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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Item/optoken5/doc

local data={
	["Absinthe's Token"]={subject="Absinthe", desc="A large Ursus-style tactical vest. It didn't fit its previous owner well, but she rarely took it off."},
	["Akafuyu's Token"]={subject="Akafuyu", desc="A helping of raw, worked meat. Only those who eat heartily and leave an empty plate can be called good buddies."},
	["Almond's Token"]={subject="Almond", desc="A metal whistle that makes a shrill sound when blown hard. Quite the wake-up call. \"Yoo-hoooo—let's get to work!\""},
	["Amiya's Token"]={subject="Amiya", desc="\"You will understand my choice one day... Forgive me.\""},
	["Andreana's Token"]={subject="Andreana", desc="A handmade model gun, painstakingly crafted."},
	["Aosta's Token"]={subject="Aosta", desc="A Siracusan-style fedora handcrafted by the man himself. The fabric used in its construction is of very high quality, a clear example of his fine attention to detail."},
	["April's Token"]={subject="April", desc="An album including the song \"April,\" still freshly packaged and tied up in a lovely ribbon."},
	["Aroma's Token"]={subject="Aroma", desc="一张清洁服务预约单,其中罗列了不同香型的清洁剂所适用的情境。有需要就呼叫她,她知道哪一种香味最能让你舒心。"},
	["Asbestos's Token"]={subject="Asbestos", desc="A spare spelunking suit. She seems to be implying that if you have the time, you're free to take a walk with her."},
	["Ashlock's Token"]={subject="Ashlock", desc="A shell casing left over from a shot, bearing Ashlock's signature. This once brought her victory, and now, it belongs to you."},
	["Astesia's Token"]={subject="Astesia", desc="A pen filled with special ink. A thousand stars twinkle brightly the moment the pen touches paper."},
	["Astgenne's Token"]={subject="Astgenne", desc="A handmade model of a comet. Let the past be the past and instead take hold of the future."},
	["Aurora's Token"]={subject="Aurora", desc="A combination lock. You can open the toolbox she carries, and you're allowed to use the stuff inside."},
	["Ayerscarpe's Token"]={subject="Ayerscarpe", desc="A self-authored reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance manual. His thought process was, \"it's best to keep yourself protected under any circumstance.\""},
	["Bassline's Token"]={subject="Bassline", desc="The mouthpiece of a tuba. Bassline has rubbed it clean and restored its former sheen."},
	["Beeswax's Token"]={subject="Beeswax", desc="A full set of horn care supplies, including essential oils, soft brushes, and sandpaper strips. Custom-made by desert tribes, incredibly expensive and hard to find, you can just use it for a manicure — as long as you can stomach the cost."},
	["Bena's Token"]={subject="Bena", desc="A set of fine pocket-sized clothing. Not wearable by humans, but they can be stood up on your desk as display items."},
	["Bibeak's Token"]={subject="Bibeak", desc="A rough worker's shirt, from when Bibeak first learned to sew. It may not be comfortable to wear, but the heart and soul it exudes is unmistakable."},
	["Bison's Token"]={subject="Bison", desc="A weathered map. The traces of countless miles of voyages are clearly visible, where new plans interweave with past markings. This is the life of a Messenger."},
	["Blacknight's Token"]={subject="Blacknight", desc="A knitted nightcap. It's made roughly, but is very soft to the touch."},
	["Blitz's Token"]={subject="Blitz", desc="A complete set of linguistics books and comprehensive, well-organized notes. They seem to annotate comparisons between nouns across different languages."},
	["Blue Poison's Token"]={subject="Blue Poison", desc="A shopping card from a high-class clothing shop. Put away the boring uniforms and enjoy dressing up."},
	["Breeze's Token"]={subject="Breeze", desc="A family seal that has been wiped down so many times that its pattern is fading, still polished and shining impeccably."},
