ISW-NO: Songless Courtyard

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This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
Unofficial English translations provided by PHOTON563.
Songless Courtyard
3F – Ashen Labyrinth
Songless Courtyard map.png
She might want to take one more look at the city - tomorrow, the singing will begin; the day after tomorrow, the singing will begin; another day after, it would be the same. She sings.
<Twigs That Crave> that produce Rot Eaters are present on the field
Note: Despite the code, this operation is one of the possible Dreadful Foes in 3F.


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 32
Static devices Twigs That Crave.png "Twigs That Crave" ×4


Normal Sarkaz Royal Court Soldier ×31
Elite Rot Eater
Boss Witch Who Weaves Tears
Rot Eaters are spawned from Twigs That Crave and excluded from the enemy counter.

See also