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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Collectible/ej/doc

local data={
	["Topographical Map 4"]={name="Topographical Map", num="001", qlt="normal", use="+1 Deployment Limit, all friendly units gain +4% DEF", desc="A hand-drawn map that exudes a sense of antiquity. The labels and corresponding terrain have been enlarged, and there seems to be something off about its scale."},
	["Conch of Divine Whispers 4"]={name="Conch of Divine Whispers", num="002", qlt="normal", use="+1 Deployment Limit, all friendly units gain +4% HP", desc="Sound it, and gods you've never seen or even heard of will answer your call. Actually, it's just a hollow conch shell."},
	["Night-Whispers in the Forest 4"]={name="Night-Whispers in the Forest", num="003", qlt="rare", use="+2 Deployment Limit, all friendly units gain +6% DEF", desc="A special aromatherapy set prepared for field operators by the Convalescent Garden, consisting of fifteen herbal extracts in 172 different combinations. When the wind wends into wooded vales, all creatures lower their voices, and one can find respite."},
	["Church Alms Meal Voucher 4"]={name="Church Alms Meal Voucher", num="004", qlt="rare", use="+2 Deployment Limit, all friendly units gain +6% HP", desc="In the declining coastal towns of Iberia, certain churches will provide alms in the form of meals, which their believers can redeem using vouchers. As for how these vouchers are distributed, that is a secret."},
	["Red Bow Tie 4"]={name="Red Bow Tie", num="005", qlt="normal", use="+2 Hope, +1 Deployment Limit", desc="The first present Phantom gave Ms. Christine. She is really fond of it."},
	["Solo Music Box 4"]={name="Solo Music Box", num="006", qlt="rare", use="+4 Hope, +1 Deployment Limit", desc="An old music box. The music does not play when the box is opened, nor does the figure inside show any signs it is about to move. There is not a peep, and no one is breaking out in dance. Before she begins her performances with Phantom, the lead actress stares blankly into the music box."},
	["Pried Open Toolbox 4"]={name="Pried Open Toolbox", num="007", qlt="normal", use="+4 Hope", desc="The tool box of the troupe's prop master. From nails to dummy props, it has everything."},
	["Antiquated Sheet Music 4"]={name="Antiquated Sheet Music", num="008", qlt="normal", use="+4 Hope", desc="A tattered piece of sheet music. The notes can no longer be clearly read. No one knows for certain what story this piece was meant to tell."},
	["Letter of Termination Contract 4"]={name="Letter of Termination Contract", num="009", qlt="normal", use="+4 Hope", desc="You can break free of this troupe with just one autograph."},
	["Universal Key 4"]={name="Universal Key", num="010", qlt="rare", use="+6 Hope", desc="An old, silver key. It can open any door. As the keeper, the troupe's butler naturally needs a key that unlocks all the secrets here."},
	["Antique Coins 4"]={name="Antique Coins 2", title="Antique Coins", num="011", qlt="normal", use="Immediately gain +10 Originium Ingots", desc="An ancient, rusty coin, weathered to the point where one can no longer identify its age. Things like these are all too common throughout Terra's barrens.", link="Antique Coins"},
	["Actor's Jewelry Box 4"]={name="Actor's Jewelry Box", num="012", qlt="rare", use="Immediately gain +18 Originium Ingots", desc="A box containing all kinds of shattered jewelries. The young lead actress wore these jewelries and stepped onto the stage, in the end falling from its highest point."},
	["Game Room Admin Access Card 4"]={name="Game Room Admin Access Card", num="013", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote an Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="With this, you have become master over Rhodes Island's entertainment privileges. Please exercise caution when processing the various strange applications from the Operators... and remember to lock the door every day."},
	["Ms. Christine Petting Ticket 4"]={name="Ms. Christine Petting Ticket", num="014", qlt="rare", use="Immediately Promote 2 Operators (Does not require Hope)", desc="You have the lady's permission!"},
	["Regional Action Plan 4"]={name="Regional Action Plan 2", title="Regional Action Plan", num="015", qlt="rare", use="4-star Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit", desc="Rhodes Island has established dedicated offices in every important hub area. The messengers are doing what they can to weave a fragile web across this land.", link="Regional Action Plan"},
	["Comprehensive Operation File 4"]={name="Comprehensive Operation File 2", title="Comprehensive Operation File", num="016", qlt="rare", use="5-star Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit", desc="A vessel sailing upon the land, like treading upon thin ice. Remember to always expand your worldview.", link="Comprehensive Operation File"},
	["Secret HR Letter 4"]={name="Secret HR Letter 2", title="Secret HR Letter", num="017", qlt="rare", use="6-star Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit", desc="\"■■■ gave this to you? Guess there's no problem then.\"", link="Secret HR Letter"},
	["Rhodes Island Tactical Transceiver 4"]={name="Rhodes Island Tactical Transceiver", num="018", qlt="rare", use="Gain an additional choice when Recruitment Vouchers are dropped after battle", desc="Hang in there, help's on the way."},
	["Featured Canned Meat 4"]={name="Featured Canned Meat", num="019", qlt="normal", use="+1 Squad Size Limit, all friendly units recover 3 HP per second", desc="For travelers on a long journey, the convenience of \"Ready to Eat\" is often more important than taste.", cond="Participate at least 5 times in a row in a [Northwizard Cup] event"},
	["Seaweed Salad 4"]={name="Seaweed Salad", num="020", qlt="normal", use="+1 Squad Size Limit, all friendly units gain +1 ASPD", desc="Once a national delicacy of great pride to the Iberians, now gradually slipping away from memory as a result of the rampaging Seaborn."},
	["Orange Storm 4"]={name="Orange Storm", num="021", qlt="normal", use="+1 Squad Size Limit, all friendly units gain +1% ATK", desc="A Mama John's candy product. The orange flavor, cheap and delicious, is a best-seller among children."},
	["Coffee Plains Coffee Candy 4"]={name="Coffee Plains Coffee Candy", num="22", qlt="rare", use="+2 Squad Size Limit, all friendly units gain +2 ASPD", desc="Dossoles' famous coffee-flavored candy product. Has real caffeine added, to keep you wide awake from clock-in to overtime.", cond="Across multiple adventures, recruit a total of 70 Operators"},
	["Screaming Cherry 4"]={name="Screaming Cherry", num="023", qlt="rare", use="+2 Squad Size Limit, all friendly units gain +2% ATK", desc="A Mama John's candy product. Though the niche vinegar-pickled cherry flavor can't compete with the best-sellers in popularity, there have always been a small group of loyal and dedicated consumers. Rumor has it that one of Mama John's directors loves this flavor."},
	["Pitt's Assorted Fruits 4"]={name="Pitt's Assorted Fruits", num="024", qlt="superrare", use="+3 Squad Size Limit, all friendly units gain +3% ATK, DEF, and HP", desc="Pitt's assorted fruit candies compete with Mama John's line of products in the sweets market with a rich taste and superb cost-effectiveness. Muelsyse's favorite.", cond="Reach a Squad Size Limit of 13 at any point"},
	["Extra-Pungent Coffee Beans 4"]={name="Extra-Pungent Coffee Beans", num="025", qlt="rare", use="+1 Squad Size Limit, +1 Deployment Limit, +1 Objective Shield", desc="Coffee growers feed their beans to a rare, unusual-smelling breed of fowlbeast before extracting and processing them from its excrement. The unique aroma produced by the beast's gastric acid fermentation triples the price of the coffee beans.", cond="Across multiple adventures, recruit a total of 120 Operators"},
	["Blue Silk Scarf 4"]={name="Blue Silk Scarf", num="026", qlt="normal", use="+2 Hope, +1 Squad Size Limit", desc="A lady's elegant scarf. Her appearance is a sign that it is safe here.", cond="Across multiple adventures, earn a total of 50 Hope"},
	["Originium Iris 4"]={name="Originium Iris", num="027", qlt="superrare", use="+6 Hope, +2 Squad Size Limit", desc="A most extravagant bouquet of flowers. The troupe leader has handed flowers like these to the leads during countless curtain calls.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 60 Max Hope"},
	["Weird Flute 4"]={name="Weird Flute", num="028", qlt="rare", use="+4 Hope, +1 Squad Size Limit", desc="A weird-looking flute. Someone plays it day in and day out."},
	["Glass Bird 4"]={name="Glass Bird", num="029", qlt="rare", use="+4 Hope, +1 Squad Size Limit", desc="\"In this paradise of mine, the bird will sing forever and ever.\"", cond="Across multiple adventures, earn a total of 50 Hope"},
	["Pure Gold Expedition 4"]={name="Pure Gold Expedition 2", title="Pure Gold Expedition", num="030", qlt="superrare", use="+4 Hope, +1 Squad Size Limit, +1 Deployment Limit", desc="The regent departed from the wastelands, and markets rose from beneath her dress like sprouts budding in the spring. The road of prosperity connected high mountains and dense forests, following her until she disappeared beyond the cliffs overlooking the western waves. —Ancient Sargon Fairy Tale", link="Pure Gold Expedition", cond="Across multiple adventures, earn a total of 150 Hope"},
	["Durin Overground 4"]={name="Durin Overground", title="\"Durin Overground\"", num="031", qlt="rare", use="+4 Objective Shield", desc="In this expedition account, we get a glimpse of how those who live underground see those who live on the surface.", cond="Across all adventures, lose a total of 50 Life Points"},
	["Gaulish Toponym Origins 4"]={name="Gaulish Toponym Origins", title="\"Gaulish Toponym Origins\"", num="032", qlt="rare", use="+6 Objective Shield", desc="A book of historical place names that Mint dug out of the Doctor's office. Celaiblason is mentioned in the book.", cond="Across all adventures, lose a total of 125 Life Point"},
	["Hot Water Kettle 4"]={name="Hot Water Kettle", num="033", qlt="normal", use="+1 Max Life Points, +1 Hope", desc="Some people often use the hot water kettle in the Rhodes Island Office to cook instant noodles in the middle of the night. That's not a very healthy lifestyle..."},