	["Broca's Token"]={subject="Broca", desc="An exquisite miniature landscape model of an ancient Siracusan city. Someone stealthily placed it on your desk at some point, and you didn't discover it until you showed up for work the next day."},
	["Bryophyta's Token"]={subject="Bryophyta", desc="A thumb-sized surfboard, printed with the \"White Volcano\" logo. It's a decoration he dresses cocktails with. May this prompt you to look back fondly on your unforgettable vacation to Siesta's sands."},
	["Cantabile's Token"]={subject="Cantabile", desc="A small lyre, all weapons removed. Can tug heartstrings with simply a strum, bringing your thoughts back down in the heat of chaos."},
	["Cement's Token"]={subject="Cement", desc="A tattered and scuffed safety helmet. If you don't wear it properly, Cement won't let you follow her into the mines."},
	["Ceylon's Token"]={subject="Ceylon", desc="A notebook with no more space to write. Here one finds all extant knowledge on Originium research. It's so detailed that it could be published as a book titled Originium Research: From Basics to Mastery."},
	["Chiave's Token"]={subject="Chiave", desc="A badge that he made himself, representing the \"Chiave Gang.\" Your name is also engraved upon it."},
	["Chilchuck's Token"]={subject="Chilchuck", desc="一个小巧的腰包,可以装各种随身物品,外出探险时使用非常方便。"},
	["Cliffheart's Token"]={subject="Cliffheart", desc="A handmade rope ring. Three ropes twine around each other tightly."},
	["Coldshot's Token"]={subject="Coldshot", desc="A chunk of ice carved into a globe, a perfect fit for the glass it sits in. To those interested in trying her homebrew, we suggest you take it on the rocks to water it down. Or better yet, DON'T try it."},
	["Corroserum's Token"]={subject="Corroserum", desc="A reagent bottle with label after label thickly pasted over it. \"Anti-corrosive coating reagent,\" \"anti-anti-corrosive coating reagent,\" \"anti-anti-...anti-anti-corrosive coating reagent,\" the font is smaller and smaller. Er, seriously?"},
	["Croissant's Token"]={subject="Croissant", desc="A business card with a cute style. Different from normal ones, it has a QR code for receiving money and a remark \"Thank You!\""},
	["Czerny's Token"]={subject="Czerny", desc="An old-fashioned, time-worn metronome that has accompanied Czerny since his brief yet happy formative years."},
	["Dagda's Token"]={subject="Dagda", desc="A page from the Book of the Tower Knights. On it is Isabelle \"Dagda\" Montague's name, followed by a large blank space below, waiting to be filled in."},
	["Delphine's Token"]={subject="Delphine", desc="A refined cufflink. Servicemen of Windermere lineage have always been fastidious about their martial appearances, with not a hair out of place. Now, she's removed this small token of her own accord, and gifted it to you."},
	["Diamante's Token"]={subject="Diamante", desc="A simple gemstone magnifying glass that has seen many years of use. Find the traces of forgery, and identify my true nature."},
	["Doc's Token"]={subject="Doc", desc="A shotgun shell. He regrets that the conflict had to be resolved that way, but he did not hesitate, not when even more lives were at stake."},
	["Elysium's Token"]={subject="Elysium", desc="A complex and hand-drawn topographic map. If you can't make any sense of it, perhaps Elysium would be glad to lead the way."},
	["Enforcer's Token"]={subject="Enforcer", desc="A can of sugar-free coffee. Portable and ready to drink.\nThe finest choice for those times when you can't make coffee, but need a caffeine boost. That is, if you can stand its bitter taste."},
	["Erato's Token"]={subject="Erato", desc="A notebook filled with mythic legends and poems for the wayward bard. The language isn't flowery per se, but passion and sincerity abound as you read it."},
	["Executor's Token"]={subject="Executor", desc="A self-defense manual, with comprehensive descriptions of things to pay attention to in most major city-states. Focuses mostly on personal safety and very little on the well-being of the inhabitants."},
