were completely cut off by their nests, forcing the Aegirians to abandon their interstellar project.[7]

Human centrism

Despite their technological advances, Aegirians highly value the meaning of mankind. A sage once proposed that mankind can contain various values because of their spirit and character whereas a simple body cell could not, and his philosophy ushered in an era of human centrism for the next few thousand years. Many Aegirians do not blindly worship technologies as religious gods nor treat science as a cold-hearted philosophy that could disassemble the meaning of man. In order to retain their humanity, Aegirians are encouraged to be involved in creative works, which they believe is the only method to create values from mankind.[12] They are trained to learn any kind of arts and literature from sculpture, drawing, prose writing, singing, to digital visual arts.

The humanistic values of Aegirians leads to one great taboo in their science community: genetic modification on humans. They firmly believe that a perfect, healthy man is not a robot that can be simply replaced by machinery parts.[12] The only moment they broke the taboo was during the Abyssal Hunter project, yet it was immediately halted following its utter annihilation.


The interior of an Aegirian Sophontheatrum

A Sophontheatrum[note 10] is a public arena where people could propose their ideas or make a debate that could bring benefits to the society. The conception of the Sophontheatrum originated from Maritimus the sage around the ninth century who envisioned a place where humans share their ideas to each other and make them into a reality. Inspired by his philosophy of "only debates could bring forward perfect answers," many Aegiran cities have followed his ideas by constructing a Sophontheatrum as a public platform to arouse their citizens' creativity. These arenas have since witnessed the birth of the most complex math formula, the oldest city blueprint, the most popular poem, to even the best road design for their street construction. In modern days, a Sophontheatrum is seen as the perfect embodiment of human inspiration and desire to resolve unknown mysteries.[13]


  1. "Institution of Science Progression" in Latin
  2. "Institution of Social Planning" in Latin
  3. "Institution of Anthropology" in Latin
  4. Institution of Cultural Exchange" in Latin
  5. "Institution of Technological Progression" in Latin
  6. "Institution of Infrastructure Management" in Latin
  7. "Institution of Vehicle Design" in Latin
  8. "Institution of Arts Visual" in Latin
  9. "Marine Patrolmen" in Latin
  10. A portmanteau of Greco-Latin words sophon (σοφός), meaning "wise" or "sage," and theatrum, Latin for "theater"


  1. p, 199, "Aegir," Terra: A Journey.
  2. 2.0 2.1 BP-1 Before
  3. 3.0 3.1 BP-1 After
  4. BP-4 Before
  5. BP-8
  6. p, 202, "Aegir," Terra: A Journey.
  7. 7.0 7.1 BP-4 Before
  8. Dehydration
  9. 9.0 9.1 BP-5 Before
  10. p. 202, "Aegir," Terra: A Journey.
  11. Aegir: Tour Guide
  12. 12.0 12.1 pg. 200-201, "Aegir," Terra: A Journey.
  13. BP-2 Before