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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Collectible/cf/doc

local data={
	["Ursus Big Bread 1"]={name="Ursus Big Bread", image="Ursus Big Bread 1", num="1", qlt="normal", use="Squad Size Limit +1", desc="Food from Ursus with a strong, fermented taste. Quite sour."},
	["Dried Cactus Chips"]={name="Dried Cactus Chips", num="2", qlt="normal", use="Squad Size Limit +1", desc="This strange, dessicated plant doesn't look tasty at all, but the people of Bolívar often immerse it in water before drinking."},
	["Dried Yucca Fruit"]={name="Dried Yucca Fruit", num="3", qlt="normal", use="Squad Size Limit +1", desc="The banana yucca is a fruit that grows in arid environments. It has an excellent taste and is easier to preserve after drying.", cond="In a single \"Originium Slug Race\" event, place at least 10 bets in a row."},
	["Caravan Boxed Meal"]={name="Caravan Boxed Meal", num="4", qlt="rare", use="Squad Size Limit +2", desc="This convenient meal sold by intercity Columbian caravans is deep-fried, loaded with calories, and tastes great... but isn't very healthy.", cond="Across multiple adventures, recruit a total of 50 Operators (excluding starting Operators)."},
	["Half Can of Sandworms"]={name="Half Can of Sandworms", num="5", qlt="rare", use="Squad Size Limit +2", desc="\"These chopped sandworms are soaked in olive oil and exude a natural fragrance!\" That's just what the ads say, so don't take it at face value. Urgh..."},
	["Victorian Rations"]={name="Victorian Rations", num="6", qlt="superrare", use="Squad Size Limit +3", desc="A former Victorian sergeant described this as such: \"Huge portions, hard to wash down, but won't kill you.\""},
	["Outdated Map"]={name="Outdated Map", num="7", qlt="normal", use="Deployment Limit +1", desc="A worn and weathered map depicting the geographic features of the surrounding area, possibly with incorrect descriptions and unaccounted-for cliffs."},
	["Monocular"]={name="Monocular", num="8", qlt="normal", use="Deployment Limit +1", desc="This brass monocular is full of medieval flair, but you won't be able to see far with it."},
	["Hologram Sandbox"]={name="Hologram Sandbox", num="9", qlt="rare", use="Deployment Limit +2", desc="A complete set of a strange sandbox hologram-projection terrain simulation device. For whatever reason, all living creatures are projected in a pink color. Don't touch the eye on the top of the box."},
	["Sleeping Bag"]={name="Sleeping Bag", num="10", qlt="normal", use="Hope +4", desc="A sleeping bag intended for use by one person. Two is doable, but a tight squeeze. Extremely inadvisable."},
	["Tattered Tent"]={name="Tattered Tent", num="11", qlt="normal", use="Hope +4", desc="A tent thrown together using twigs and a tarp. Looks like it'll collapse the moment the wind blows. The materials were scrounged on the spot."},
	["Large Sami Candle"]={name="Large Sami Candle", title="Large Sami \"Candle\"", num="12", qlt="normal", use="Hope +4", desc="Find a log, cut four notches into it, and you've got yourself a practical temporary campfire. Only someone from Sami would call this thing a \"candle.\"", cond="Across multiple adventures, recruit a total of 20 Operators (excluding starting Operators)."},
	["Rabbit Hut"]={name="Rabbit Hut", num="13", qlt="rare", use="Hope +6", desc="This Rim Billiton shed was quickly assembled using leftover industrial materials but is good enough to protect you from the elements. Having that said, the Cautus design is all too evident."},
	["Noise Generator"]={name="Noise Generator", num="14", qlt="superrare", use="Hope +8", desc="Columbia's latest industrial product, commonly seen attached to mobile trailers in small and medium-sized towns. Very cost effective, but extremely loud. Way too loud."},
	["Potted Pea Plant"]={name="Potted Pea Plant", num="15", qlt="normal", use="Hope +2, Squad Size Limit +1", desc="These quirky Columbian potted peas are suitable for decoration or for growing food. They may even have some other uses.", cond="Across multiple adventures, earn a total of 50 Hope."},
	["Gardening Harvest"]={name="Gardening Harvest", num="16", qlt="normal", use="Hope +2, Deployment Limit +1", desc="Originally, this was probably just an ordinary potted plant for use in a public area, but after passing through the hands of Perfumer, Suzuran, and Flamebringer, it has become something a bit more... complex.", cond="Across multiple adventures, earn a total of 150 Hope."},
	["Charred Meat Skewer"]={name="Charred Meat Skewer", num="17", qlt="rare", use="Hope +4, Squad Size Limit +1", desc="A mass of flesh and bone charred beyond repair due to someone's woefully inadequate cooking. Pretty much looks like a murder weapon."},
	["Compressed Sugar Cube"]={name="Compressed Sugar Cube", num="18", qlt="rare", use="Hope +4, Squad Size Limit +1", desc="Nobody knows just how this supercompressed foodstuff is produced. It is extremely hard and can even be used as a building material. More lethal than your typical failed cooking."},
