Operator gallery: Earthspirit

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An outfit commonly worn by Operators.
While not as practical as a uniform, it's what they find most comfortable.
Elite 2
Earthspirit Elite 2.png
An outfit that has been improved after the Operator's Promotion.
Custom-made to suit each Operator's experiences and needs, these outfits are designed to provide them maximum flexibility on any battlefield. Furthermore, this is all done without compromising the comfort that they've come to expect.
Major Field
Earthspirit Skin 1.png
One of Earthspirit's casual outfits.
EPOQUE Collection New Arrivals/Major Field. 地质学研究者地灵兼顾得体与实用的着装,保暖防风便于田野调查,披上外套就可以登台报告讲演。

Acquisition: [CN] To the Grinning Valley (Sandbeast's Cave, 350 Spicy Bottletree Sap.png)