Talk:Grani and the Knights' Treasure

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Hi! I wasn't sure where else to put this. I've been using the Arknights Wiki since getting back into the game after the Perish in Frost anime finished up, and it's been a super invaluable resource. Thanks for all the hard work!

I have an idea I'd like to discuss. Long story short, I think old events now in Record Restoration should have a new default content tab. The "Event" tab is currently the default, but it has a lot of information that is no longer relevant to players. It's obviously important historical data, but especially for newer players like me, I think the default tab should only show what actually exists in the game right now (and noting what is no longer accessible, like the news stories in Maria Nearl, etc.).

Things that are no longer relevant to any player, really:

  • Information about timegated stages (instead, we could describe unlock conditions for stuff like EX stages)
  • New Operator trust bonus information
  • Information about the event currency and what's provided in the exchange shop
  • Event missions
  • New and old outfits that were on sale at the time of the original event/rerun
  • New furniture sets that came out at the time of the original event/rerun
  • Information on new module additions, paradox simulations, operator records, and new voice actors that came out at the time of the original event/rerun

Again, I'm not saying to remove anything, since it's still important historical information. It just doesn't make much sense to bombard a viewer with stuff that isn't in the game anymore. They just need what's relevant at the current moment. So for example, when you first go to the Grani event page, it wouldn't show you any of the irrelevant information from its limited time events--it would basically just list the stages and the side story/intermezzo/vignette's Record Restoration rewards, eg. Grani, Grani's potential letter, the partial furniture set, and the profile pic. (And then you could still click on the "Event" tab to access that historical data.)

Tell me what you think! AliceInTranslation (talk) 15:26, 6 March 2024 (UTC)

I went ahead and put together a proof of concept here User:AliceInTranslation/SampleGraniDefaultPage as an example. AliceInTranslation (talk) 21:08, 6 March 2024 (UTC)

While your suggestion looks good on paper, but to be honest, making another page detailing an event's Record Restoration info would be a chore and renders the Rec. Rest. page redundant. At least we will take your suggestion by adding a notice saying that the page's content has been archived. Nikitazero (talk) 23:56, 6 March 2024 (UTC)

Thanks for your reply. I think that's fair, although Record Restoration doesn't really have that much information on it. Also, as far as I can tell, the current in-game reward trackers for RR-enabled events don't actually exist on the wiki anywhere. I think that information would be good to have somewhere, even if it's not in a way that matches my suggestion. Also, thank you for removing the category on my sample page--didn't even notice it! AliceInTranslation (talk) 16:23, 7 March 2024 (UTC)
Actually, now that I've slimmed down my sample page, I feel like nothing's actually redundant except the operations list (which also has more information in it now). While record restoration items have the RR information on their own pages, they're not centralized like they probably should be. I also think noting story links and optional prerequisite reading would be great for newer players as well. And this could all certainly be something that I handle myself if it's too much of a chore. AliceInTranslation (talk) 16:33, 7 March 2024 (UTC)
The RR rewards are already included in the Record Restoration subpages, in case you haven't noticed. Nikitazero (talk) 00:53, 8 March 2024 (UTC)