	["Crate of Explosive Building Materials"]={name="Crate of Explosive Building Materials", num="19", qlt="rare", use="Hope +4, Deployment Limit +1", desc="Rhodes Island's portable basic building materials kits are limited in quantity. If lost, please reapply for redistribution. Please assemble according to the instructions; otherwise, the heating pack may explode.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 8 Hope remaining."},
	["Exquisite Platter of Jewels"]={name="Exquisite Platter of Jewels", num="20", qlt="superrare", use="Hope +6, Squad Size Limit +2", desc="The field of candidates for Sargon's next crown prince is always vast, which makes the annual city-state tributes a contentious matter. It's not just a matter of succession; deciding which of the myriad banquets to attend can also be troublesome.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 60 Max Hope."},
	["Pure Gold Expedition 1"]={name="Pure Gold Expedition", image="Pure Gold Expedition 1", num="21", qlt="superrare", use="Hope +4, Squad Size Limit +1, Deployment Limit +1", desc="The regent departed from the wastelands, and markets rose from beneath her dress like sprouts budding in the spring. The road of prosperity connected high mountains and dense forests, following her until she disappeared beyond the cliffs overlooking the western waves. —Ancient Sargon Fairy Tale", cond="Reach a Squad Size Limit of 13 at any point."},
	["Antique Coins 1"]={name="Antique Coins", image="Antique Coins 1", num="22", qlt="normal", use="Immediately adds +10 Originium Ingots.", desc="An ancient, rusty coin, weathered to the point where one can no longer identify its age. Things like these are all too common throughout Terra's barrens."},
	["Demonic Golden Statue"]={name="Demonic Golden Statue", num="23", qlt="rare", use="Immediately adds +18 Originium Ingots.", desc="A mysterious golden sculpture previously fought over by the black-hearted Columbian mining companies and the local rebels of Sargon. Quite the strange design."},
	["Blood Diamond"]={name="Blood Diamond", num="24", qlt="superrare", use="Immediately adds +25 Originium Ingots.", desc="An expensive gemstone with a magnificent, sanguine luster, produced in Bolívar. In its shadow lies a cruel, unbearable past."},
	["Small Fortuna Statue"]={name="Small Fortuna Statue", num="25", qlt="superrare", use="+50% Originium Ingot drops from battle.", desc="Please cease posting photos of other Operators without permission.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 50 Originium Ingots remaining."},
	["Roar Pendant"]={name="Roar Pendant", title="\"Roar\" Pendant", num="26", qlt="rare", use="+30% Originium Ingot drops from battle.", desc="An amulet circulated among a few members of the L.G.D. who don't take their work very seriously. Said to be able to double one's bonuses.", cond="Complete an adventure with at least 15 Originium Ingots remaining."},
	["Beagle's Cookie"]={name="Beagle's Cookie", num="27", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote an Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="You swiped her cookies!"},
	["Cup of Black Tea"]={name="Cup of Black Tea", num="28", qlt="rare", use="Immediately Promote 2 Operators (Does not require Hope).", desc="Miss Ceylon's craftsmanship is quite popular, and having some exquisite afternoon tea after training is not out of the question.", cond="Across all adventures, promote a total of 10 Operators (excluding starting Operators)."},
	["Antique Casting 1"]={name="Antique Casting", image="Antique Casting 1", num="29", qlt="superrare", use="Immediately Promote 3 Operators (Does not require Hope).", desc="\"Harken The forge of the sky Awaits five earthborn metals\" ...Even though it can be used for all kinds of work, nobody understands its exact mechanism.", cond="Across all adventures, promote a total of 25 Operators (excluding starting Operators)."},
	["Regional Action Plan 1"]={name="Regional Action Plan", image="Regional Action Plan 1", num="30", qlt="rare", use="4* Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit.", desc="Rhodes Island has established dedicated offices in every important hub area. The messengers are doing what they can to weave a fragile web across this land.", cond="Clear the 1st Floor, \"Honey Biscuit Cave.\""},
	["Comprehensive Operation File 1"]={name="Comprehensive Operation File", image="Comprehensive Operation File 1", num="31", qlt="rare", use="5* Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit.", desc="A vessel sailing upon the land, like treading upon thin ice. Remember to always expand your worldview.", cond="At any time, have 5 5* Operators."},
	["Secret HR Letter 1"]={name="Secret HR Letter", image="Secret HR Letter 1", num="32", qlt="rare", use="6* Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit.", desc="\"■■■ gave this to you? Guess there's no problem then.\"", cond="At any time, have 4 6* Operators."},
	["Draft of a Speech 1"]={name="Draft of a Speech", image="Draft of a Speech 1", num="33", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators cost -2 Hope to recruit.", desc="She was a little nervous, a little worried, but still remained resolute. When the microphone was turned on, her long ears quivered slightly.", cond="Complete an adventure while having at least 15 Operators."},
