Operator dialogue: Durin

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Appointed as Assistant Morning, Doctor... Mind if I just leave my sleeping bag here...? Thanks. The rest is up to you...
Talk 1 How do I fight? Using Arts, of course... Want me to show you the power of earth?
Talk 2 What time is it...? You see, I don't work mornings, noons, afternoons, or nights...
Talk 3 You'll make an S-sized uniform for me...? No thanks. My oversized one works as a sheet when I take naps... plus, it's really warm.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Dooooctoooooor? I need a break! I'm competing in the Speedy Sleep Contest.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, check this out. This isn't my regular staff, it's a pendulum. You're feeling very sleepy and will nap in 5 minutes without giving me any assignments... Zzzz...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I was hoping I could tell you about my hometown, Doctor.
Idle After you went to sleep, I somehow didn't feel sleepy at all anymore... Hmmmph...
Onboard Hello? Hellooooo? Can you hear me? Down here. Down heeeeere! Nice meeting you, big Doctor. I'm Durin the Caster.
Watching Battle Record Whoa... I've fiiiinally gotten s-tron-ger.
Added to Squad The secret to staying healthy is to sleep whenever you can.
Appointed as Squad Leader Captain's orders: everyone, save your energy and take a nap!
Depart I wanna dig a hole in the ground and make a shelter to sleep in, if you don't mind.
Begin Operation Take over for me. Thaaanks.
Selecting Operator 1 Wooo.
Selecting Operator 2 Hmm?
Deployment 1 What a pain in the A.
Deployment 2 Okaaaay, I'll do it.
In Battle 1 (unused) You're going down!
In Battle 2 (unused) Gooooooo!
4-star Result Why do we have annoying missions like this? Can't we do something easier...? Still, it's nice that we won.
3-star Result Of course we won. I worked real hard supporting you with my Arts.
Sub 3-star Result Doctor, are you still worried about those ones that got through?
Operation Failure Ugghh... Sorry... I'll try harder next time...
Assigned to Facility The Land of Giants... Here I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!
Tap Hmmm?
Trust Tap I'm in a good mood, so how about a magic trick?
Greeting *Yawn*... Good morning...
Title Arknights.