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Below is the list of all available parameters. At least one list is required for the navbox to show up. Apart from that, all other parameters are optional.


  • Title – main title of the navbox.
  • Links – links that appear on left side of the title bar.
    • You can put any wikisyntax here.
    • Title is required for it to work.
  • State – should the navbox be collapsed or expanded by default
    • Values: collapsed or expanded (case insensitive)
    • Empty or unrecognized values will disable collapsing.
    • Title is required for it to work
  • Above and Below – fields above and below sections and images.
  • Left image and Right image – fields beside sections, most commonly used to add images.
    • You can put any content here, not only images.


Sections include all lists with the same or higher number up to the next section.

  • Header n – heading of a section
    • n – any positive integer
    • Requires at least one list to be included to show up
  • State n – should the section be collapsed or expanded by default
    • n – number of an existing header
    • Values: collapsed or expanded (case insensitive)
    • Empty or unrecognized values will disable collapsing.
  • Header state – same as above, but affects all headers
    • Values: collapsed or expanded (case insensitive)
    • Empty or unrecognized values will disable collapsing.
    • Can be overridden by State n
  • Layout n – selects layout for that section
    • n – any positive integer
    • Can be used without Header n to create a separate section without a header
    • Values: table or horizontal (case insensitive)
    • Empty or unrecognized values will use default (table).

Table layout (table)

Standard layout with lists and sublists.

  • Left image n and Right image n – fields beside sections lists in that section, most commonly used to add images.
    • n – number of an existing header
    • You can put any content here, not only images.

Horizontal layout (horizontal)

Horizontal layout with lists forming columns. Sublists are not supported and will be treated as regular lists.

  • Per row n – maximum number of lists per row.
    • n – number of an existing section.
    • Value: any number above 1.
    • Number of columns is still limited by space needed. You can't go higher than flexbox allows.
  • Span n – how many columns should the list span.
    • n – number of an existing list.
    • Value: any number between 0 and corresponding Per row n


  • List n – single row with a list of links
    • n – any positive integer
  • Group n – heading of a list
    • n – number of an existing list or sublist

Sublists will appear as sub entries of the group with same n.

  • List n.m – single row with a list of links
    • n and m – any positive integers
  • Group n.m – heading of a sublist
    • n and m – numbers of an existing sublist


  • Navbox class and Navbox style – applied to the main navbox element
  • Title class and Title style – applied to the title bar
  • Base class and Base style – applied to all groups, subgroups, headers, above and below fields
  • Above class and Above style – applied to the above field
  • Below class and Below style – applied to the below field
  • Image class and Image style – applied to all image fields
  • Left image class and Left image style – applied to the main left image field
  • Right image class and Right image style – applied to the main right image field
  • Header class and Header style – applied to all headers
  • Header n class and Header n style – applied to the header specified with n
  • Left image n class and Left image n style – applied to the left image field in the section specified with n
  • Right image n class and Right image n style – applied to the right image field in the section specified with n
  • Group class and Group style – applied to all groups
  • Subgroup class and Subgroup style – applied to all subgroups
  • Group n class and Group n style – applied to the group specified with n
  • Group n.m class and Group n.m style – applied to the subgroup specified with n and m
  • List class and List style – applied to all lists
  • List n class and List n style – applied to the list specified with n
  • List n.m class and List n.m style – applied to the list specified with n and m