	["Fang the Fire-sharpened's Token"]={subject="Fang the Fire-sharpened", desc="一件宽大的风衣。在野外活动的时候,可要注意防风保暖呀。"},
	["FEater's Token"]={subject="FEater", desc="A poster of an action movie. The star looks a bit familiar."},
	["Firewatch's Token"]={subject="Firewatch", desc="A simple harmonica. The moment the melodious tweedle sounds, the leaves fall like rain."},
	["Firewhistle's Token"]={subject="Firewhistle", desc="A seemingly unremarkable lighter. You never thought somebody would have ten whole tricks to play with just a single flame."},
	["Flamebringer's Token"]={subject="Flamebringer", desc="An old, bloodstained coat that has burn marks. Can't tell whose blood it is."},
	["Flint's Token"]={subject="Flint", desc="A fierce stone dagger forged by Flint herself. Its owner normally uses it to carve roasted meat. It can be used in a variety of wild environments, but please don't cut yourself with it!"},
	["Folinic's Token"]={subject="Folinic", desc="A popular science poster that explains a variety of subclinical health conditions in detail, along with their treatment methods. Printed on the reverse side are a large number of appalling real cases, for reasons one may never know."},
	["Franka's Token"]={subject="Franka", desc="An itinerary. There are too many destinations on it so it's hard to stick to it."},
	["Frost's Token"]={subject="Frost", desc="A set of handmade survival tools. She wants to convey to you that survival is a matter of skill, not brute force."},
	["Fuze's Token"]={subject="Fuze", desc="An unusual helmet. You often wonder what his expression is behind the mask."},
	["Glaucus's Token"]={subject="Glaucus", desc="A dead battery. The final purpose of a useless item is to be part of a collection."},
	["Grain Buds's Token"]={subject="Grain Buds", desc="A handmade bamboo flute. Pure and clear of timbre, but the tuning is mildly suspect."},
	["Grani's Token"]={subject="Grani", desc="A red police whistle. Blow it and you will feel a sense of justice puffing up your chest."},
	["GreyThroat's Token"]={subject="GreyThroat", desc="A broken scalpel, the father's memento. It is difficult to imagine that a doctor who did so much to help the Infected would end up suffering so much torment."},
	["Greyy the Lightningbearer's Token"]={subject="Greyy the Lightningbearer", desc="A dissertation. These few sheets of paper depict the young Perro's ideals over the past few years."},
	["Harmonie's Token"]={subject="Harmonie", desc="An invitation letter to a dance from some high-up nobility. Attached is an exhaustively detailed list of invitees paired with profiles, which of course you're not among."},
	["Harold's Token"]={subject="Harold", desc="A bottle of discerningly selected perfume. From what goes into it to how to use it, Harold has explained each aspect to you in laborious enough detail to drive one up the wall."},
	["Heavyrain's Token"]={subject="Heavyrain", desc="A small-form shield, apparently personally forged under Vulcan's guidance. Very lightweight, but very firm."},
	["Heidi's Token"]={subject="Heidi", desc="A notebook comprised of awkward handwriting and yellowed pages. She often still dreams of sitting at her writing desk in the County of Toron, the forest of oaks beyond her window blanketed by the snowstorm."},
	["Hibiscus the Purifier's Token"]={subject="Hibiscus the Purifier", desc="A small flower folded from paper. It has become Hibiscus's habit to leave a small memento like this next to the bed of each patient as they are about to be discharged."},
	["Highmore's Token"]={subject="Highmore", desc="A pure white conch shell. Clasp it in the quiet night and lift it to your ear, and you'll seem to hear a distant song of farewell."},
	["Honeyberry's Token"]={subject="Honeyberry", desc="A berry plant grown by Honeyberry. Its form has beauty, its fruits are tart, sweet and delicious, and the whole of it can be used medicinally. A new, never-before-found cultivar."},
