Operator dialogue: Perfumer

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Appointed as Assistant You'd better listen to me, Doctor!
Talk 1 This fragrance... how was it? Do you feel all healed? I got the inspiration from Melantha's sample.
Talk 2 Thanks for building a greenhouse for my flowers. I think it'll be a good place for everyone to rest.
Talk 3 Oh, are you awake? You feel all refreshed, right? My aromatherapy is definitely working. I'm really confident in it!
Talk after Promotion 1 Narcissus, rabbitear iris, kalanchoe, boronia... I always carry seeds of all sorts of flowers on me.
Talk after Promotion 2 Oh, you mean this little one? It's still a baby, but quite helpful for concocting all sorts of things.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The society of ants is maintained based on smells. The relationship between perfumers and their clients is the same.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 You seem to visit the greenhouse a lot these days. Oh, there's some pollen here on your sleeve. Let me wipe it off for you...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You seem to have been sleeping for quite a while. What did you dream about, I wonder?
Idle Oh, Doctor? Hm, the lavender was much more effective than I imagined!
Onboard Nice to meet you, Doctor. I'm Lena, a perfumer. Interesting job, right? Did you know it existed?
Watching Battle Record Please check and tell me how I did.
Promotion 1 The promotion... are you here to tell me about it? Aw, sorry, Doctor... give me a sec... your collar... it's wrinkled, so I smoothed it out. That's all.
Promotion 2 Fighting when you could have just talked it out... I don't like that kind of unnecessary violence. But I'll still do my best to get used to it for you, Doctor.
Added to Squad Gladly.
Appointed as Squad Leader No matter as a perfumer or healer, I promise to fulfill all your expectations.
Depart Do be careful, everyone.
Begin Operation What kind of battle would it end up being, I wonder...
Selecting Operator 1 Mhmm.
Selecting Operator 2 I'm fine.
Deployment 1 This is war.
Deployment 2 I won't be afraid.
In Battle 1 Start gathering your wits.
In Battle 2 Chin up!
In Battle 3 How do you like this smell?
In Battle 4 Stay calm.
4-star Result I've always believed that victory will be ours as long as you're the one giving orders.
3-star Result Well done, Doctor.
Sub 3-star Result Good job, everyone. Get some rest.
Operation Failure Too bad we didn't win, but I will not be discouraged because of it.
Assigned to Facility I belong at your side, after all.
Tap Ah.
Trust Tap You... smell good, Doctor.
Greeting Hello, Doctor.
Title Arknights.