	["Assault Co-op Expansion 1"]={name="Assault Co-op Expansion", image="Assault Co-op Expansion 1", num="34", qlt="rare", use="Vanguard Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 4 Vanguard Operators."},
	["Assault Co-op Reinforcements 1"]={name="Assault Co-op Reinforcements", image="Assault Co-op Reinforcements 1", num="35", qlt="rare", use="Guard Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 4 Guard Operators."},
	["Fortification Co-op Expansion 1"]={name="Fortification Co-op Expansion", image="Fortification Co-op Expansion 1", num="36", qlt="rare", use="Defender Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 4 Defender Operators."},
	["Fortification Co-op Reinforcements 1"]={name="Fortification Co-op Reinforcements", image="Fortification Co-op Reinforcements 1", num="37", qlt="rare", use="Supporter Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 4 Supporter Operators."},
	["Ranged Co-op Expansion 1"]={name="Ranged Co-op Expansion", image="Ranged Co-op Expansion 1", num="38", qlt="rare", use="Medic Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 3 Medic Operators."},
	["Ranged Co-op Reinforcements 1"]={name="Ranged Co-op Reinforcements", image="Ranged Co-op Reinforcements 1", num="39", qlt="rare", use="Sniper Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 4 Sniper Operators."},
	["Sabotage Co-op Expansion 1"]={name="Sabotage Co-op Expansion", image="Sabotage Co-op Expansion 1", num="40", qlt="rare", use="Caster Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 4 Caster Operators."},
	["Sabotage Co-op Reinforcements 1"]={name="Sabotage Co-op Reinforcements", image="Sabotage Co-op Reinforcements 1", num="41", qlt="rare", use="Specialist Rec. Vouchers obtained from Shops or as a drop will be upgraded into Elite HR Dispatch Letters.", desc="It is difficult to gain the upper hand in frontline combat with only a single squad of Operators. Supplementing combat capabilities through Co-ops is an effective solution.", cond="Win a battle with at least 4 Specialist Operators."},
	["Darkened Signal Light"]={name="Darkened Signal Light", num="42", qlt="normal", use="15% chance to drop an additional Rec. Voucher after battle (Effect does not stack).", desc="This is the only way for most workers of Rim Billiton to convey information in the total darkness of the wilderness nights."},
	["Old-Fashioned Telegraph"]={name="Old-Fashioned Telegraph", num="43", qlt="rare", use="25% chance to drop an additional Rec. Voucher after battle (Effect does not stack).", desc="An old telegraph. The entire set is bulky and heavy."},
	["Wireless Communicator"]={name="Wireless Communicator", num="44", qlt="superrare", use="35% chance to drop an additional Rec. Voucher after battle (Effect does not stack).", desc="A remote communication device powered by Originium. As the recon operator reminded you, this piece of equipment is expensive and complex, so please handle it with care."},
	["Lucky Coin 1"]={name="Lucky Coin", image="Lucky Coin 1", num="45", qlt="normal", use="Gain +2 Originium Ingots upon entering a noncombat node.", desc="A coin picked up from Rhodes Island. If you find one, you're sure to be able to find many more.", cond="Across multiple adventures, enter a total of 40 non-combat nodes."},
	["Snowsant's Hand-Drawn Flyer"]={name="Snowsant's Hand-Drawn Flyer", num="46", qlt="rare", use="Gain +3 Originium Ingots upon entering a noncombat node.", desc="Can someone take her out for a meal? She's been starving for two days. As I said, just head down to the cafeteria. It's not like they'll deny you rations...", cond="Across multiple adventures, enter a total of 100 non-combat nodes."},
	["Istina's Book List"]={name="Istina's Book List", num="47", qlt="normal", use="Gain +20% EXP from battles.", desc="It's just a list of Istina's books. Doesn't offer you any profound information, but you might be able to learn how to make her favorite snack.", cond="Across multiple adventures, clear a total of 10 battles."},
	["Instructor's Beloved Whip"]={name="Instructor's Beloved Whip", num="48", qlt="rare", use="Gain +30% EXP from battles.", desc="Are Rhodes Island's instructors required to use this kind of weapon?!", cond="Across multiple adventures, clear a total of 50 battles."},
	["Transporter-Type Meebo"]={name="Transporter-Type Meebo", num="49", qlt="normal", use="+10 Starting DP", desc="The \"Great Meebo Monument\" is covered with the codenames of its compatriots, but it knows no joy or sorrow. It simply wants to work."},
	["Sarkaz Supervisor's Whistle"]={name="Sarkaz Supervisor's Whistle", num="50", qlt="rare", use="+20 Starting DP", desc="A whistle stolen by a certain Sarkaz mercenary, originally property of a Sarkaz foreman. Even they had to cover their ears when blowing on it."},
	["Burdenbeast"]={name="Burdenbeast", num="51", qlt="superrare", use="+30 Starting DP", desc="You saw a depressed burdenbeast, and for whatever reason, that also made you depressed.", cond="Clear the 2nd Floor, \"Honey Biscuit Mountain Range.\""},
	["Strange Sunglasses"]={name="Strange Sunglasses", title="$trange $unglasses", num="52", qlt="rare", use="Shop vendors charge -50% Originium Ingots for their goods.", desc="When you wear it, it's as if the entire wealth of the Columbian music industry is revolving around you.", cond="Across all adventures, spend a total of 200 Originium Ingots at shops."},