	["Hung's Token"]={subject="Hung", desc="A self-authored and compiled cookbook. Its recipes are suitable for any season, featuring dishes that are both easy-to-make and delicious."},
	["Iana's Token"]={subject="Iana", desc="Contact lenses for everyday use. Does not endow you with the power of Gemini, but things do seem to look a little sharper."},
	["Indra's Token"]={subject="Indra", desc="A can of salted licorice with a long shelf life. Under that inaccessible appearance is an even more inaccessible taste."},
	["Insider's Token"]={subject="Insider", desc="A handwritten dessert recipe. With proportions finetuned to Insider's own personal tastes, the sugar content ABSOLUTELY exceeds recommended guidelines! This one's a pick-me-up!"},
	["Iris's Token"]={subject="Iris", desc="A manually bound book of fairytales. A collection never released to the market, each illustration hand-drawn by its creator."},
	["Istina's Token"]={subject="Istina", desc="A book on the war history of Ursus. It's said the author has been exiled to Leithanien."},
	["Jieyun's Token"]={subject="Jieyun", desc="A jar of pungent, biting unstrained wine. Temperatures plummet in the desert at night, and drinking this can drive away some of the chill."},
	["Kafka's Token"]={subject="Kafka", desc="An assiduously cared-for bonsai. Attached is a card, upon which is written: \"I buried a knife in here. It can peel apples, if you ever need.\""},
	["Kazemaru's Token"]={subject="Kazemaru", desc="A vividly colored pendant that rustles. Handcrafted by Kazemaru herself."},
	["Kestrel's Token"]={subject="Kestrel", desc="A rustic scimitar. Regarding you as a friend in arms, the tribal warrior of Sargon gifts you this."},
	["Kirara's Token"]={subject="Kirara", desc="[Shinobi Ex Machina 2] Collector's Edition. The launch collector's edition of a classic Higashi game. She's dying to share all her favorites with you."},
	["Kjera's Token"]={subject="Kjera", desc="A hand-knitted scarf. The materials are excessive, and you'd find it hot even wearing it in Kjerag. No unusual features at all, just the craftsmanship that goes into knitting a fine scarf like this is already enough to make you gasp in admiration."},
	["Kroos the Keen Glint's Token"]={subject="Kroos the Keen Glint", desc="A sucker arrow, several small bells tied to the fletching.<br/>With this arrow, you can provide a name, and so long as it's present on Rhodes Island and can be shot, she'll land this straight on the target."},
	["La Pluma's Token"]={subject="La Pluma", desc="A copy of the \"Dossoles Guide to Cocktails,\" with plenty of recipes full of her notes on the side. These all seem to be her specialties&mdash;if you've got time to spare, you can order a round from her."},
	["Laios's Token"]={subject="Laios", desc="一幅奇怪的画,画的好像是一种混合了各种泰拉生物外形特征的融合物。莱欧斯兴奋地跟你讲解这幅画的时候千万别理他。"},
	["Lappland's Token"]={subject="Lappland", desc="Several bloodstained scutcheons with names on them. They represent the leaders of several gangs."},
	["Lava the Purgatory's Token"]={subject="Lava the Purgatory", desc="A sheath covered in scars. The once distinctive patterns she'd engraved herself have been worn away through constant use, the lines now invisible."},
	["Leizi's Token"]={subject="Leizi", desc="An old oak ruler. No ruler markings, no rules."},
	["Leonhardt's Token"]={subject="Leonhardt", desc="A pair of trendy limited-edition sneakers. It seems to include a special auxiliary design to accommodate one of Victoria's popular sports, with technical support from Rim Billiton."},
	["Leto's Token"]={subject="Leto", desc="A bottle of honey beverage, emblematic of the taste of home. The moment Leto hands you this, she's gonna tell you \"chug.\""},
	["Liskarm's Token"]={subject="Liskarm", desc="A tailor-made insulative bracelet. A safe handshake, finally."},
	["Lucilla's Token"]={subject="Lucilla", desc="一张自制的兑换券。她点子太多了,实在无法决定该送什么。你去兑换的时候,她会凭当下的心情随机做上一件。"},
	["Lunacub's Token"]={subject="Lunacub", desc="A bone arrowhead, seemingly polished by Lunacub herself. When asked of the bone's origins, Lunacub states she found it while outside."},
