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This template is used the show the range of a unit, made up of one row and up to seven columns, in conjunction with {{Range container}}.


Add {{Ranges}} inside {{Range container}}. The output is unaffected regardless of whether the {{Ranges}} are separated by a line break or not.

Fill {{{1}}} to {{{7}}} with the following to denote the tile assignment.

  • p: Placeholder; an empty space in between ranges.
  • r: Range point; the tiles covered by the range.
  • s: Stand point; the tile where the source is.


Input Output
{{Range container|{{Ranges|r|r|r}}{{Ranges|s|r|r}}{{Ranges|r|r|r}}}}
{{Range container|{{Ranges|r|r|r|p|p}}{{Ranges|r|r|r|r|p}}{{Ranges|s|r|r|r|r}}{{Ranges|r|r|r|r|p}}{{Ranges|r|r|r|p|p}}}}
{{Range container|{{Ranges|p|p|r|p|p}}{{Ranges|p|r|r|r|p}}{{Ranges|r|r|s|r|r}}{{Ranges|p|r|r|r|p}}{{Ranges|p|p|r|p|p}}}}