Operator file: Iana

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Unofficial English translations provided by Shainel.

Operator Iana, member of Team Rainbow. She is confident, determined and possessed a spirit for exploration. Aside from the weapons she brought with her, Operator Iana is adept at using a device called "Gemini Replicator". This device can create a holographic projection with the same exact look as Iana which can be used to collect intelligence and fool the enemies.

Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Iana
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Iana shows no signs of Originium Infection.

[Blood-Originium Crystal Density] Undisclosed
Relevant data will not be disclosed due to the Medical Department's agreement.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Iana
Operator Nienke Meijer, codename Iana, member of the Rainbow Team and one of the witnesses of the Krystal incident is currently registered as one of the collaborators of Rhodes Island after said incident.
Iana demonstrated both professional level of tactical acumen and extremely high sensitivity towards battlefield intelligence during combat evaluation.
Despite the gaps in her resume, we deduced she's an experienced intelligence operative.
However, she laughed when she heard our speculation.
"Okay, that's not off the mark but the information that interests me comes from tens of millions of kilometers away." She said and afterwards she shot a bullseye in the target practice mark neatly with her weapon from 50 meters away.
It should be taken into account that the Team Rainbow members are only temporarily cooperating with us and are not official employees of Rhodes Island. They're still busy with other stuffs they need to do so please don't rely on them too much.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Iana
Among the eight Team Rainbow members who have established contacts with Rhodes Island so far, Iana may be the one with the highest level of curiosity.
While most of the others have their own area of interest such as Oripathy Disease for Doc or Terran language for Blitz but Iana is different. She's more akin to extraction device that is ready to work anytime.
She eagerly receives all sorts of information and intelligence across all Terra from various fields and industries. She doesn't only read it but she also summarizes and interpret the information in her own way so she can extract some unique insights.
She's happy to do this in comparison than being an intelligence officer. It's more like she's a researcher with equal amount of energy and curiosity.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Iana
Iana's experience and skills in engineering and topographical mapping exceeded far beyond what we expected. Even though her usual mapping tools weren't around, she's still able to make up for the lack of it with other equipment with the assistance of Engineering department.
Coincidentally, said equipment became handy almost immediately.
Although it's far from the equipment she's used to, it's still able to help Rhodes Island detect and avoid harsh terrains caused by Catastrophes in few days in advance that weren't recorded yet by Rhodes Island so we can resupply a bit longer.
"All systems can complement each other if you know how to use them." A sentence that she often said became the motto for the Engineering Department.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Iana
[Classified Record]
During the onboarding evaluation, Iana showed certain degree of vision problems within her eyes, which is a symptom of the same genetic predisposition that causes her hair and skin to become white. It did not however hamper her but instead it made her to be more determined and confident and she also made sure to pay extra attention to the discrimination and prejudice caused by it.
This naturally extends to her empathy towards the Infected, which is rare. For many of them, understanding and heartfelt empathy are far more important than Oripathy supressants.
Promotion Record
Promote Iana to Elite 2


Weibo introduction

English translations provided by Shainel.
Rainbow Team member, codename Iana. I think we have a lot of information to exchange with each other.
Operator Nienke Meijer, codename Iana, member of the Rainbow Team and one of the witnesses of the Krystal incident is currently registered as one of the collaborators of Rhodes Island after said incident.
Iana demonstrated both professional level of tactical acumen and extremely high sensitivity towards battlefield intelligence during combat evaluation. Despite the gaps in her resume, we deduced she's an experienced intelligence operative.
However, she laughed when she heard our speculation.
"Okay, that's not off the mark but the information that interests me comes from tens of millions of kilometers away." She said and afterwards she shot a bullseye in the target practice mark neatly with her weapon from 50 meters away.