	["Special Suppressor 4"]={name="Special Suppressor", num="034", qlt="normal", use="+2 Max Life Points, recover 2 Life Points", desc="An enhanced suppressor developed by Rhodes Island that can better keep the infected from losing control of their Originium Arts."},
	["Stone Gargoyle 4"]={name="Stone Gargoyle", num="035", qlt="normal", use="+3 Max Life Points", desc="A palm-sized sculpture. Supposedly they are handmade gifts given out by the Gargoyles as a sign of friendship."},
	["Vampire's Bed 4"]={name="Vampire's Bed", num="036", qlt="rare", use="+4 Max Life Points", desc="A lavish-looking coffin that matches the castle's aesthetics well. However, Warfarin says this is merely a stereotype."},
	["Proof of Longevity 4"]={name="Proof of Longevity", num="037", qlt="superrare", use="+6 Max Life Points", desc="A tree branch that has withered and flourished.|When it is withered, it grows anew. When it is thriving in its fullest, it fades away yet again."},
	["Banshee's Kiss 4"]={name="Banshee's Kiss", num="038", qlt="superrare", use="Hope +8", desc="Outsiders make extraordinary displays of bravery that far surpass their normal abilities. However, as one of the few male Banshees out there, this has become a far too common sight to Logos."},
	["Flawless Jadestone 4"]={name="Flawless Jadestone", num="039", qlt="superrare", use="Immediately gain +25 Originium Ingots", desc="Even though it thrice brought the city to ruins, it yet shines radiantly in its flawless form. Even today, the Sargon emperor in possession of the gem has yet to find another piece of jewelry matching its brilliance, leaving it with naught but gunsmoke for a companion.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 20 Originium Ingots remaining"},
	["Blunt Claws - Training 4"]={name="Blunt Claws - Training 2", title="Blunt Claws - Training", num="040", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Vanguard Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="A formidable set of equipment to provide strength, an indomitable heart to press forward bravely.", link="Blunt Claws - Training"},
	["Bend Spears - Training 4"]={name="Bend Spears - Training 2", title="Bend Spears - Training", num="041", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Guard Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="Some people use swords because they don't know how to use crossbows or Arts. Others use swords because that's all they need.", link="Bend Spears - Training"},
	["Iron Guard - Training 4"]={name="Iron Guard - Training 2", title="Iron Guard - Training", num="042", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Defender Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="Scars symbolize glory, but who will remember the soldiers who were cut a bit too deeply?", link="Iron Guard - Training"},
	["Fatal Bolts - Training 4"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Training 2", title="Fatal Bolts - Training", num="043", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Sniper Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="\"Either you learn to control your ignition, or you learn to discern your target. Got it?\"", link="Fatal Bolts - Training"},
	["Broken Wand - Training 4"]={name="Broken Wand - Training 2", title="Broken Wand - Training", num="044", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Caster Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="\"After watching the 'performance' of certain casters, I decided to quietly put away the Leithanien textbook.\"", link="Broken Wand - Training"},
	["Stalwart Aid - Training 4"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Training 2", title="Stalwart Aid - Training", num="045", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Supporter Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="Their tactics are always diverse and colorful.", link="Stalwart Aid - Training"},
	["Healer's Path - Training 4"]={name="Healer's Path - Training 2", title="Healer's Path - Training", num="046", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Medic Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="When the day comes when everyone is a doctor and can even cure the disease known as life, we will no longer need doctors.", link="Healer's Path - Training"},
	["Rusted Blade - Training 4"]={name="Rusted Blade - Training 2", title="Rusted Blade - Training", num="047", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Specialist Operator (Does not require Hope)", desc="When conducting live combat drills with Specialist Operators, please be prepared to be \"beaten up thoroughly before you are prepared.\"", link="Rusted Blade - Training"},
	["Victorian Scrap Medal 4"]={name="Victorian Scrap Medal", title="Victorian \"Scrap\" Medal", num="048", qlt="normal", use="Gain +20% Command EXP from battles", desc="A knight's medal that Siege threw together and awarded to Dagda on the spot. The materials used are pitiful, but it holds a lot of meaning to Dagda."},
	["Spectrum Analyzer"]={name="Spectrum Analyzer", num="049", qlt="normal", use="Anti-Interference Index +1, +2 Objective Shield", desc="Please be careful regarding the abnormal phenomena in Sami. The results from measuring electromagnetic radiation and analyzing the specimen's micro-crystals are completely incompatible."},
	["Leisure Time"]={name="Leisure Time", num="050", qlt="rare", use="Squad Size Limit +1, Anti-Interference Index +1", desc="The children are experts at picking up all sorts of things to build their own play-kingdom. The wetland dwellers are accustomed to the outsiders always abruptly abandoning their vehicles halfway to their destination."},
	["Tranquil Spring Current"]={name="Tranquil Spring Current", num="051", qlt="superrare", use="Gain +2 Anti-Interference Index, +3 Max Life Points, and +3 Hope", desc="After escaping a siege of wind and snow by following the sound of water drops, this specimen has become a protective charm for the research team."},
	["Assault Co-op - Sharp Blade 4"]={name="Assault Co-op - Sharp Blade", num="052", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Vanguard and Guard Operators by +8% for each Vanguard or Guard Operator in the combat squad", desc="Use the sharpest spear to strike the hardest shield. I guarantee you that the shield will break first, trust me."},
	["Assault Co-op - Skirmish 4"]={name="Assault Co-op - Skirmish", num="053", qlt="normal", use="Increases the DEF of Vanguard and Guard Operators by +8% for each Vanguard or Guard Operator in the combat squad", desc="A sophisticated blocking technique is essential to protecting one's body."},
	["Fortification Co-op - Phalanx 4"]={name="Fortification Co-op - Phalanx", num="054", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Defender and Supporter Operators by +8% for each Defender or Supporter Operator in the combat squad", desc="Like a huge ship running over rubble."},
	["Fortification Co-op - Resolution 4"]={name="Fortification Co-op - Resolution", num="055", qlt="normal", use="Increases the DEF of Defender and Supporter Operators by +8% for each Defender or Supporter Operator in the combat squad", desc="Use the hardest shield to block the sharpest spear. I guarantee you that the spear will break first, trust me."},
	["Ranged Co-op - Remote Strike 4"]={name="Ranged Co-op - Remote Strike", num="056", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Medic and Sniper Operators by +8% for each Medic or Sniper Operator in the combat squad", desc="If you can solve the problem from a reasonable distance, why do you have to literally butt heads?"},
	["Ranged Co-op - Assassination 4"]={name="Ranged Co-op - Assassination", num="057", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ASPD of Medic and Sniper Operators by +6 for each Medic or Sniper Operator in the combat squad", desc="Can't tell friends from foes at this distance? Unload a volley at them then. The enemies are the ones that failed to avoid it."},
	["Sabotage Co-op - Elimination 4"]={name="Sabotage Co-op - Elimination", num="058", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Caster and Specialist Operators by +8% for each Caster or Specialist Operator in the combat squad", desc="External destruction, internal disintegration."},
	["Sabotage Co-op - Suppression 4"]={name="Sabotage Co-op - Suppression", num="059", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ASPD of Caster and Specialist Operators by +6 for each Caster or Specialist Operator in the combat squad", desc="Don't worry about your accuracy. Take enough shots, and you're guaranteed to land something!"},
	["Fissured Restraints 4"]={name="Fissured Restraints", num="060", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -7% ATK", desc="It seems this sturdy band was once used to restrain something terrifying... Help..."},
	["Abyssal Wyrdmask 4"]={name="Abyssal Wyrdmask 2", title="Abyssal Wyrdmask", num="061", qlt="rare", use="All enemy units have -12% ATK", desc="An eldritch mask not belonging to any culture you're familiar with that is capable of making people lose their will to fight... and unconsciously fall into a state of deep contemplation.", cond="Select \"Leader Squad\" and complete your adventure.", link="Abyssal Wyrdmask"},
	["Godmother's Token 4"]={name="Godmother's Token 2", title="Godmother's Token", num="062", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have -17% ATK", desc="A laurel of bones, the token of a Sicilian noblewoman. This symbol of order will smooth the turbulance of all desires, for conflict is not allowed. Genuine or counterfeit, it still demands you to kneel.", link="Godmother's Token"},
	["Worn-out Group Photo 4"]={name="Worn-out Group Photo", num="063", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -12% DEF", desc="Do you know someone in the photo?"},
	["Sea Terror Jerky 4"]={name="Sea Terror Jerky", num="064", qlt="rare", use="All enemy units have -21% DEF", desc="Once their desire to survive overwhelms their terror, the famished Iberians will devour this \"food,\" subsequently turning into Sea Terrors on some ordinary day.", cond="Select \"Gathering Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Rosmontis's Embrace 4"]={name="Rosmontis's Embrace 2", title="Rosmontis's Embrace", num="065", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have -30% DEF", desc="\"Who will be the judge?\"", link="Rosmontis's Embrace"},
