Operator dialogue: Frostleaf

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Appointed as Assistant Want to listen to some music? I'll lend you my headphones.
Talk 1 Sorry, please keep your distance from me.
Talk 2 I never imagined that I'd have the chance to become a rescue worker.
Talk 3 I began wielding this axe before I even learned to read.
Talk after Promotion 1 The songs I like are probably all outdated. Only good for humming to myself when I'm alone.
Talk after Promotion 2 Don't blink–you have but one moment to witness this epic battle move.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Want something to drink? My treat. You should relax a bit after work, you know.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I only realized how precious life is after the people around me died one by one. Ironic, huh? I think so, too.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 As a mercenary, I just do my job. As for the purpose of my mission and what consequences it'll leave, I don't have a say in any of that. So, from now on, you're in charge of deciding what I'm responsible for.
Idle Dun... dun dun♪dun... dun dun...♪
Onboard Frostleaf, former mercenary. From now on, I'm an Operator, and you're my employer. Assign me to any job you want, I can do pretty much anything.
Watching Battle Record Thank you.
Promotion 1 Things are on the right track now.
Promotion 2 Whew... not bad. Feeling fulfilled for the first time in a while.
Added to Squad I'll do my job.
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone, go your own way and do your own job.
Depart Perfect, I happen to need some exercise.
Begin Operation Shatter!
Selecting Operator 1 Huh?
Selecting Operator 2 Any orders for me?
Deployment 1 This should work.
Deployment 2 Hm, okay.
In Battle 1 My body fluids are not the only thing that's chilling.
In Battle 2 Reach further, my rays of light!
In Battle 3 All living beings shall perish.
In Battle 4 Gotta clear up my brain.
4-star Result I've been through countless battles... seen the carnage, witnessed the silent nothingness at the end.
3-star Result I remember every enemy I fought. Not a single one of them escaped from my hands.
Sub 3-star Result We didn't lose anyone, yeah?
Operation Failure I'll hold up the rear.
Assigned to Facility I'd like... a more private space.
Tap Ow.
Trust Tap Let's go grab a drink, yeah?
Greeting Doctor.
Title Arknights.