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This template is used to show a talent in their respective subject's pages.


Add {{Talent}} on the Talent(s) section.


To match the in-game formatting, it is recommended to use {{Color}} and {{Glossary}} on desc1, desc2, and desc3.

Variable Parameters
name The talent's name.
cond1 The availability of the talent's first phase.
desc1 The effect of the talent's first phase.
If the first phase is improved by the Operator's Potential, change this variable to desc1a and add the improved version's text in desc1b.
cond2 The availability of the talent's second phase.
desc2 The effect of the talent's second phase.
If the second phase is improved by the Operator's Potential, change this variable to desc2a and add the improved version's text in desc2b.
cond3 The availability of the talent's third phase.
desc3 The effect of the talent's third phase.
If the third phase is improved by the Operator's Potential, change this variable to desc3a and add the improved version's text in desc3b.
lvl The level availability of the talent's first phase.
lvl2 The level availability of the talent's second phase.
pot The talent's Potential improvement.
rpl The name of the replaced talent, if the talent replaces another.
addendum Additional information regarding the talent that is worth mentioning.