	["Gold-Plated Die 4"]={name="Gold-Plated Dice", title="Gold-Plated Die", num="066", qlt="rare", use="All enemy units have -15% HP", desc="The gold-plated die has one side representing life. As for the other nineteen sides...", cond="Select \"First-Class Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["The Whisperer in Darknight 4"]={name="The Whisperer in Darknight 2", title="\"The Whisperer in Darknight\"", num="067", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -10% HP", desc="A black vinyl. DO. NOT. TOUCH. IT.", link="The Whisperer in Darknight"},
	["The Profound Silence 4"]={name="Profound Silence", title="\"The Profound Silence\"", num="068", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have -20% HP", desc="A painting that depicts the greatest disaster in Iberian history. Its brushstrokes, colors, and images are all meaningless. \"The Ægir know. The Ægir know. The Ægir know.\"", link="Profound Silence (Collectible)"},
	["Oriron Round Shield 4"]={name="Oriron Round Shield", num="069", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +15% DEF", desc="Before the use of Oriron became widespread in today's industrial sector, the material was frequently used to forge military weapons like this one."},
	["Military Mirror Armor 4"]={name="Military Mirror Armor", num="070", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units have +25% DEF", desc="This mirror armor used to be able to withstand most attacks on the chest, but with the fall of Gaul, such archaic forms of armor have become museum pieces.", cond="Select \"Spearhead Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Old Steam Armor 4"]={name="Old Steam Armor 2", title="Old Steam Armor", num="071", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +35% DEF", desc="Even this old, outdated steam armor seems to carry with it the resplendence of when the Victorian monarchs cast their glory across half the world.", link="Old Steam Armor"},
	["Emperor's Favor 4"]={name="Emperor's Favor", num="072", qlt="normal", use="All friendly melee units have +15% ATK", desc="A very sharp letter opener. It was one of the favorite possessions of the last Ursus emperor, and as such it was very rarely used to actually open letters."},
	["Royal Rapier 4"]={name="Royal Rapier", num="073", qlt="rare", use="All friendly melee units have +25% ATK", desc="A highly decorative rapier for nobles. Used by Gaulish nobles first and foremost, though perhaps a little fragile for a military weapon.", cond="Clear [Halfway on Khaganquest] without losing more than 3 Life Points"},
	["Vieux Vanguard's Blade 4"]={name="Vieux Vanguard's Blade", num="074", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly melee units have +35% ATK", desc="Prior to its downfall, Gaul first witnessed the sacrifices of its Vieux Vanguards."},
	["Necklace of the Presence 4"]={name="Necklace of the Presence 2", title="Necklace of the Presence", num="075", qlt="normal", use="All friendly ranged units have +15% ATK", desc="Faith hangs ten centimeters above your heart, spoken words flow into your blood, and bullets slide into your magazine.", link="Necklace of the Presence"},
	["Silver Forks 4"]={name="Silver Forks", num="076", qlt="rare", use="All friendly ranged units have +25% ATK", desc="One for dealing with actors who botch their performances, one for dealing with incompetent playwrights, and one for anyone who needs it. The Chief will not tolerate any mistakes on the table.", cond="Clear [Long-sought Compensation] without losing more than 3 Life Points"},
	["Damaged Revolver Cylinder 4"]={name="Damaged Revolver Cylinder 2", title="Damaged Revolver Cylinder", num="077", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly ranged units have +35% ATK", desc="She never capitulated, even after enduring countless trials and tribulations. Her muzzle belched tongues of flame that burned like an angry sun, and the glow above her head was brighter than the daylight itself. Buried here is Outcast, our friend.", link="Damaged Revolver Cylinder"},
	["Noxious Hemostatic Agent 4"]={name="Noxious Hemostatic Agent 2", title="Noxious Hemostatic Agent", num="078", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +20% HP", desc="\"After fermentation, the body fluids of this Originium slug can be used to stop bleeding.\" —\"Rhodes Island Wilderness Survival Guide\"", link="Noxious Hemostatic Agent"},
	["First Aid Kit 4"]={name="First Aid Kit 2", title="First Aid Kit", num="079", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units have +35% HP", desc="\"...Please use antibiotics and ethanol additives under the supervision of professionals...\" —Rim Billiton Production Safety Manual", cond="Select \"Tactical Assault Squad\" and complete your adventure.", link="First Aid Kit"},
	["Unknown Instrument 4"]={name="Unknown Instrument", num="080", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +50% HP", desc="Don't ask. It's for your own good."},
	["Rusted Razor 4"]={name="Rusted Razor", num="081", qlt="normal", use="All enemies take +15% Physical damage", desc="If you cut yourself with this, you know what will happen."},
	["Carriage Driver's Whip 4"]={name="Carriage Driver's Whip", num="082", qlt="rare", use="All enemies take +25% Physical damage", desc="As the troupe's carriage driver, he has no name and no past. His life is meaningful only when he whips his burdenbeasts.", cond="Select \"Tactical Fortification Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Avenger 4"]={name="Avenger", title="\"Avenger\"", num="083", qlt="superrare", use="All enemies take +35% Physical damage.", desc="A gift from Theresis and set up by Theresa, this is the very first weapon that Ascalon received after her inaugural mission as part of the Military Council.", link="Avenger (Collectible)"},
	["Standard Anti-Riot Instrument 4"]={name="Standard Anti-Riot Instrument", num="084", qlt="normal", use="All enemies take +20% Arts damage", desc="Standard equipment of the Ursus Guard. Comes with an intermittent blinding Originium Arts effect. Unfortunately, not many Guards out there remember this when push comes to shove."},
	["Emperor's Collection 4"]={name="Emperor's Collection", num="085", qlt="rare", use="All enemies take +30% Arts damage", desc="The Sami revere their wild lands more than anything, and this fragment of the vast wilderness sleeps in the personal collection of the Emperor of Ursus.", cond="Select \"Special Training Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Brilliant Lament 4"]={name="Brilliant Lament", title="\"Brilliant Lament\"", num="086", qlt="superrare", use="All enemies take +40% Arts damage.", desc="His blood yet flows. He has never left this place."},
	["Live Rose 4"]={name="Live Rose", num="087", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +20% healing effectiveness", desc="Is it you who nourish her, or is it her who protects you?"},
	["White Flower Crown 4"]={name="White Flower Crown", num="088", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units have +30% healing effectiveness", desc="A floral veil used in Vampire rituals. Its once vibrant redness has been sucked empty, leaving nothing only a pale white color.", cond="Across multiple adventures, recover at least 500000 HP"},
	["Actor's Perfume 4"]={name="Actor's Perfume", num="089", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units recover 1% of Max HP per second", desc="Troupe actors put this on before going onstage. Stable yet aromatic fragrances like this can help them ease pressure. That's how it seems on the surface, at least.", cond="Across multiple adventures, recover at least 250000 HP"},
	["Designer's Ruler 4"]={name="Designer's Ruler", num="090", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +15% Physical Dodge", desc="Carefully measured with data and experience, those who wear this armor are known to be several magnitudes luckier."},
	["Arts Killer 4"]={name="Arts Killer", title="\"Arts Killer\"", num="091", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +15% Arts Dodge", desc="Considering how Originium Arts and music go hand in hand in Leithanien, it's quite amazing someone came up with the bright idea of combating Arts with noise like this."},
	["Dancer's Bracelets 4"]={name="Dancer's Bracelets", num="092", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units have +10% Physical and Arts Dodge", desc="The audience breaks to an applause as the well-trained dancers waltz around the traps on stage. None of them are aware of the brushes with death the performers just have been through.", cond="Clear the 4th Floor [Gelid Rockshelves]"},
	["Doll House 4"]={name="Doll House", num="093", qlt="normal", use="+10 Starting DP", desc="All kids need at least one set."},
	["Miniature Stage Model 4"]={name="Miniature Stage Model", num="094", qlt="rare", use="+20 Starting DP", desc="The red paint has not dried yet. Careful. Don't get that paint on your hand."},
	["Dreambind Castle Model 4"]={name="Dreambind Castle Model", num="095", qlt="superrare", use="+30 Starting DP", desc="You've seen this place, and you once wandered the castle, yet you now hold it in your hand. Is this real, or is it all a dream?", cond="Clear the 2nd Floor [Immaculate Garden]"},
	["Jet-Black Dance Shoes 4"]={name="Jet-Black Dance Shoes", num="096", qlt="rare", use="Can deploy Melee Operators on High Ground tiles", desc="The Columbian dancer's steps are firm and strong, her taps reverberating loudly in the air as she strikes the ground.", cond="Clear the 3rd Floor [Dawning Frostbounds] a total of 3 times, with 6 or more Ranged or Melee Operators recruited"},
	["Pure White Dance Shoes 4"]={name="Pure White Dance Shoes", num="097", qlt="rare", use="Can deploy Ranged Operators on Low Ground tiles", desc="The Ursus dancer's steps are swift and elegant, her body moving as she wills.", cond="Clear the 3rd Floor [Dawning Frostbounds] a total of 3 times, with 6 or more Ranged or Melee Operators recruited"},
	["Ancient Gaulish Silver Coin 4"]={name="Ancient Gaulish Silver Coin", num="098", qlt="normal", use="All Operators start with +6 SP", desc="A coin once circulated in the now fallen nation \"Gaul.\" It is in very good shape, making it highly valuable as a collector's item."},