	["Manticore's Token"]={subject="Manticore", desc="A violet envelope sealed with a morning glory sticker. Open it and you will find a piece of folded paper saying \"Please be my friend.\""},
	["Mayer's Token"]={subject="Mayer", desc="A mini Meeboo model. There is a red button in its belly. Hmm..."},
	["Melanite's Token"]={subject="Melanite", desc="A huge tub of chocolate-flavored energy shake powder, normally mixed with milk as a late-night snack. Although once commonly found across Columbian sundries stores a decade ago, it has since become much less common."},
	["Meteorite's Token"]={subject="Meteorite", desc="A letter from the Sarkaz children you saved. They haphazardly express their gratitude to Rhodes Island."},
	["Minimalist's Token"]={subject="Minimalist", desc="A pencil stub, worn beyond further use. At the end of its life, it has drawn up the most wondrous designs."},
	["Mint's Token"]={subject="Mint", desc="An aged hardback book. No one knows if the book will bite until it actually does."},
	["Mitm's Token"]={subject="Mitm", desc="一张第二份半价的甜品券。渡桥将它送给你时反复叮嘱,用掉这张券时一定要带上他。"},
	["Morgan's Token"]={subject="Morgan", desc="A single loose leaf sheet filled with neat handwriting. As written, the Glasgow Gang's code for getting along cannot be clearer, but Morgan understands that it is naive to think that everyone will follow it."},
	["Mr. Nothing's Token"]={subject="Mr. Nothing", desc="A paper fan, its frame made of special materials, on it written \"nonexistent and nothing.\""},
	["Mulberry's Token"]={subject="Mulberry", desc="Adorned with Yan's characteristic red protective charms. Mulberry asked for this amulet back specifically for you. Incomprehensible Yan characters are written on it, and an almost imperceptible scent of incense seems to linger."},
	["Nearl's Token"]={subject="Nearl", desc="An old, discolored Kazimierz knight badge. The Pegasus made of niello is fluttering its wings."},
	["Nightmare's Token"]={subject="Nightmare", desc="A cute doll commonly seen in shops. It will look different if placed somewhere dark."},
	["Odda's Token"]={subject="Odda", desc="一颗在落叶堆中烤熟的甘薯。很烫,捧起它的时候请小心。"},
	["Paprika's Token"]={subject="Paprika", desc="Fluffy ear mufflers. Lovely and warm in the cold, they'll keep your whole body safe and were hand-knitted by the girl herself."},
	["Papyrus's Token"]={subject="Papyrus", desc="一本贴上了照片的《游历初步规划(第三版)》。她的旅程因和罗德岛的相逢而开始,祝她一路顺风。"},
	["Platinum's Token"]={subject="Platinum", desc="Two tickets to the amusement park. Let's go together this weekend."},
	["Poncirus's Token"]={subject="Poncirus", desc="The littlest, most verdant citrus, its peel not enough to fully hide its tart fragrance. She tells you you can plant it in a pot, and with some luck it'll bear sweet, decadent fruits&mdash;probably."},
	["Pramanix's Token"]={subject="Pramanix", desc="A small silver bell. It emits refreshing tinkles when stroked by the breeze."},
	["Projekt Red's Token"]={subject="Projekt Red", desc="A pointed baby tooth. Hope you can take good care of it."},
	["Provence's Token"]={subject="Provence", desc="A multifunctional cleaning machine. Most of the time, it is used to clean the hair shed from operators' tails."},
	["Proviso's Token"]={subject="Proviso", desc="A book of analysis of Kazimierz law, rife with notes. Countless underlines stress key points, growing steadily more useless the more they're made."},
	["Ptilopsis's Token"]={subject="Ptilopsis", desc="A reference book which tells how to recognize and use Originium Arts. Most Operators don't understand it."},
	["Puzzle's Token"]={subject="Puzzle", desc="A blank white jigsaw puzzle. Questioning who he is may well be a fruitless endeavor&mdash;try asking him what the order he seeks is."},
	["Qanipalaat's Token"]={subject="Qanipalaat", desc="A beautiful bouquet of dried flowers, picked in the frigid northern wilds. Fragrance lingers about the petals, never failing to remind Qanipalaat of home."},
