Operation guide: JT8-1

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JT8-1 guide.png

The first of the three final operations of Episode 08, JT8-1, titled Ire, Following Wilderward, is a cinematic operation which depicts Talulah's massacre of Ursus villagers in retaliation for their slaughter of the Infected, which acts as the turning point on her struggle for the Infected cause and marks the end of the "flashback" parts of Episode 08.

Initially seven Ursus Civilians which represents the villagers are seen wandering around before Talulah spawns from D1, visibly enraged as seen from her red, glowing eyes. She slowly approaches the Civilians and used Burning Breath on one, causing them and the rest to run in fear as the ground behind her burns (though this is purely for dramatic reasons). The Civilian being afflicted by Burning Breath eventually dies as the remaining six are cornered and left helpless, fruitlessly trying to find a way out, as Talulah heads to D6. After reaching the said tile, Talulah promptly uses Stellar Corona to instantly kill all six remaining Civilians as the rest of the map burns and she disappears shortly afterward, abruptly ending the operation.