	["Bank of Gaul Check 4"]={name="Bank of Gaul Check", num="099", qlt="rare", use="All Operators start with +12 SP", desc="An extravagant checkbook plated in gold and silver. Can no longer be cashed.|name=Bank of Gaul Check"},
	["Second Economic Reform Act 4"]={name="Second Economic Reform Act", title="\"Second Economic Reform Act\"", num="100", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators start with +18 SP", desc="With this bill as the starting point, Gaul formally began its path to become a hegemonic empire."},
	["Vanilla Soda 4"]={name="Vanilla Soda 2", title="Vanilla Soda", num="101", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Auto Recovery skills by +0.2/s", desc="Bolívar's cheap specialty drink dates back hundreds of years. It is mixed with a variety of spices, and is known for not being very good.", link="Vanilla Soda"},
	["Fowlbeast Liver Pate 4"]={name="Fowlbeast Liver Pate", num="102", qlt="rare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Auto Recovery skills by +0.35/s", desc="A small jar of fowlbeast liver pâté. Bright and vividly colorful, it is eaten only by nobles.", cond="Select \"Tactical Destruction Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Dreaming Essence 4"]={name="Dreaming Essence", num="103", qlt="superrare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Auto Recovery skills by +0.5/s", desc="Supposedly the Banshees make their aromatics only for their beloved. A single drop is enough to enchant just about anyone, bringing out any artist's inspiration and creativity."},
	["Captain Morgan's Wine 4"]={name="Captain Morgan's Wine 2", title="Captain Morgan's Wine", num="104", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Offensive and Defensive Recovery skills by 1 SP per 3s", desc="A wine produced in the Iberian region. Despite having gained popularity in the heart of Victoria's bustling cities, it is now discontinued.", link="Captain Morgan's Wine"},
	["Water of Life 4"]={name="Water of Life 2", title="Water of Life", num="105", qlt="rare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Offensive and Defensive Recovery skills by 1 SP per 2.5s", desc="The strongest Ursus liquors go straight to one's head, but it's said that the healthy Ursusian adult can down several bottles.", link="Water of Life"},
	["Royal Liqueur 4"]={name="Royal Liqueur 2", title="Royal Liqueur", num="106", qlt="superrare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Offensive and Defensive Recovery skills by 1 SP per 1.5s", desc="The fine wines of the extinct country, Gaul, have now become expensive, prime treasures for collectors. The place of production is now a part of Leithanien, but the technique has been lost.", link="Royal Liqueur"},
	["String Puppet 4"]={name="String Puppet", num="107", qlt="rare", use="Enemies receive 700 Arts Damage per second when stunned, frozen, or bound", desc="The more you struggle and try to break free, the tighter the strings get. Do you really think you are still thinking rationally?"},
	["Children's Puppet 4"]={name="Children's Puppet", title="\"Children's Puppet\"", num="108", qlt="superrare", use="Enemies receive 1000 Arts Damage per second when stunned, frozen, or bound", desc="A simple puppet made by Iberian children using trinkets found on the seacoast. Supposedly just holding it tight will give you much richer dreams."},
	["Victory Horn 4"]={name="Victory Horn", num="109", qlt="rare", use="Duration of single instance status effects such as stun, cold or freeze is increased by 100%", desc="Blow the horn, cry out, and scatter our foes with its roar!"},
	["Flash Camera 4"]={name="Flash Camera", num="110", qlt="rare", use="Duration of single instance status effects such as stun, cold or freeze is increased by 110%", desc="Every photo shot by this camera is washed out in white, with only the victim's twisted expression faintly visible.", cond="Win a battle while having at least 3 Supporter Operators"},
	["Therapy Tape 4"]={name="Therapy Tape", num="111", qlt="superrare", use="Duration of single instance status effects such as stun, cold or freeze is increased by 150%", desc="He tried to stop you from listening. He said it was dangerous. He said you should not stay. Do you understand now? You are listening to his song."},
	["Old Fan 4"]={name="Old Fan", num="112", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators gain ATK +10% for every different type of Operator class in the squad", desc="When it rains for several days on end, the old Yanese Tianshi complains to his friends about the pain in his knees, before casually waving his fan and driving away the rainclouds. It is about time he taught this trick to his young apprentice, currently working at the Central Judicial Office.", cond="Complete an adventure while having at least 20 Operators"},
	["Nachzehrer's Cane 4"]={name="Nachzehrer's Cane", num="113", qlt="superrare", use="When an allied unit is overhealed, nearby enemies take Arts damage equal to the overheal amount", desc="Nachzehrer devours life and uses it.", cond="Win a battle while having at least 3 Medic Operators"},
	["Scout's Scope 4"]={name="Scout's Scope", num="114", qlt="superrare", use="Enemies take increased damage from allied units as range increases (max 100%)", desc="Lock on, aim, fire, and destroy the enemy's will to resist, all in the name of a better future that Scout will never see. Maybe you can do it for him.", cond="Across multiple adventures, defeat the Leader [Fallen Snowpriest] 2 times"},
	["Black Tulip 4"]={name="Black Tulip", num="115", qlt="superrare", use="Friendly Operators gradually gain ATK when not using a skill, up to a maximum of +60% after 60 seconds; this bonus will be reset when a skill ends", desc="The Silence crushed the Iberians, so she wishes to speak up. If her words are not sharp enough, then her sword will speak for her."},
	["Spinach Pack 4"]={name="Spinach Pack", num="116", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units have +60% ATK for one second after their skill becomes active", desc="Many Cautus out there believe that popping the contents of this can into their mouths will grant them immense strength. The marketing's effectiveness is a classic success story in the industry."},
	["Wrath of Siracusans 4"]={name="Wrath of Siracusans", num="117", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +100% ATK for one second after their skill becomes active", desc="The signature pasta dish of an \"authentic Siracusan restaurant\" that once operated in the capital of Gaul. The dish's unique taste, and particularly its sauce, a blend of thick chocolate sauce and Originium Slug liver, earned the praise of many Gaulish nobles. Supposedly, though, this dish nearly caused a diplomatic crisis between Siracusa and Gaul.", cond="Clear [Rock and a Hard Place] without losing more than 3 Life Points"},
	["King's New Lance 4"]={name="King's New Lance", num="118", qlt="rare", use="When Life Point is 1, all friendly units have +50 ASPD", desc="Beautiful wishes made in dire straits can bring hope, even if they are not necessarily the truth."},
	["Castle's Offspring 4"]={name="Castle's Offspring", num="119", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +300 DEF and +30 RES 100 seconds after deployment", desc="With enough time, this box will become a whole new stage.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 80 Operators deployed in battle"},
	["King's Buckler 4"]={name="King's Buckler", num="120", qlt="rare", use="When Life Point is at 1, all Operators have +2 Block", desc="Keep your eyes straight ahead, and let your stalwart heart resist all hardship."},
	["King's Staff 4"]={name="King's Staff", num="121", qlt="rare", use="When Life Point is at 1, all Operators recover an additional 1 SP every 2 seconds", desc="Let go of worthless pomp and treat others with kindness. They will no doubt return in kind."},
	["King's Crown 4"]={name="King's Crown", num="122", qlt="superrare", use="When Life Point is at 1, all friendly units have +50% ATK, increased to +150% ATK if you have collected 3 or more King's Collectibles", desc="O Nameless King, may you continue to bless Iberia, even should your kingdom fall to ruin.", cond="???"},
	["Glorious Kazimierz 4"]={name="Glorious Kazimierz", title="\"Glorious Kazimierz\"", num="123", qlt="rare", use="Operators gain +70% ATK for 6 seconds after dodging", desc="A Kazimierzian best-seller that adapts the deeds of the arena's brightest-shining knights into a novel. Nearl, who was exiled but returned to reclaim her laurels, occupies a considerable portion of its pages."},
	["The Return 4"]={name="The Return", title="\"The Return\"", num="124", qlt="superrare", use="Operators gain +130% ATK for 6 seconds after dodging", desc="This Kazimierzian best-seller is said to be a collective creation by fans. \"Nearl\" has already become an amalgamation of many ideals and fantasies. \"For her, exile was not an escape. She came back, and stood alone against the era's torrents.\"", cond="Across multiple adventures, clear a total of 40 battles"},
	["Devotion"]={name="Devotion", title="\"Devotion\"", num="125", qlt="rare", use="Ranged Operators deal 150 Arts damage to a random enemy within attack range with every attack or heal", desc="Since antiquity, this tribe has believed that they hold a truth about Sami: Everything originally had a voice, until \"It\" spoke for all of them."},
	["Celestial Dust"]={name="Celestial Dust", num="126", qlt="superrare", use="Ranged Operators Levitate all enemies within attack range for 2 seconds when a skill is manually activated", desc="She gently blows away the countless records of sunrises, moonsets, and the changing of the stars. Her life is blown away that easily."},
	["Frozen Husk"]={name="Frozen Husk", num="127", qlt="rare", use="Melee Operators gain ASPD +40 for 5 seconds after taking damage", desc="The warriors of Sami stationed in the Fjal Vetrtonn are often inspired by an illusion: As their life flows toward the earth, their originally frozen bodies become lighter and lighter."},
	["Ring of Thorns"]={name="Ring of Thorns", num="128", qlt="superrare", use="When Melee Operators are healed, they and Operators in the adjacent 4 tiles will recover 1 SP", desc="You were able to steady yourself while in a distorted fear. There is blood left on the thorns, and you don't know if it was you or the Snowpriest who was pricked by them. They will use whatever means they have, without batting an eye."},