	["Quercus's Token"]={subject="Quercus", desc="An vacant flowerpot filled only with soil. The soil was brought from the earth of her homeland. If you're ever at leisure, you can go ask her for some seeds."},
	["Rathalos S Noir Corne's Token"]={subject="Rathalos S Noir Corne", desc="A portable BBQ spit fit for bags of any size, usable at any time. Noir Corne spent a long time finding the trick to grilling the best meat, and he truly believes this skill will come in handy someday."},
	["Reed's Token"]={subject="Reed", desc="A short poem written on diary paper. The handwriting is beautiful and delicate, but the words are painful and harrowing."},
	["Robin's Token"]={subject="Robin", desc="A still-sealed knife. Its design is exquisite, and there are letters engraved on the handle. It appears to be a limited-run tie-in for a movie."},
	["Rockrock's Token"]={subject="Rockrock", desc="A crudely assembled pair of scissors, rarely used. Meant for snipping bindings. Guard of the past, she wishes to see you off as you head for the future."},
	["Sand Reckoner's Token"]={subject="Sand Reckoner", desc="一只特制的发条羽兽,会捡拾你身边亮闪闪的东西。发条羽兽和它的制作者一样眼光独到,而你的办公室丝毫没有变得整洁。"},
	["Santalla's Token"]={subject="Santalla", desc="A curiously carved marker of wood. You recall Santalla once telling you how it signifies \"warmth.\""},
	["Savage's Token"]={subject="Savage", desc="A necklace made of a string of opals. Hopefully, you will be able to deliver it to its intended recipient."},
	["Scene's Token"]={subject="Scene", desc="A brand new camera. True scenic beauty must be captured in person."},
	["Senshi's Token"]={subject="Senshi", desc="一瓶森西随身携带的调味料,是来自那座遥远迷宫的独特口味。"},
	["Sesa's Token"]={subject="Sesa", desc="A pendant etched with runes, its decoration exaggerated and full of obsession with the past."},
	["Shalem's Token"]={subject="Shalem", desc="A shattered emblem, upon it carved the Crimson Troupe's design. Shalem preserves this part of the past, as if he long foresaw a day he'd hand it over."},
	["Shamare's Token"]={subject="Shamare", desc="An apple with a bite taken out of it. Small teeth marks are still clearly visible."},
	["Sideroca's Token"]={subject="Sideroca", desc="This shiny figurine seems to hold great significance to Minosians. The patron god of travelers, protector of Sideroca, may now be watching over you."},
	["Silence's Token"]={subject="Silence", desc="A patterned feather decoration. This ineloquent researcher from Liberi shows her sincerity by gifting her own feathers."},
	["Skyfire's Token"]={subject="Skyfire", desc="A glass bead that feels cool. The colors inside are raging."},
	["Snowsant's Token"]={subject="Snowsant", desc="A hand-sewn purse that contains small coins no longer in circulation."},
	["Sora's Token"]={subject="Sora", desc="The first single CD Sora released when she debuted as an idol. It is a kids song from a cartoon, but you can still feel she put her heart and soul into it."},
	["Specter's Token"]={subject="Specter", desc="An indescribable painting. The use of negative space is confusing."},
	["Spuria's Token"]={subject="Spuria", desc="A user manual for precision machinery. Though the only thing inside is a special phone number, since she thinks telling you what to do directly is easier. (But sometimes she'll teach you wrong on purpose&mdash;depends on her mood.)"},
	["Swire's Token"]={subject="Swire", desc="A broken police badge. An unknown officer lost it during an important case. No one can tell whose it is, but someone must stand up for justice."},
	["Tachanka's Token"]={subject="Tachanka", desc="A set of dolls made from wood and the carapace of Originium slugs. Starting from the largest doll, they can be nestled within each other."},
	["Tequila's Token"]={subject="Tequila", desc="A nameplate with a full name and date inscribed. Ever since the day he obtained it, Tequila has always carried it on him. Now's the time for him to let it go."},
	["Texas's Token"]={subject="Texas", desc="The scutcheon of Texas's family. The scratch on it tells a story."},
