Operator dialogue: Popukar

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Appointed as Assistant Ummm... Nice to see you again, Doctor. It makes me happy... hehe...
Talk 1 Doctor, do you need a break? I made you some tea, and Miss Orchid made cookies. Here, hope you like them... And, umm... Cheer up!
Talk 2 Why is everyone in Team A6 always fighting with each other...? If things keep going like this, we can't be a team anymore... Fighting is bad. I must make them understand!
Talk 3 The gear on my chainsaw is kinda loose, the one that makes the 'vrrrr' sound... But I don't remember using it lately. Weird...
Talk after Promotion 1 Doctor, is Team A6 getting along well...? That's really some good news. Peace is the best... As long as they don't fight, nothing will bother me while I stay with you...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I don't know why, but I sometimes get these gaps in my memory. Then when I ask my teammates in A6, they just smile and tell me nothing happened at all...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Um, Doc-Doctor, did I just pass out...? Um, why is everyone lying on the floor? Miss Catapult? Mr. Midnight? Mr. Spot? Why do you all have bruises on your face? And Miss Orchid too...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I'm actually super strong? You say I lost control over my power, when I wanted to stop my friends from fighting each other? That's why I don't remember anything...? Okay, I think I get it! Umm... right, I will put my power to good use!
Idle Aaaah! The cup! I didn't control my grip... Errmm... I'm in trouble when the Doctor wakes up...
Onboard Popukar from Operation Reserve Team A6, reporting in. I'm sorry my teammates are always fighting each other, Doctor... But don't worry, I know what to do.
Watching Battle Record Umm, Doctor, is the girl in the video... me?
Promotion 1 I'm so happy I don't even know what to say...! Thank you, Doctor...! Thank you so much!
Added to Squad My name is Popukar... Nice to meet you...
Appointed as Squad Leader B-But... I really don't know anything about tactics or strategies or anything...
Depart Miss Catapult, um, it's time to deploy!
Begin Operation Miss Orchid, don't worry... I'll be fine.
Selecting Operator 1 Errrmm...
Selecting Operator 2 I'm right here.
Deployment 1 I want to stop this fight.
Deployment 2 Please stop arguiiing!
In Battle 1 Be good and don't move.
In Battle 2 Chainsaw got mad...
4-star Result Mr. Midnight, come back here... Miss Orchid is staring at you...
3-star Result Can everyone have a good peaceful talk, now...?
Sub 3-star Result Doctor... Doctor...? Here, I made some tea. You must be tired.
Operation Failure **A painful groan** I'm... injured...? It hurts...
Assigned to Facility Please don't leave me here alone...
Tap Aaaugh...
Trust Tap Doctor, headpats...
Greeting Doctor, are you getting along with everyone today...?
Title Arknights.