	["Peek into the Eternal Night"]={name="Peek into the Eternal Night", title="\"Peek into the Eternal Night\"", num="129", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators gain ATK +25% and ASPD +25, but lose 25 HP every second", desc="The moment she turns around to head north, mountains in black lie before her eyes, just like the omen she saw many years ago."},
	["Dead Tree's Echo"]={name="Dead Tree's Echo", title="\"Dead Tree's Echo\"", num="130", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators recover 50 HP every second, but have Max HP -25%", desc="Drum to call their ancestors' souls, drum to communicate with the vegetation, drum to exorcise evil spirits. Shaman after shaman have received this beastbone hammer, some leaving a longer echo than the others."},
	["Frozen Whetstone"]={name="Frozen Whetstone", num="131", qlt="superrare", use="When a battle begins, the Max HP, ATK, DEF, RES, Block Count, Starting SP, and DP Cost of a random Operator is doubled", desc="The stone's surface is smooth as ice. The maker asked the mountain cliffs for permission to replicate their overpowering strength in their blade."},
	["Clairvoyant's Reveal"]={name="Clairvoyant's Reveal", num="132", qlt="superrare", use="The DP Cost and Redeployment Time of all Operators is randomly changed", desc="There is no direction you can head to avoid misfortune."},
	["Weave of Thorns and Leaves"]={name="Weave of Thorns and Leaves", num="133", qlt="superrare", use="Designates one deployable tile at the beginning of battle; allied units deployed on that tile or its surrounding 8 tiles will gain Camouflage", desc="Those within this ring receive the favor of the thorns and leaves.", cond="???"},
	["Living Woodplate"]={name="Living Woodplate", num="134", qlt="normal", use="All allied melee units gain a Barrier equal to 50% of their Max HP on deployment", desc="The shamans know how trees will cling to survival, so they invite the trees to become armor for a warrior possessing a similar will."},
	["Finshell Shield"]={name="Finshell Shield", num="135", qlt="normal", use="All allied ranged units gain 3 layers of Shield on deployment", desc="The stacks of distant trauma cannot surpass the layers of protection built by the body."},
	["Frost Buck's Pauldron"]={name="Frost Buck's Pauldron", num="136", qlt="rare", use="All allied units gain ATK +40% and DEF +40% for 30 seconds when blocking 2 or more enemies", desc="There are no signs of injuries on his body, only a pair of eyes drained of blood and tears.", cond="Win a battle while having at least 3 Defender Operators"},
	["Snow Doe's Glove"]={name="Snow Doe's Glove", num="137", qlt="superrare", use="All allied units gain ASPD +80 and obtain 50% Physical and Arts Dodge for 30 seconds when blocking 3 or more enemies", desc="She shoots the last three arrows in her quiver at the Frozen Monstrosity, who used them to end her life."},
	["Empty Fowlbeast"]={name="Empty Fowlbeast", num="138", qlt="superrare", use="Summons gain Max HP +30%, ATK +30%, and grant ATK +60% to their summoner", desc="The body is long since gone, but the soul remains in the shell for eternity. The unmelting creatures in the branches and leaves carry icicles as they spread their wings in the forest."},
	["Rock Horn"]={name="Rock Horn", num="139", qlt="normal", use="All Operators gain ATK +20% for every Operator in the adjacent 4 tiles", desc="If you want to gather up manpower in Sami, blowing a trumpet is definitely the best way to do it."},
	["Inextinguishable Torch"]={name="Inextinguishable Torch", num="140", qlt="rare", use="All Operators gain ASPD +30 for every Operator in the adjacent 4 tiles", desc="Flames represent radiance and warmth. Gathering round a fire turns despair into hope.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 200 Operator deployments in battle"},
	["Lakebed Aegis"]={name="Lakebed Aegis", num="141", qlt="rare", use="Objective Shield +1; all allied units gain Max HP +60% if you have any Objective Shield at the beginning of a battle", desc="Three decades ago, a child dropped his toy wooden shield into the lake. Three decades later, he bores through the frozen lake, retrieves his shield, and embarks on a hero's journey."},
	["Ancient Fresco"]={name="Ancient Fresco", num="142", qlt="rare", use="When an enemy enters or is freed from Levitation and/or Weightless, they take 1000 Arts damage and are Silenced for 10 seconds", desc="Walk out of the cave, and raise your head. This has never been right, even since antiquity."},
	["Galleria Stellaria's Splendor"]={name="Galleria Stellaria's Splendor", num="143", qlt="superrare", use="When an enemy enters or is freed from Levitation and/or Weightless, they take 2000 Arts damage and take 30% more damage for 10 seconds", desc="At that moment, the light of truth shone onto the earth."},
	["Cloud-Moving Totem"]={name="Cloud-Moving Totem", num="144", qlt="superrare", use="All enemies have -15% Movement Speed, and the Weightless effect further drops their Weight Level by 2", desc="The Sami tribe that believes in the King of Fowlbeasts created this totem. It is said that a sincere call will stir its wings, raising a storm and making the earth tremble."},
	["Blunt Claws - Advancement 4"]={name="Blunt Claws - Advancement 2", title="Blunt Claws - Advancement", num="145", qlt="normal", use="Vanguard Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP", desc="Plant a great stone within the waters. Split the waves and part the fog.", link="Blunt Claws - Advancement"},
	["Blunt Claws - Burst 4"]={name="Blunt Claws - Burst 2", title="Blunt Claws - Burst", num="146", qlt="normal", use="Vanguard Operators start with +15 SP", desc="He's already done all the reserve squad's work for them. What else do you expect?", link="Blunt Claws - Burst", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Forthpath Search] event 2 times"},
	["Blunt Claws - Proficiency 4"]={name="Blunt Claws - Proficiency 2", title="Blunt Claws - Proficiency", num="147", qlt="rare", use="The SP Cost of Vanguard Operators' skills is decreased by -35%", desc="As an operator who often enters the battlefield before anyone else, you cannot fathom what they have been through.", link="Blunt Claws - Proficiency", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Forthpath Search] event 4 times"},
	["Blunt Claws - Mastery 4"]={name="Blunt Claws - Mastery 2", title="Blunt Claws - Mastery", num="148", qlt="superrare", use="Vanguard Operators have +50% ATK and DEF", desc="\"When the darkly-clad enemies rushed towards me, there were only four words on my mind — they are done for.\"", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Forthpath Search] event 6 times", link="Blunt Claws - Mastery"},
	["Bend Spears - Advancement 4"]={name="Bend Spears - Advancement 2", title="Bend Spears - Advancement", num="149", qlt="normal", use="Guard Operators have -3 DP Cost and +40% Max HP", desc="The soldiers stepped onto the battlefield, drew their blades, and met in battle.", link="Bend Spears - Advancement"},
	["Bend Spears - Acuity 4"]={name="Bend Spears - Acuity 2", title="Bend Spears - Acuity", num="150", qlt="normal", use="Guard Operators have +25% ATK", desc="\"This is the 7th blade you've broken this month.\" \"But I cut down eight enemies this month.\"", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Amma Tal] event 2 times", link="Bend Spears - Acuity"},
	["Bend Spears - Bloodbath 4"]={name="Bend Spears - Bloodbath 2", title="Bend Spears - Bloodbath", num="151", qlt="rare", use="Guard Operators restore 2 SP after each attack", desc="Soldiers who get bolder as time passes are rare. Most need some form of psychological counseling to alleviate the trauma of war.", link="Bend Spears - Bloodbath", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Amma Tal] event 4 times"},
	["Bend Spears - Deathmatch 4"]={name="Bend Spears - Deathmatch 2", title="Bend Spears - Deathmatch", num="152", qlt="superrare", use="Guard Operators have -40% DEF, but gain +40% ATK and +30 ASPD", desc="I wouldn't really recommend learning those skills from Blaze.", link="Bend Spears - Deathmatch", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Amma Tal] event 6 times"},
	["Iron Guard - Advancement 4"]={name="Iron Guard - Advancement 2", title="Iron Guard - Advancement", num="153", qlt="normal", use="Defender Operators have -3 DP Cost and +40% Max HP", desc="The shieldbearers formed a mountain range and became the earth. What they fight against are not enemies of flesh and blood. They fight against fate and injustice.", link="Iron Guard - Advancement"},
	["Iron Guard - Invasion 4"]={name="Iron Guard - Invasion 2", title="Iron Guard - Invasion", num="154", qlt="normal", use="Defender Operators have +60% ATK", desc="Defensive actions for the sake of teammates or strategic purposes often make people forget about their original aggressiveness.", link="Iron Guard - Invasion", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Wilderness Survival Expert] event 2 times"},
	["Iron Guard - Impenetrable 4"]={name="Iron Guard - Impenetrable 2", title="Iron Guard - Impenetrable", num="155", qlt="superrare", use="Defender Operators restore 2 SP after losing HP", desc="Every blow they endure will turn into anger and be returned severalfold.", link="Iron Guard - Impenetrable", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Wilderness Survival Expert] event 6 times"},
	["Iron Guard - Consolidation"]={name="Iron Guard - Consolidation", num="156", qlt="rare", use="Defender Operators gain HP +40%, DEF +40%, and RES +20", desc="No matter how hard fate hits you, just take it in.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Wilderness Survival Expert] event 4 times"},
	["Fatal Bolts - Advancement 4"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Advancement 2", title="Fatal Bolts - Advancement", num="157", qlt="normal", use="Sniper Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP", desc="Load, aim, and fire. Destruction arrives as scheduled.", link="Fatal Bolts - Advancement"},
	["Fatal Bolts - Precision 4"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Precision 2", title="Fatal Bolts - Precision", num="158", qlt="normal", use="Sniper Operators have +20% ATK", desc="In an era when Originium Arts were not as robust as they are now, Yan had a saying, \"a pierced willow leaf from a hundred paces,\" to praise others for their mastery of archery.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Rain!] event 2 times", link="Fatal Bolts - Precision"},