	["Tin Man's Token"]={subject="Tin Man", desc="一枚平平无奇的螺母。你反复比对它和锡人,试图搞清楚它是从哪个部位卸下来的。"},
	["Toddifons's Token"]={subject="Toddifons", desc="A delicately cut icosahedral crystal gemstone. By her logic, things you slough off onto others in passing can't be called gifts."},
	["Tomimi's Token"]={subject="Tomimi", desc="A dreamcatcher made by the Operator herself, delivering comfortable aroma around. Tomimi's exclusive tip: only by sleeping tight can one go all out for her job."},
	["Tsukinogi's Token"]={subject="Tsukinogi", desc="A protective charm made by Tsukinogi. Rumors have it that carrying it calms the spirit and dispels the fear of the darkest nights."},
	["Tuye's Token"]={subject="Tuye", desc="A vial of nutritional fluid. Hand crafted by the outstanding medical operator Tuye, it gives off a peculiar smell. Whether and when to drink it remain questions you have to think over for yourself."},
	["Underflow's Token"]={subject="Underflow", desc="一个简约的金属文件夹,可以根据使用者偏好的规则自动整理文件。深巡似乎希望你用它来收纳她提交的报告。"},
	["Valarqvin's Token"]={subject="Valarqvin", desc="An eternal flame, its lighting element of the same material as her staff. She may be able to see in the dark, but she's not sure about you."},
	["Vendela's Token"]={subject="Vendela", desc="A withered white rose, cream-colored petals stained by irremovable traces of deep red, reflecting certain recollections of her past life. Bygones are bygones, and there is so little she can hold onto."},
	["Vulcan's Token"]={subject="Vulcan", desc="A steel billet with beautiful patterns. No matter the quality of the raw materials, shaping them always requires hardening and polishing."},
	["Waai Fu's Token"]={subject="Waai Fu", desc="An old martial arts scroll written in an undiscernable text. At least it'll have some value as a reference material... right?"},
	["Wanqing's Token"]={subject="Wanqing", desc="An exquisite model of a Tianshi apparatus, reportedly sold in limited runs by the Tianshi Bureaus to great fanfare among the children of Yan. Variations of \"you'd better study hard if you want one\" ring in the ears of every Yanese child."},
	["Warfarin's Token"]={subject="Warfarin", desc="A mysterious liquid sealed inside a small transparent bottle. Ropy and shiny, this red matter changes its form slowly as you shake the bottle."},
	["Warmy's Token"]={subject="Warmy", desc="A tiny little freight truck, made out of a candy wrapper. For each Rim Billy sweet you've given Warmy in your journey, she's transformed it and gifted it back to you."},
	["Whislash's Token"]={subject="Whislash", desc="A supplementary VIP credit card issued by Golden Palm Bank Kazimierz. Incredibly high limit. Accepted without question in all major cities of Kazimierz."},
	["Whisperain's Token"]={subject="Whisperain", desc="An old-fashioned cinema ticket stub. The proof of a single memory. The ink on it falling off, old and yellowing, becoming indistinct with age."},
	["Wild Mane's Token"]={subject="Wild Mane", desc="A splinter of the major lance's damaged outer shell, kept preciously safe by Wild Mane. A reminder to herself that every battle comes with a cost, and you need to think things through."},
	["Wind Chimes's Token"]={subject="Wind Chimes", desc="A small copper-forged bell, worked slightly such that a little force is required for it to ring. Her worry was that an unsympathetic wind might sound the bell, rousing the far-flung traveler's heart for home."},
	["Windflit's Token"]={subject="Windflit", desc="A case of wear-resistant adhesive bandages, carried on Windflit's person. Used until worn-through, and then he's plus one callus, minus one plaster."},
	["Zima's Token"]={subject="Zima", desc="A strip of cloth ripped from a red flag. When you tie it to your arm, you will somehow feel sad."},
for k, v in pairs(data) do"%s's Token"):format(v.subject)
	v.use=("Used to improve the Potential of %s."):format(v.subject)
	v.obtain=("New Operator's gift")"Operator Token/%d-star#%s"):format(v.tier, v.subject)
return data