Operator story: Cliffheart

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Ensia Silverash is the younger sister of Enciodes, the head of Karlan Trade, and Enya, the Karlan Saintess. An ardent hiker, Ensia had spent most of her lifetime trekking around Kjerag's mountains until she contracted Oripathy in a hiking accident. Despite this, Ensia remained optimistic and passionate. Now being treated in Rhodes Island, Ensia helps R.I. at times alongside her bodyguards Weiss and Matterhorn under the codename "Cliffheart."

Ensia hopes that one day she can climb the sacred Mount Karlan and meet Enya to mend the strained relationship between her and Enciodes.


Cliffheart: Heart of the Cliffs

Preluding Lights

Break the Ice

Matterhorn: One Day