	["Fragmentation Mine"]={name="Fragmentation Mine", num="53", qlt="rare", use="Temporarily gain 1 Objective HP at the beginning of each battle.", desc="Fragmentation mines planted on Rhodes Island have one of two functions, depending on who set it up. NO— PLANTING— EXPLOSIVES— IN— THE— HALLWAY—", cond="Across all adventures, lose a total of 50 Objective HP."},
	["Self-Defense Handbook"]={name="Self-Defense Handbook", title="\"Self-Defense Handbook\"", num="54", qlt="rare", use="Temporarily gain 2 Objective HP at the beginning of each battle.", desc="Its complete title is, \"Handbook of Self-Defense When Traveling to the City-States of Other Countries Surrounding Laterano and the Zones Between Them.\" You can read it, but you can't learn anything from it.", cond="Across all adventures, lose a total of 125 Objective HP."},
	["Hibiscus's Healthy Meal"]={name="Hibiscus's Healthy Meal", num="55", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -7% ATK.", desc="Physically healthy, but mentally unhealthy. Eating something like this takes the fight right out of you."},
	["Livestock Excrement"]={name="Livestock Excrement", num="56", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -9% ATK.", desc="Something like this is effective for sapping the morale of your enemies. Help...", cond="Select \"Leader Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Abyssal Wyrdmask 1"]={name="Abyssal Wyrdmask", image="Abyssal Wyrdmask 1", num="57", qlt="rare", use="All enemy units have -12% ATK.", desc="An eldritch mask not belonging to any culture you're familiar with that is capable of making people lose their will to fight... and unconsciously fall into a state of deep contemplation."},
	["Godmother's Token 1"]={name="Godmother's Token", image="Godmother's Token 1", num="58", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have -17% ATK.", desc="A laurel of bones, the token of a Sicilian noblewoman. This symbol of order will smooth the turbulance of all desires, for conflict is not allowed. Genuine or counterfeit, it still demands you to kneel."},
	["Nail File"]={name="Nail File", num="59", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -12% DEF.", desc="Sneakily pry loose the enemy's equipment."},
	["Rickety Trap"]={name="Rickety Trap", num="60", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -15% DEF.", desc="A trap commonly used by a violent organization based in Terra's barrens, \"Rusthammer.\" \"We kill people and animals alike.\"", cond="Select \"Gathering Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Acid Originium Slug"]={name="Acid Originium Slug", num="61", qlt="rare", use="All enemy units have -21% DEF.", desc="A chilling fact of the battlefield: Small or juvenile Originium slugs can be used as lethal throwing objects. But please don't...!", link="Acid Originium Slug (Collectible)"},
	["Rosmontis's Embrace 1"]={name="Rosmontis's Embrace", image="Rosmontis's Embrace 1", num="62", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have -30% DEF.", desc="\"Who will be the judge?\""},
	["Anthology of Anonymous Poems"]={name="Anthology of Anonymous Poems", num="63", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -10% HP.", desc="\"The shards of the wine glass sung within my flesh, and fresh blood climbed between my fingers towards my spine. As I lapped up the sharp, crystalline brilliance, light began to flow from my viscera.\""},
	["Deteriorated Tissue"]={name="Deteriorated Tissue", num="64", qlt="normal", use="All enemy units have -12% HP.", desc="Very dense connective tissue found in the endless icy expanses north of Sami. This project is to be terminated immediately. Effective now.", cond="Select \"Support Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["The Whisperer in Darknight 1"]={name="The Whisperer in Darknight", title="\"The Whisperer in Darknight\"", image="The Whisperer in Darknight 1", num="65", qlt="rare", use="All enemy units have -15% HP.", desc="A black vinyl. DO. NOT. TOUCH. IT."},
	["The Silence"]={name="The Silence", title="\"The Silence\"", num="66", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have -20% HP.", desc="A painting that depicts the greatest disaster in Iberian history. Its brushstrokes, colors, and images are all meaningless. \"The Ægir know. The Ægir know. The Ægir know.\"", link="Profound Silence (Collectible)"},
	["Small Yellow Helmet"]={name="Small Yellow Helmet", num="67", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +15% DEF.", desc="This yellow polymer safety helmet has the words, \"Produce Safely\" written on its back. Are these words meant for the people behind the wearer...?"},
	["Trench Sandbag"]={name="Trench Sandbag", num="68", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +18% DEF.", desc="Can be used to quickly erect temporary fortifications. Remember, temporary.", cond="Select \"Spearhead Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Slash-Resistant Fiber Vest"]={name="Slash-Resistant Fiber Vest", num="69", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units have +25% DEF.", desc="A set of basic but very heavy armor issued by the Victorian Mounted Police. Courier said that for whatever reason, he saw similar equipment in Kjerag..."},
