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Why is there a quote from the Gospel of John on Logos' CG? It seems entirely irrelevant and yet multiple removals of it have been reverted.

Reply: We use these quotes to share similarities. Think about it the meaning of Logos in a Christian sense. Logos himself is basically alluding to an Old Testament prophet whose knowledge guide the saviour (Amiya).

Besides, we use it as long as it does not criticize and ridicule religions as a respect. We have Quran quotes to bring out lessons in the stories of Fire Within the Sand. Recently we added Taoist quotes. But we use it with no ill purpose. Have you felt offended?

I´ve been reading the Babel event, and it seems that according to what a Kazdelian teacher says in BB-3 After, Logos has or had a father

I have seen very few indications that Logos is meant to be 'Logos in a Christian sense' or 'a Prophet guiding the saviour.' Even if you are not 'ridiculing' a quote, there is no point to having it there. I could go and find a TS Elliot quote that I enjoy and it would be exactly as relevant. It adds nothing to the image. I am also not sure why you have decided to add Quran quotes to a different story's images; are you just trying to have quotes for the sake of having quotes? Furthermore, in general, I am not interested in a database of game information deciding to wade into supersessionism. Even if that was somehow not a factor, the quote you chose is not about prophets. It seems like that quote was chosen just because it's a famous Christian Bible quote that has the word 'word' in it, without regard for what's happening in the plot.

Reply: Then do you have any suggested Bible verse that could at least allude to him, a connection between word and his role as a prophet-like figure?

I do not see the point in having a Bible verse, or any quote at all, and I am not convinced that he has a quote-unquote 'Biblical role' as a Prophet, and I'm unclear why editors here are fixated on that aspect considering the 'trivia' section for it is incredibly vague. It seems to be trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. An image caption isn't the place for that sort of allusion anyways. The point of a wiki is to store information from the game in a handy place, not to make collages of scriptural quotes.

Reply: Unfortunately, this is Arknights. The story takes many inspirations from the Bible (Noah's Ark, Babel, sea monster resembling the Legion, Sarkaz diaspora and yearn for Messiah-like figure as well as their fall due to internal problems or their own "sin", Feranmuts as the Behemoths, an apocalypse) and blend with real-world geopolitics (pre World-War II or classical empires) and finally classical space sci-fi. I have to say this is not your typical gacha game that only contains elements with popular culture. The title is "the Knights of the Ark." The trivia pages are just for references to showcase how this can be alluded.

It is certainly possible to read those influences into the text. I think it would be an enormous mistake for a wiki whose job is solely to collate information from a game to assume that it is the only lens that can be read to the game, and that it is their job to make it clear that that's the only 'acceptable' lens with which to view the story. Particularly if one intends to take complex situations and stories drawing on many cultural and pop cultural stories and go 'well then, this is about Jesus, and it is only about Jesus, and I want everyone to know it is about Jesus.' Exactly why are you so fixated on gluing Bible quotes onto a random CG? Let the story's references speak for itself. Frankly, the trivia pages I have seen so far have been far more blunt and unnuanced, and occasionally outright wrong, than the actual story material has been.

Reply: So are you saying we just need to be like Gamepress, that only shows in-game data, while neglecting its strong religious elements?