	["Fatal Bolts - Crossfire 4"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Crossfire 2", title="Fatal Bolts - Crossfire", num="159", qlt="rare", use="Sniper Operators have -40% HP, but gain +40% ATK", desc="The dense crossfire also exposes snipers to great danger. The next battle boils down to a game of vision.", link="Fatal Bolts - Crossfire", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Rain!] event 4 times"},
	["Fatal Bolts - Divine Speed 4"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Divine Speed 2", title="Fatal Bolts - Divine Speed", num="160", qlt="superrare", use="Sniper Operators have +70 ASPD", desc="It is said that the legendary archer of ancient Victoria can almost shoot a continuous stream of arrows.", link="Fatal Bolts - Divine Speed", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Rain!] event 6 times"},
	["Broken Wand - Advancement 4"]={name="Broken Wand - Advancement 2", title="Broken Wand - Advancement", num="161", qlt="normal", use="Caster Operators have -3 DP Cost and +60% Max HP", desc="Let Arts dance around your fingertips. Call the wind and rain, unravel reality, and achieve your grand goals.", link="Broken Wand - Advancement"},
	["Broken Wand - Arts Weaving 4"]={name="Broken Wand - Arts Weaving 2", title="Broken Wand - Arts Weaving", num="162", qlt="normal", use="Caster Operators have +25% ATK", desc="Those who gaze up at the great spires in Leithanien often see some strange or even celestial phenomena.", link="Broken Wand - Arts Weaving", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Missing Mountains] event 2 times"},
	["Broken Wand - Concentration 4"]={name="Broken Wand - Concentration 2", title="Broken Wand - Concentration", num="163", qlt="rare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Caster Operators by +0.4/s", desc="\"When a caster intends to go all out, they will display a completely different temperament — even if we're talking about something like Miss Skyfire's grumpiness.\"", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Missing Mountains] event 4 times", link="Broken Wand - Concentration"},
	["Broken Wand - Malediction 4"]={name="Broken Wand - Malediction 2", title="Broken Wand - Malediction", num="164", qlt="superrare", use="Caster Operators have -40% HP, but deal +70% Arts damage", desc="It is virtually impossible to identify when the Sarkaz first encountered Originium, and the origins of these ancient Arts have long been separated from actual reality and common sense.", link="Broken Wand - Malediction", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Missing Mountains] event 6 times"},
	["Stalwart Aid - Advancement 4"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Advancement 2", title="Stalwart Aid - Advancement", num="165", qlt="normal", use="Supporter Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP", desc="Whenever you're \"almost done\" with a task, what you need at that moment is someone to help you with the \"almost\" part.", link="Stalwart Aid - Advancement"},
	["Stalwart Aid - Diligence 4"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Diligence 2", title="Stalwart Aid - Diligence", num="166", qlt="rare", use="The SP Cost of Supporter Operators' skills is decreased by -40%", desc="Operators tend to give it their all, even to tasks that might seem trivial. The reality is, those tasks are not trivial at all.", link="Stalwart Aid - Diligence", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Useless Objects] event 2 times"},
	["Stalwart Aid - Assistance 4"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Assistance", num="167", qlt="superrare", use="Friendly units within the attack range of Supporter Operators gain +20% ATK", desc="Bringing meals, showing the right route to take, or even having a heart-to-heart. The key difference between victory and defeat often lies in these little things.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Useless Objects] event 6 times"},
	["Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts 4"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts 2", title="Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts", num="168", qlt="rare", use="Enemies within the attack range of Supporter Operators have -20% DEF and -20% RES", desc="There are many ways to weaken an enemy's defensive capabilities: positional devices, armor-stripping Arts, marking weak points, and... giving them a stomachache.", link="Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Useless Objects] event 4 times"},
	["Healer's Path - Advancement 4"]={name="Healer's Path - Advancement 2", title="Healer's Path - Advancement", num="169", qlt="normal", use="Medic Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP", desc="The desire to save lives is a virtue that mankind must applaud, for that is the support that keeps us alive.", link="Healer's Path - Advancement"},
	["Healer's Path - Self-Treating 4"]={name="Healer's Path - Self-Treating 2", title="Healer's Path - Self-Treating", num="170", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Medic Operators by +0.3/s", desc="Who says healers can't heal themselves? They simply pop some pills before continuing to help others.", link="Healer's Path - Self-Treating", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Good Omen] event 2 times"},
	["Healer's Path - Keen Hands 4"]={name="Healer's Path - Keen Hands 2", title="Healer's Path - Keen Hands", num="171", qlt="rare", use="Medic Operators have +50 ASPD", desc="Compared to the feat of snatching a life from the grip of death, what is three days of coma afterwards?", link="Healer's Path - Keen Hands", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Good Omen] event 4 times"},
	["Healer's Path - Restore Sanity 4"]={name="Healer's Path - Restore Sanity 2", title="Healer's Path - Restore Sanity", num="172", qlt="superrare", use="Allied units within the attack range of Medic Operators gain Resistance", desc="Reinforce your thinking. In the domain of your mind, make even every weed impregnable.", link="Healer's Path - Restore Sanity", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Good Omen] event 6 times"},
	["Rusted Blade - Advancement 4"]={name="Rusted Blade - Advancement 2", title="Rusted Blade - Advancement", num="173", qlt="normal", use="Specialist Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP", desc="There may be many means, but only one end.", link="Rusted Blade - Advancement"},
	["Rusted Blade - Execution 4"]={name="Rusted Blade - Execution 2", title="Rusted Blade - Execution", num="174", qlt="normal", use="Specialist Operators have +30 ASPD", desc="An endless amount of rust to scrape off, and endless amount of work.", link="Rusted Blade - Execution", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Lowland Market] event 2 times"},
	["Rusted Blade - No Man's Land 4"]={name="Rusted Blade - No Man's Land 2", title="Rusted Blade - No Man's Land", num="175", qlt="rare", use="The Redeployment Time of Specialist Operators -35%", desc="Sound is eliminated the moment the shadows pass by, and whoever hears them is next.", link="Rusted Blade - No Man's Land", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Lowland Market] event 4 times"},
	["Rusted Blade - Spearhead Sharpening"]={name="Rusted Blade - Spearhead Sharpening", num="176", qlt="superrare", use="Specialist Operators have +40% ATK and +2 shift strength", desc="\"Try this new weapon out—or did you already try it out just now?\"", cond="Across all adventures, enter the [Lowland Market] event 6 times"},
	["Hand of Buckler 4"]={name="Hand of Buckler", num="177", qlt="superrare", use="Decel Binder, Hexer, and Abjurer Operators' attacks deal extra Arts damage equal to 3% of the target's current HP", desc="Drop by drop, bit by bit. It is unstoppable."},
	["Hand of Diffusion 4"]={name="Hand of Diffusion 3", title="Hand of Diffusion", num="178", qlt="superrare", use="Fortress, Chain Caster, and Blast Caster Operators recover 2 SP each time they deal damage to an enemy unit", desc="Strength in numbers.", link="Hand of Diffusion"},
	["Hand of Superspeed 4"]={name="Hand of Superspeed", num="179", qlt="superrare", use="Executor, Ambusher, and Dollkeeper Operators gain +120 ASPD when there are no friendly units in the four adjacent tiles", desc="You swing your hand, leaving not even an afterimage."},
	["Hand of Purification 4"]={name="Hand of Purification", num="180", qlt="superrare", use="Bard, Phalanx Caster, and Therapist Operators deal 50% ATK as Arts damage to all enemies in their attack range", desc="Where it is, dust is not."},
	["Hand of Pulverization 4"]={name="Hand of Pulverization", num="181", qlt="superrare", use="Artilleryman, Splash Caster, and Flinger Operators gain +15% ATK for every time they deal damage to the same unit, up to 150%; this bonus will reset if no damage is dealt for 5 seconds", desc="Your goal isn't just to hit the bullseye over and over."},
	["Hand of Flowing Water 4"]={name="Hand of Flowing Water", num="182", qlt="superrare", use="Increases the SP recovery rate of Core Caster, Mystic Caster, and Summoner Operators by +0.5/s whenever they use a skill, up to 4 stacks", desc="The ocean's flow never ceases, because it is always surging."},
	["Hand of Fisticuffs"]={name="Hand of Fisticuffs", num="183", qlt="superrare", use="Protector, Arts Protector, and Duelist Operators inflict Bind on all nearby enemies lasting 1 second every 2 seconds, and deal True damage equal to 100% of their ATK", desc="What she means by standing over there, is that you cannot cross."},
	["Hand of Adaptability"]={name="Hand of Adaptability", num="184", qlt="superrare", use="Charger, Pioneer, and Tactician Operators have -10 DP Cost, and after defeating an enemy grant -1 DP Cost to all undeployed Operators on their next deployment", desc="What we lack now is not battlefield intelligence, but a captain who is able to finish reading said intelligence in time."},
	["Hand of Outburst"]={name="Hand of Outburst", num="185", qlt="superrare", use="Heavyshooter, Deadeye, and Besieger Operators deal increasing damage to enemies as the target's HP decreases, up to a maximum of 50%, and instantly defeat enemies below 20% HP", desc="Smash open every single crack, or perhaps make the very first."},