	["Old Steam Armor 1"]={name="Old Steam Armor", image="Old Steam Armor 1", num="70", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +35% DEF.", desc="Even this old, outdated steam armor seems to carry with it the resplendence of when the Victorian monarchs cast their glory across half the world."},
	["How to Throw Down"]={name="How to Throw Down", title="\"How to Throw Down\"", num="71", qlt="normal", use="All friendly melee units have +15% ATK.", desc="A recording of the warcry of a large number of Ursusians. Very intimidating."},
	["One-Armed Chainsaw"]={name="One-Armed Chainsaw", title="\"One-Armed Chainsaw\"", num="72", qlt="normal", use="All friendly melee units have +18% ATK.", desc="A novel from Yan, chronicling the revenge story of the One-Armed Chainsaw. There seem to be over a dozen sequels.", cond="Clear the 3rd Floor, \"Thousand Roads,\" when you have exactly 0 Originium Ingots."},
	["Gear-type Exoskeleton"]={name="Gear-type Exoskeleton", num="73", qlt="rare", use="All friendly melee units have +25% ATK.", desc="This exoskeleton provides mechanical assistance to save the time and effort of its wearer... or just to do other stuff. Have they never considered the issue of powering it?"},
	["Corroded Silver Lance"]={name="Corroded Silver Lance", num="74", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly melee units have +35% ATK.", desc="A lance that can pierce mountains and lakes, accompanied by the trampling of hooves that can disperse gathered clouds. Fireworks and advertisements have dulled everyone's memories, but they are still out there. They will appear."},
	["Pressurized Cylinder"]={name="Pressurized Cylinder", num="75", qlt="normal", use="All friendly ranged units have +15% ATK.", desc="A pressurized vessel with compressed inert gas. Be sure to pay attention to whether the pressure gauge's readout is normal."},
	["Superelastic Alloy Spring"]={name="Superelastic Alloy Spring", num="76", qlt="normal", use="All friendly ranged units have +18% ATK.", desc="High-quality springs with several times the elasticity of normal springs. Regardless of how you use them, be careful not to hurt yourself.", cond="Clear the battle, [[Rusthammer Battle"},
	["Damaged Revolver Cylinder 1"]={name="Damaged Revolver Cylinder", image="Damaged Revolver Cylinder 1", num="77", qlt="rare", use="All friendly ranged units have +25% ATK.", desc="She never capitulated, even after enduring countless trials and tribulations. Her muzzle belched tongues of flame that burned like an angry sun, and the glow above her head was brighter than the daylight itself. Buried here is Outcast, our friend."},
	["Necklace of the Presence 1"]={name="Necklace of the Presence", image="Necklace of the Presence 1", num="78", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly ranged units have +35% ATK.", desc="Faith hangs ten centimeters above your heart, spoken words flow into your blood, and bullets slide into your magazine."},
	["Noxious Healing Powder"]={name="Noxious Healing Powder", num="79", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +20% HP.", desc="\"Dried and ground Ander roots and Brocc flowers can be used topically to treat injuries.\" —\"Rhodes Island Wilderness Survival Guide\""},
	["Noxious Hemostatic Agent 1"]={name="Noxious Hemostatic Agent", image="Noxious Hemostatic Agent 1", num="80", qlt="normal", use="All friendly units have +24% HP.", desc="\"After fermentation, the body fluids of this Originium slug can be used to stop bleeding.\" —\"Rhodes Island Wilderness Survival Guide\"", cond="Select \"Tactical Assault Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["First Aid Kit 1"]={name="First Aid Kit", image="First Aid Kit 1", num="81", qlt="rare", use="All friendly units have +35% HP.", desc="\"...Please use antibiotics and ethanol additives under the supervision of professionals...\" —Rim Billiton Production Safety Manual"},
	["Chalky Treatment Needle"]={name="Chalky Treatment Needle", num="82", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +50% HP.", desc="\"...Improve the totipotence of individual cells to alleviate pain and discomfort...\" —Instruction manual on Saria's desk"},
	["Cheap Consumable Salt"]={name="Cheap Consumable Salt", num="83", qlt="normal", use="All enemies take +15% Physical damage.", desc="Sprinkles salt on the wounds."},
	["Auxiliary Stun Device"]={name="Auxiliary Stun Device", num="84", qlt="rare", use="All enemies take +18% Physical damage.", desc="Gavial wants to alleviate pain by \"putting the patient in so much pain that they can't feel pain anymore,\" which is simply not good.", cond="Select \"Tactical Fortification Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Bloody Chainsaw"]={name="Bloody Chainsaw", num="85", qlt="rare", use="All enemies take +25% Physical damage.", desc="Very scary, just like a prop from a horror movie. Blaze used it to slice up a watermelon yesterday."},
