Operator dialogue: Orchid

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Appointed as Assistant I'll make the arrangements. Just leave it to me.
Talk 1 Doctor, I certainly hope my teammates won't cause any trouble while I'm here working for you... Aagh, the more I think of it the worse this headache gets...
Talk 2 An ordinary job, a peaceful life. That's all I ever wanted.
Talk 3 Yeah, it's not that I don't get along with the other A6 members... I just get a little headache whenever I see them...
Talk after Promotion 1 My group members just bump into new troubles every day. There is the anti-social one, the never listening one, the awfully stubborn one... Just when will they ever settle down and work?...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I don't know how I ended up on this team either. All I wanted was an ordinary life. Why did I end up in charge of these... problem children?! Wait a minute, Midnight is a grown man!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Popukar... gotta pat her on the head. Catapult... gotta tie her up. Spot... never make him mad. As for Midnight, just knock him out. There, Doctor, now you know the proper protocol for dealing with Team A6.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I made a cake for my teammates. Wanna take a slice, Doctor? Everyone in A6 just love fruitcakes. They really are a bunch of kids, aren't they?
Idle Not much time left. Done with your work for the day, Doctor?
Onboard Captain of Reserve Op Team A6, Orchid, reporting in. Are you the Dr. {nickname}? I look forward to working with you.
Watching Battle Record I learned a lot from this video. I'll keep it in mind for sure.
Promotion 1 Thank you so much. I'll work hard to improve my skills from now on and strive for better results for you!
Added to Squad I'll complete my mission to the best of my ability.
Appointed as Squad Leader Please follow the tactical combat manual closely, everyone. Thank you for your cooperation.
Depart The battle has begun! Be careful, everyone!
Begin Operation Please make sure you follow every detail on the plan. Alright, everyone, now spread out!
Selecting Operator 1 Go ahead.
Selecting Operator 2 Here.
Deployment 1 Orchid, ready to move.
Deployment 2 Just as planned.
In Battle 1 Target locked!
In Battle 2 Stop them now!
In Battle 3 Out of my way!
In Battle 4 Oh come on, I already have enough work to deal with!
4-star Result Well done, Doctor! Impeccable leadership even against such a tough opponent.
3-star Result A perfect job! Looks like we can have a good rest today.
Sub 3-star Result We need to work harder next time.
Operation Failure Is everyone okay? Let's get out of here!
Assigned to Facility Oh, What a noisy place...
Tap What do you want...?
Trust Tap Huh?! Overtime again?! Ugh, I knew it...
Greeting Greetings, Doctor. Let's start today's work just as planned.
Title Arknights.