	["Condensed Suppressant 4"]={name="Condensed Suppressant", num="186", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units increase their ATK to 150% and silence the enemy for 3 seconds when attacking [Infected Creatures]", desc="A medical reagent developed by Rhodes Island to suppress acute Oripathy infections. However, further enrichment of the reagent's concentration will cause irreversible damage to the infection site.", cond="Find and destroy an \"Infused Glacial Originium Slug\" or \"Infused Glacial Originium Slug α\""},
	["Antique Casting 4"]={name="Antique Casting 2", title="Antique Casting", num="187", qlt="superrare", use="Immediately Promote 3 Operators (Does not require Hope)", desc="\"Harken, the forge of the sky, awaits five earthborn metals\"... Even though it can be used for all kinds of work, nobody understands its exact mechanism.", cond="Across all adventures, promote a total of 35 Operators", link="Antique Casting"},
	["Draft of a Speech 4"]={name="Draft of a Speech 2", title="Draft of a Speech", num="188", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit", desc="She was a little nervous, a little worried, but still remained resolute. When the microphone was turned on, her long ears quivered slightly.", link="Draft of a Speech", cond="Across multiple adventures, recruit a total of 100 Operators"},
	["Rusted Iron Hammer 4"]={name="Rusted Iron Hammer", num="189", qlt="rare", use="Rogue Trader charges -50% Originium Ingots for their goods", desc="\"Change is necessary, and we must do all we can to hasten the oncoming storm.\""},
	["Four-Leaf Clover Fossil 4"]={name="Four-Leaf Clover Fossil", num="190", qlt="superrare", use="Gain an additional choice when loot drops from a Wish Fulfilled node or after battle", desc="A symbol of luck that Magallan found in a place all but devoid of life. The rock has no doubt experienced many violent changes of the lands, but it survived, giving those who come across it a small bit of lingering hope.", cond="Across multiple adventures, obtain 150 Collectibles"},
	["Acahuallan Bowl 4"]={name="Acahuallan Bowl", num="191", qlt="normal", use="Recover 4 Life Points, +2 Objective Shield", desc="Fruit is one of the locals' staples, often eaten fresh right off the tree."},
	["Three-Dimensional Art Display 4"]={name="Three-Dimensional Art Display", num="192", qlt="rare", use="Recover 7 Life Points, and recover an additional 1 Life Point after each battle", desc="The impression that Rhine Lab often gives is akin to this work of art: inscrutable, multi-faceted, impossible to sift fact from fiction.", cond="Clear the 1st Floor [Brisk Marshlands]"},
	["Defender-2 4"]={name="Defender-2", num="193", qlt="normal", use="+5 Objective Shield", desc="A mass-produced defensive-type drone. It doesn't make sense how it only seems to be useful in the hands of the enemy."},
	["Golden Chalice 4"]={name="Golden Chalice", num="194", qlt="superrare", use="For each 5 Originium Ingots in possession, all friendly units have +7 ASPD", desc="Saints, knights, and pietists. All of them are madmen. Dear God, even the chalice itself is made of pure gold!"},
	["King's Fellowship 4"]={name="King's Fellowship", title="\"King's Fellowship\"", num="195", qlt="rare", use="+2 Objective Shield, coverts all Life Points into an equivalent amount of Objective Shield (Cannot be reduced below 1 by this effect)", desc="The Cultists of the Deep did not achieve success overnight; they lingered at the junction between the land and sea for ages, preparing for the calamity that would come to be known as the Profound Silence.", cond="Across multiple adventures, obtain 20 victories with 1 Life Point remaining"},
	["Knight Lance Pro"]={name="Knight Lance Pro", num="196", qlt="rare", use="Treasure Chests on the battlefield will drop more Originium Ingots", desc="Don't worry if your own strength isn't enough! Use these tiny levers to move more, and win more in every round! The grand prize is a holiday trip to Sami!"},
	["Full-Auto Maintenance Station"]={name="Full-Auto Maintenance Station", num="197", qlt="rare", use="Anti-Interference Index +2, but +2 Collapse value", desc="It's a little dirty, but can run on complete full-auto. And, for reasons no one knows, even runs from morning to night when no one's using it. Raythean Industries claims to have never designed such a product.", cond="Across multiple adventures, enter a total of 40 non-combat nodes"},
	["Warning Fence"]={name="Warning Fence", num="198", qlt="normal", use="-2 Collapse value, +2 Max Life Points", desc="The colorful decorations stand out in the snow, letting people imagine them clearly even in their dreams. The territory has no borders, but the roaming mind needs to know where fear is lurking."},
	["Heavy Music Anthology"]={name="Heavy Music Anthology", title="\"Heavy Music Anthology\"", num="199", qlt="normal", use="-2 Collapse value, Hope +2", desc="Every winter, Colombian rescue crews stationed in southern Sami have several missions to rescue bands who get lost in the snowy woods while filming music videos."},
	["Wandering Caster's Nostalgia"]={name="Wandering Caster's Nostalgia", num="200", qlt="rare", use="When entering Secluded Passage, -3 Collapse value", desc="Someone has copied these notes down in a desperate attempt to remember them. The melody performed by the blade cutting through the air is strangely harmonious, but does not follow the equal temperament of music at all."},
	["Ceremony Bell"]={name="Ceremony Bell", num="201", qlt="rare", use="Recover 1 Life Point whenever you lose Anti-Interference Index", desc="Close your eyes. Look inward for all that you crave.", cond="Across multiple adventures, defeat the Leader [Weaving Vinecreeps] 2 times"},
	["Northern Pioneer's Crutch"]={name="Northern Pioneer's Crutch", num="202", qlt="rare", use="When Anti-Interference Index is no less than 4, gain +2 Originium Ingots whenever you enter a non-combat node", desc="It can detect some types of hazards, but more importantly, it can detect coins. According to the terms of the contract, the company will only bear the costs of the Pioneers' medical insurance after a local medical institute adhering to Columbian standards has been established."},
	["Hunter's Insight"]={name="Hunter's Insight", num="203", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators ignore 50% DEF and RES when attacking [Collapsals], and Slow them for 0.5 sec", desc="Before her will is completely wrested away, the girl begs the rescuer approaching her: \"Let me draw the bowstring, let me defeat it, let me never fear.\"", cond="Across multiple adventures, defeat a total of 200 \"Tainted Carcass\""},
	["Weave of Snow and Soil"]={name="Weave of Snow and Soil", num="204", qlt="superrare", use="Designates one deployable tile at the beginning of battle; allied Operators deployed on that tile or its surrounding 8 tiles will grant 1 SP to another Operator within those tiles whenever they gain SP from Offensive or Defensive Recovery", desc="Those within this ring receive the attention of the snow and earth.", cond="???"},
	["Ancient Tree Fruit"]={name="Ancient Tree Fruit", num="205", qlt="rare", use="Immediately obtain 3 random trinkets", desc="The children of Sami made their wishes into tree seeds, and buried them in the snow. When the tree bears fruit, the first four are taken, and the smallest is left for future generations to make their wishes. The remaining fruits are tributes to Sami, praying for answers.", cond="Across multiple adventures, obtain 50 Collectibles"},
	["Polar Retrofit Package"]={name="Polar Retrofit Package", num="206", qlt="rare", use="When used, Support items will also be used simultaneously on the adjacent 4 tiles", desc="Proudly produced by the Volvort Kochinski Extreme Environment Equipment Testing Department. It can modify a variety of devices, adapting them for polar regions and increasing their effectiveness in cold environments.", cond="Select \"Support Squad\" and complete your adventure"},
	["Roundstone Altar"]={name="Roundstone Altar", num="207", qlt="normal", use="There is a chance after battle to permanently increase all allied units' ATK and DEF by 5% (Can stack up to 10 times)", desc="Offer a sacrifice, and receive a reward. It is so convenient that the people never think about what they are directing their sacrifices to."},
	["Rainbow Jar"]={name="Rainbow Jar", num="208", qlt="superrare", use="Whenever an enemy enters the Objective Point, immediately selects a random Operator waiting to be re-deployable, and reduces their Redeployment Time by half", desc="It is usually placed by the Sami people wherever the rainbow falls. They are meticulously maintained in order to withstand the untraceable catastrophes, both natural and man-made."},
	["Sprouted Stick"]={name="Sprouted Stick", num="209", qlt="normal", use="Gain +2 Objective Shield when entering Bosky Passage or Lost and Found nodes", desc="It accompanied a sturdy and swarthy Kuranta out of the country of sand, accompanied him, the Director of Rhine Lab's Scientific Investigation Section, into the silverwhite plains. Even though it was separated from its owner in an accident, it can still bring its wielder a revelation about survival."},
	["Cannot's Mark"]={name="Cannot's Mark", num="210", qlt="normal", use="Gain 1 Hope whenever you buy an item at the Rogue Trader or make an exchange at Lost and Found", desc="Some people are willing to do Cannot a favor, and some are worthy for Cannot to do a \"favor.\"", cond="In the \"Prospective Investment System,\" reach an Investment Reserve Balance of 325"},
	["Guiding Vinedoll"]={name="Guiding Vinedoll", num="211", qlt="rare", use="Anti-Interference Index has a chance to not decrease when traveling through a vertical path", desc="The shamans often make these little puppets out of vines to navigate the forest. Even though they are not very accurate, striking true can conserve a lot of the survey equipment's energy."},
	["Broken Ursus Blade"]={name="Broken Ursus Blade", num="212", qlt="rare", use="Gain Command EXP +10% for each level of Collapsal Paradigm", desc="It was not for a lack of determination; his willpower is beyond question. It was only that, at that moment of self-determination, his body instinctively committed an irreversible mistake.", cond="Across multiple adventures, defeat the Leader [\"Demon's Blade\"] 2 times"},