	["Another Rivet"]={name="Another Rivet", num="86", qlt="superrare", use="All enemies take +35% Physical damage.", desc="A rivet that can be found just about anywhere. \"Friend, why are your hands oily again? When'd you have time to go sand your horns? Why are there rocks growing on your skin? Why aren't you saying anything?\""},
	["Activated Dust"]={name="Activated Dust", num="87", qlt="normal", use="All enemies take +20% Arts damage.", desc="The waste from Terra's Originium industrial production is extremely dangerous. Please dispose of it properly. A~choo!"},
	["Originium Spotlight"]={name="Originium Spotlight", num="88", qlt="normal", use="All enemies take +23% Arts damage.", desc="A spotlight that derives its illumination from stimulating Originium activity. Harmful to a person's body.", cond="???"},
	["Originium Zone Generator"]={name="Originium Zone Generator", num="89", qlt="rare", use="All enemies take +30% Arts damage.", desc="Originium crystals are planted in advance to ensure that the Caster team can complete their mission. This form of combat..."},
	["Ownerless Saxophone"]={name="Ownerless Saxophone", num="90", qlt="superrare", use="All enemies take +40% Arts damage.", desc="Its owner is dead. There was once a caster who never ascended the Spire, yet had the ability to make the skies sing. Long has it waited for the time when Leithania's Arts would be free once again. The wait yet continues."},
	["Civilight Eterna 1"]={name="Civilight Eterna", title="\"Civilight Eterna\"", image="Civilight Eterna 1", num="91", qlt="superrare", use="All enemies take +150% True damage.", desc="A small, black crown.", cond="???", link="Civilight Eterna (Collectible)"},
	["Small Handmade Bag"]={name="Small Handmade Bag", num="92", qlt="normal", use="All Operators start with +6 SP.", desc="Shamare and Bibeak both had a part in making this."},
	["Piddling Overtime Pay"]={name="Piddling Overtime Pay", title="*Piddling* Overtime Pay", num="93", qlt="normal", use="All Operators start with +8 SP.", desc="The boss appears extremely reluctant to even give a small raise to boost employee motivation, seriously. So, this definitely couldn't be the boss of Penguin Logistics.", cond="Clear the 3rd Floor, \"Thousand Roads,\" with no fewer than 15 Objective HP remaining."},
	["Closure's Mercy"]={name="Closure's Mercy", num="94", qlt="rare", use="All Operators start with +12 SP.", desc="An elusive voucher that only appears when resources are abundant. When this happens, Closure allows even operators to splurge in her shop. Well, the amount is hardly enough to allow for splurging."},
	["Fluorescent Lamp"]={name="Fluorescent Lamp", title="\"Fluorescent Lamp\"", num="95", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators start with +18 SP.", desc="I was born a Lateranan. Err, no, I meant, I was a Lateranan from the moment I uttered my first word."},
	["Vanilla Soda 1"]={name="Vanilla Soda", image="Vanilla Soda 1", num="96", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Auto Recovery skills by +0.2/s.", desc="Bolívar's cheap specialty drink dates back hundreds of years. It is mixed with a variety of spices, and is known for not being very good."},
	["Forte Energy Drink"]={name="Forte Energy Drink", num="97", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Auto Recovery skills by +0.25/s.", desc="\"What do you think the reason is why Bison can catch up to Texas on a bicycle?\"", cond="Select \"Tactical Ranged Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Pepper Mom"]={name="Pepper Mom", num="98", qlt="rare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Auto Recovery skills by +0.35/s.", desc="A special beverage that comes from a city-state located to the southwest of Yan. It is spicy and pungent, and said to double as a condiment."},
	["Braintet"]={name="Braintet", num="99", qlt="superrare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Auto Recovery skills by +0.5/s.", desc="A new type of energy draught developed by Parasol Pharmaceuticals. It's sugar free, has a minty taste, and has no side effects."},
	["Barrens Tequila 1"]={name="Barrens Tequila", image="Barrens Tequila 1", num="100", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Offensive and Defensive Recovery skills by 1 SP per 3.5s.", desc="A cheap distilled spirit originally produced in Bolívar. It has a strong taste and is widely praised by Columbia's explorers."},
	["Captain Morgan's Wine 1"]={name="Captain Morgan's Wine", image="Captain Morgan's Wine 1", num="101", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Offensive and Defensive Recovery skills by 1 SP per 3s.", desc="A wine produced in the Iberian region. Despite having gained popularity in the heart of Victoria's bustling cities, it is now discontinued.", cond="Select \"Tactical Destruction Squad\" and complete your adventure."},
	["Water of Life 1"]={name="Water of Life", image="Water of Life 1", num="102", qlt="rare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Offensive and Defensive Recovery skills by 1 SP per 2.5s.", desc="The strongest Ursus liquors go straight to one's head, but it's said that the healthy Ursusian adult can down several bottles."},
