Operator interactions: Karlan Trade

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A list of in-game interactions involving Karlan Trade Operators.


Operator Subject Interaction
Gnosis icon.png
Two Paths, One Goal Applies Status Resistance to K.T. Operators (including Gnosis himself) after Gnosis is deployed for at least 10 seconds.

Base skills

Operator Base skill Interaction
Gnosis icon.png
Skill-ctrl karlan.png
Hidden Mastermind
While Gnosis is in the Control Center, all Operators there restores 0.5 morale/hour for every K.T. Operator in the Control Center (including Gnosis himself).
Skill-ctrl t limit&spd.png
Precise Calculations
While Gnosis is in the Control Center:
  • Increases the order limit boost provided by K.T. Operators in Trading Posts by 6.
  • Decreases the order acquisition boost provided by K.T. Operators in Trading Posts by 15%.