	["Slytooth, Forest Destroyer"]={name="Slytooth, Forest Destroyer", num="213", qlt="superrare", use="Battles have a chance to drop an extra 1 Foldartal", desc="When it discovered that humans were willing to exchange tree fruits for wood chips, this musbeast began to unscrupulously devour the forest bark for more chips. It may not have expected that many of those chips would embody Sami's supreme will."},
	["Support Replenishment Station 4"]={name="Support Replenishment Station", num="214", qlt="normal", use="Bring a Portable Supply Station along to each battle", desc="An emergency Portable Supply Station provided to field operators."},
	["Support Landmine Set 4"]={name="Support Landmine Set", num="215", qlt="normal", use="Bring 3 Interferential Mines along to each battle", desc="An emergency set of Interferential Mines provided to field operators."},
	["Support Mr. Boom 4"]={name="Support Mr. Boom", num="216", qlt="normal", use="Bring a Mr. Boom along to each battle", desc="Emergency Mr. Booms provided to field operators."},
	["Support Escape Crane 4"]={name="Support Escape Crane", num="217", qlt="normal", use="Bring 2 Snowsant's Safe Escape Cranes along to each battle", desc="Emergency Snowsant's Safe Escape Cranes provided to field operators."},
	["Support Riot Pile 4"]={name="Support Riot Pile", num="218", qlt="normal", use="Bring 2 Riot Piles along to each battle", desc="An emergency set of Riot Piles provided to field operators."},
	["Support Fog Machine"]={name="Support Fog Machine", num="219", qlt="normal", use="Bring a Broken Fog Machine along to each battle", desc="An emergency Fog Machine provided to field operators that appears to be broken."},
	["Altar-type Radar"]={name="Altar-type Radar collectible", title="Altar-type Radar", num="220", qlt="superrare", use="Bring 1 Altar-type Radar to each battle", desc="Wireless locating device that can be quickly deployed and withdrawn to avoid friendly casualties. After returning from Chernobog, engineers have worked to understand the principles behind the device, overcoming the harm they once caused.", link="Altar-type Radar (Collectible)"},
	["R-45 Portable Gramophone"]={name="R-45 Portable Gramophone collectible", title="R-45 Portable \"Gramophone\"", num="221", qlt="superrare", use="Bring 1 R-45 Portable \"Gramophone\" to each battle", desc="Originium Arts conductor prototype, part of Engineering's attempt to create a transmission protocol that operators with lower Originium Arts Assimilation can use. Criticized by some Leithanians as lacking in elegance.", link="R-45 Portable Gramophone (Collectible)"},
	["Ornamental Giant Mushroom"]={name="Ornamental Giant Mushroom collectible", title="Ornamental Giant Mushroom", num="222", qlt="superrare", use="Bring 2 Ornamental Giant Mushrooms to each battle", desc="Manmade shelter that provides cover from the weather. Blatantly artificial, it fails to blend into the environment even in the jungles of Sargon.", link="Ornamental Giant Mushroom (Collectible)"},
	["Field Device LUD-99X"]={name="Field Device LUD-99X", num="223", qlt="superrare", use="Field Device LUD-99X appears in all battles", desc="Every operator seems to have a different idea about what this is. Some saw a stool, others a crowbar. Meanwhile, Closure and most engineering operators insist that its serial number is assigned to a conceptual model that has never been produced. Nor will it ever be.", link="Field Device LUD-99X (Collectible)"},
	["Two-step Firecracker and Data-collector"]={name="Two-step Firecracker and Data-collector collectible", title="Two-step Firecracker and Data-collector", num="224", qlt="superrare", use="Bring 5 Two-step Firecracker and Data-collectors to each battle", desc="One-time data collection device that emits a loud popping sound when activated. A Yanese operator has added the following note to the manual: \"It only pops once.\"", link="Two-step Firecracker and Data-collector (Collectible)"},
	["Self-Driving Recon Cart"]={name="Self-Driving Recon Cart", num="225", qlt="superrare", use="Bring 1 Recon Self-Driver Launchpoint to each battle", desc="Autonomous device that can collect data and record video in areas too dangerous for operators to enter. Like most Durin designs, it spent a large portion of its development cycle as a toy for operators before field testing was conducted."},
	["Treescar Helm"]={name="Treescar Helm", num="226", qlt="superrare", use="+3 Hope; leads expedition in a different direction", desc="It carries status and power, but to the warrior, it is only an artificial object for the weak to protect themselves. Some discard it to abandon their duty, some discard it only to strengthen their resolve to give up their lives.", cond="Complete an adventure"},
	["Boundless Gift"]={name="Boundless Gift", num="227", qlt="superrare", use="+3 Collapse value; leads expedition in a different direction", desc="Takes root in regions unperceivable, absorbs nutrients in places unimaginable. The flowers bloom across the vastness, becoming the very first signal beacon outside the border.", cond="???"},
	["Routeweave Net"]={name="Routeweave Net", num="228", qlt="superrare", use="Additional enemies appear in battle; leads expedition in a different direction", desc="An intricate network is woven into a map that no one understands. It shows what seems to be a path that extends in all directions, but what it actually displays is only the result.", cond="???"},
	["Sui's Wrath 4"]={name="Sui's Wrath", title="\"Sui's Wrath\"", num="229", qlt="superrare", use="Whenever you deploy a unit, deal 3000 Arts damage to a random enemy and the area around it", desc="The Feranmut lifts its head, heaven and earth cower in fear.", cond="Win a battle while having at least 3 Specialist Operators"},
	["Civilight Eterna 4"]={name="Civilight Eterna 2", title="\"Civilight Eterna\"", num="230", qlt="superrare", use="All enemies take +150% True damage", desc="A small, black crown.", link="Civilight Eterna (Collectible)"},
	["End of Times 4"]={name="End of Times", title="\"End of Times\"", num="231", qlt="rare", use="For one time only, if you would fail any battle other than the final battle of the area or a Leader battle, you instead gain +1 Life Point and advance to the next step instead of concluding the exploration", desc="As long as a new cycle has not been reached, there is still time to fix your mistakes.", cond="In a single battle, lose a total of 8 Life Points (including mission failures)"},
	["Little Gran Faro 4"]={name="Little Gran Faro", title="\"Little Gran Faro\"", num="232", qlt="rare", use="Deals Stun on all enemy units for 5 seconds every time an enemy unit enters the Objective Point", desc="The illumination device produced after reverse engineering the Eye of Iberia. It is powerful enough to penetrate layers of dark clouds, as well as temporarily repel powerful enemies.", cond="Across multiple adventures, lose a total of 125 Life Point"},
	["Memories of The Shard 4"]={name="Memories of The Shard", title="\"Memories of The Shard\"", num="233", qlt="superrare", use="Deals 3000 True Damage on all enemy units every time an enemy unit enters the Objective Point", desc="\"It has pierced Victoria's heart, and is watching the empire bleed.\""},
	["Blindness"]={name="Blindness", title="\"Blindness\"", num="234", qlt="superrare", use="When Anti-Interference Index is at 0 to 1, moving horizontally or vertically will randomly grant you Objective Shield, Originium Ingot, Hope, Anti-Interference Index, or Foldartal", desc="These days, there is no one capable of determining if they still retain the structure of a Sarkaz Royal Court, or if they still have a King within. The final memory that everyone can recall is the moment when a certain Cyclopes took off the black crown atop their head.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 30 Life Points lost"},
	["Scarred Amber"]={name="Scarred Amber", num="235", qlt="superrare", use="Uncaps Anti-Interference Index Limit, and every surplus index point will grant all allied units HP +8% and ATK +8%", desc="The elves have been left so alone on Terra that they embrace the dust with their backs to a foreign land.", cond="Across multiple adventures, obtain a total of 20 Anti-Interference Index"},
	["Amma's Affection"]={name="Amma's Affection", num="236", qlt="superrare", use="All allied units gain +1% HP, ATK, and DEF; occasionally something wonderful will happen", desc="It does love you, as is evident from the weight in your pocket, but Its love is fleeting and fickle, and you never know if what you retrieve from your pocket will be proof of Its protection or a handful of melted snow.", cond="Complete an adventure"},
	["Horizon Invitation"]={name="Horizon Invitation", num="237", qlt="superrare", use="让探索开启不同的方向", desc="一份进入冰原尽头的邀请函,通过秘密渠道分发或售卖给有资格的人。然而,拿到邀请函只是第一步,考验即将到来——", cond="Reach the ending once after [Expansion II]"},
	["Dimensional Fluid"]={name="Dimensional Fluid", num="238", qlt="superrare", use="让探索开启不同的方向", desc="融合各国技术,对坍缩体和冰原巨构进行深入研究后研制的核心原料。在通过考验后,那位罗德岛干员把它正式交付给了你,还给你留了一句叮嘱:“把它安全送去冰原尽头,凯尔希在那里等你。”", cond="Reach the ending once after [Expansion II]"},
	["Seed of Collapse"]={name="Seed of Collapse", num="239", qlt="superrare", use="Allied units have -15% ATK and Max HP", desc="坍缩的痕迹落在此处,拒绝被清除。", cond="Reach the ending once after [Expansion II]"},
	["Space Debris"]={name="Space Debris", num="240", qlt="superrare", use="Unit Limit -4", desc="所处的空间被乱流撕碎,只剩下小小一方。", cond="Reach the ending once after [Expansion II]"},
	["Deep Cinder"]={name="Deep Cinder", num="241", qlt="superrare", use="Max Life Point -12", desc="磅礴能量烧尽了躯体与灵魂,它们再也无法复原。", cond="Reach the ending once after [Expansion II]"},
data["\"The Profound Silence\""]=data["Profound Silence 4"]
data["\"Peek into the Eternal Night\""]=data["Peek into the Eternal Night"]
data["\"Dead Tree's Echo\""]=data["Dead Tree's Echo"]
data["\"Heavy Music Anthology\""]=data["Heavy Music Anthology"]
data["Slytooth Forest Destroyer"]=data["Slytooth, Forest Destroyer"]
data["Slytooth, Forest Destroyer"]=data["Slytooth, Forest Destroyer"]
data["Slytooth, Forest Destroyer"]=data["Slytooth, Forest Destroyer"]
data["R-45 Portable \"Gramophone\""]=data["R-45 Portable Gramophone"]
return data