	["Royal Liqueur 1"]={name="Royal Liqueur", image="Royal Liqueur 1", num="103", qlt="superrare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Offensive and Defensive Recovery skills by 1 SP per 1.5s.", desc="The fine wines of the extinct country, Gaul, have now become expensive, prime treasures for collectors. The place of production is now a part of Leithania, but the technique has been lost."},
	["Blunt Claws - Advancement 1"]={name="Blunt Claws - Advancement", image="Blunt Claws - Advancement 1", num="104", qlt="normal", use="Vanguard Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP.", desc="Plant a great stone within the waters. Split the waves and part the fog."},
	["Blunt Claws - Training 1"]={name="Blunt Claws - Training", image="Blunt Claws - Training 1", num="105", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Vanguard Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="A formidable set of equipment to provide strength, an indomitable heart to press forward bravely."},
	["Blunt Claws - Burst 1"]={name="Blunt Claws - Burst", image="Blunt Claws - Burst 1", num="106", qlt="normal", use="Vanguard Operators start with +15 SP.", desc="He's already done all the reserve squad's work for them. What else do you expect?", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"Camp\" event 2 times."},
	["Blunt Claws - Proficiency 1"]={name="Blunt Claws - Proficiency", image="Blunt Claws - Proficiency 1", num="107", qlt="rare", use="The SP Cost of Vanguard Operators' skills is decreased by -35%.", desc="As an operator who often enters the battlefield before anyone else, you cannot fathom what they have been through."},
	["Blunt Claws - Inspiration 1"]={name="Blunt Claws - Inspiration", image="Blunt Claws - Inspiration 1", num="108", qlt="rare", use="The Redeployment Time of Vanguard Operators is reduced by -50%.", desc="It's just a strategic retreat. That way, you can see what they look like before penetrating the enemy.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"Camp\" event 6 times."},
	["Blunt Claws - Mastery 1"]={name="Blunt Claws - Mastery", image="Blunt Claws - Mastery 1", num="109", qlt="superrare", use="Vanguard Operators have +50% ATK and DEF", desc="\"When the darkly-clad enemies rushed towards me, there were only four words on my mind — they are done for.\"", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"Camp\" event 12 times."},
	["Bend Spears - Advancement 1"]={name="Bend Spears - Advancement", image="Bend Spears - Advancement 1", num="110", qlt="normal", use="Guard Operators have -3 DP Cost and +40% Max HP.", desc="The soldiers stepped onto the battlefield, drew their blades, and met in battle."},
	["Bend Spears - Training 1"]={name="Bend Spears - Training", image="Bend Spears - Training 1", num="111", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Guard Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="Some people use swords because they don't know how to use crossbows or Arts. Others use swords because that's all they need."},
	["Bend Spears - Acuity 1"]={name="Bend Spears - Acuity", image="Bend Spears - Acuity 1", num="112", qlt="normal", use="Guard Operators have +25% ATK.", desc="\"This is the 7th blade you've broken this month.\" \"But I cut down eight enemies this month.\"", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"A Toaster\" event 2 times."},
	["Bend Spears - Bloodbath 1"]={name="Bend Spears - Bloodbath", image="Bend Spears - Bloodbath 1", num="113", qlt="rare", use="Guard Operators restore 2 SP after each attack.", desc="Soldiers who get bolder as time passes are rare. Most need some form of psychological counseling to alleviate the trauma of war."},
	["Bend Spears - Army of One 1"]={name="Bend Spears - Army of One", image="Bend Spears - Army of One 1", num="114", qlt="rare", use="Guard Operators have +1 Block.", desc="One does not need to don heavy armor or hold up a shield to resist enemy attacks. Oftentimes, the best defense is to quickly eliminate those that would harm you.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"A Toaster\" event 6 times."},
	["Bend Spears - Deathmatch 1"]={name="Bend Spears - Deathmatch", image="Bend Spears - Deathmatch 1", num="115", qlt="superrare", use="Guard Operators have -40% DEF, but gain +40% ATK and +30 ASPD.", desc="I wouldn't really recommend learning those skills from Blaze.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"A Toaster\" event 12 times."},
	["Iron Guard - Advancement 1"]={name="Iron Guard - Advancement", image="Iron Guard - Advancement 1", num="116", qlt="normal", use="Defender Operators have -3 DP Cost and +40% Max HP.", desc="The shieldbearers formed a mountain range and became the earth. What they fight against are not enemies of flesh and blood. They fight against fate and injustice."},
	["Iron Guard - Training 1"]={name="Iron Guard - Training", image="Iron Guard - Training 1", num="117", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Defender Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="Scars symbolize glory, but who will remember the soldiers who were cut a bit too deeply?"},
	["Iron Guard - Invasion 1"]={name="Iron Guard - Invasion", image="Iron Guard - Invasion 1", num="118", qlt="normal", use="Defender Operators have +60% ATK.", desc="Defensive actions for the sake of teammates or strategic purposes often make people forget about their original aggressiveness.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"Teller of Tales\" event 2 times."},
