Operator dialogue: Courier

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Appointed as Assistant It's not the duty of a guard to stand there and do nothing. How about we chat a bit?
Talk 1 With perfect positioning and a suitable environment, my letters should arrive without problem. After all, it's my job, right? I need to do well to survive.
Talk 2 Are you hungry? If you want something to eat, just say the word. I can't compete with Matterhorn in the kitchen, but I can at least cook a decent meal.
Talk 3 The comms equipment here at Rhodes Island is way too good. At this rate, I'm going to lose my job...
Talk after Promotion 1 Anything else you need? Just don't keep me on the line for too long.
Talk after Promotion 2 Huh? There's a faint smell on the letters? No way, you must be imagining things.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I owe my life to Sir SilverAsh. If necessary, I'll do anything for him.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 You want me to transport... all these? That's a lot, Doctor! Come on, I'm no miracle maker!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Seems I'm no match for you. I suppose it's time to retire my business smile for now... *Ahem*... Hopefully from now on, I can show my true stripes when I stand with you.
Idle Doctor, there's a new message for... Ah, never mind.
Onboard Esteemed Leader of Rhodes Island, your ally – Courier of the Snow Realm – is here at your service. If you ever get into trouble during your contract with Sir SilverAsh, just snap your fingers and I'll come.
Watching Battle Record Woah, that's an incredible job well done.
Promotion 1 You'd save a lot of trouble if you send me onto the battlefield.
Promotion 2 As the messenger of the Snow Realm, I'll definitely appear by your side when you need me.
Added to Squad Leave the scouting of the battlefield to me, then.
Appointed as Squad Leader I won't blemish the name of the Snow Realm.
Depart Too bad some people just can't let everyone live in peace.
Begin Operation They'll pay for their evil deeds.
Selecting Operator 1 At your service.
Selecting Operator 2 Awaiting orders.
Deployment 1 Mhmm.
Deployment 2 Forwards!
In Battle 1 Attack!
In Battle 2 How's that?
In Battle 3 Haaaghh!
In Battle 4 Speeding up!
4-star Result I'll bring news of our victory to Rhodes Island right away!
3-star Result Let's go grab a nice dinner after we clean up the battlefield. My treat!
Sub 3-star Result Anyone injured? I've got a medicine and bandages.
Operation Failure Let's get outta here first. Here, this way! Hurry!
Assigned to Facility I'll greet my roommates and neighbors first.
Tap How can I help?
Trust Tap All right, I'll whip up a meal for you later.
Greeting Call me whenever you have need of me.
Title Arknights.