	["Iron Guard - Tranquility 1"]={name="Iron Guard - Tranquility", image="Iron Guard - Tranquility 1", num="119", qlt="rare", use="Defender Operators have +25% DEF and +50% Max HP.", desc="\"Is there anyone who can remain in formation under a bombing of that scale?\" \"Standing in formation? He moved a few steps forward.\""},
	["Iron Guard - Advance 1"]={name="Iron Guard - Advance", image="Iron Guard - Advance 1", num="120", qlt="rare", use="Defender Operators have -1 Block (will not be reduced below 1), but gain +40% ATK and +40 ASPD.", desc="In exchange for an opportunity to attack, the shattered ranks made one more advance.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"Teller of Tales\" event 6 times."},
	["Iron Guard - Impenetrable 1"]={name="Iron Guard - Impenetrable", image="Iron Guard - Impenetrable 1", num="121", qlt="superrare", use="Defender Operators restore 2 SP after losing HP.", desc="Every blow they endure will turn into anger and be returned severalfold.", cond="Across all adventures, enter the \"Teller of Tales\" event 12 times."},
	["Fatal Bolts - Advancement 1"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Advancement", image="Fatal Bolts - Advancement 1", num="122", qlt="normal", use="Sniper Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP.", desc="Load, aim, and fire. Destruction arrives as scheduled."},
	["Fatal Bolts - Precision 1"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Precision", image="Fatal Bolts - Precision 1", num="123", qlt="normal", use="Sniper Operators have +20% ATK.", desc="In an era when Originium Arts were not as robust as they are now, Yan had a saying, \"a pierced willow leaf from a hundred paces,\" to praise others for their mastery of archery.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Lost Colossus\" boss 1 time."},
	["Fatal Bolts - Training 1"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Training", image="Fatal Bolts - Training 1", num="124", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Sniper Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="\"Either you learn to control your ignition, or you learn to discern your target. Got it?\""},
	["Fatal Bolts - Synergy 1"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Synergy", image="Fatal Bolts - Synergy 1", num="125", qlt="rare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Sniper Operators by +0.5/s.", desc="The more intimate a sniper is with her weapon, the less likely she is to be betrayed by it."},
	["Fatal Bolts - Crossfire 1"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Crossfire", image="Fatal Bolts - Crossfire 1", num="126", qlt="rare", use="Sniper Operators have -40% HP, but gain +40% ATK.", desc="The dense crossfire also exposes snipers to great danger. The next battle boils down to a game of vision.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Lost Colossus\" boss 2 times."},
	["Fatal Bolts - Divine Speed 1"]={name="Fatal Bolts - Divine Speed", image="Fatal Bolts - Divine Speed 1", num="127", qlt="superrare", use="Sniper Operators have +70 ASPD.", desc="It is said that the legendary archer of ancient Victoria can almost shoot a continuous stream of arrows.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Lost Colossus\" boss 4 times."},
	["Broken Wand - Advancement 1"]={name="Broken Wand - Advancement", image="Broken Wand - Advancement 1", num="128", qlt="normal", use="Caster Operators have -3 DP Cost and +60% Max HP.", desc="Let Arts dance around your fingertips. Call the wind and rain, unravel reality, and achieve your grand goals."},
	["Broken Wand - Training 1"]={name="Broken Wand - Training", image="Broken Wand - Training 1", num="129", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Caster Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="\"After watching the 'performance' of certain casters, I decided to quietly put away the Leithanien textbook.\""},
	["Broken Wand - Arts Weaving 1"]={name="Broken Wand - Arts Weaving", image="Broken Wand - Arts Weaving 1", num="130", qlt="normal", use="Caster Operators have +25% ATK.", desc="Those who gaze up at the great spires in Leithania often see some strange or even celestial phenomena.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Jetman\" boss 1 time."},
	["Broken Wand - Chanting 1"]={name="Broken Wand - Chanting", image="Broken Wand - Chanting 1", num="131", qlt="rare", use="Caster Operators have +40 ASPD.", desc="Though the relationship between music and Arts is marvelous indeed, umm, this is not an excuse for some peoples' tone-deafness."},
	["Broken Wand - Concentration 1"]={name="Broken Wand - Concentration", image="Broken Wand - Concentration 1", num="132", qlt="rare", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Caster Operators by +0.4/s.", desc="\"When a caster intends to go all out, they will display a completely different temperament — even if we're talking about something like Miss Skyfire's grumpiness.\"", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Jetman\" boss 2 times."},
	["Broken Wand - Malediction 1"]={name="Broken Wand - Malediction", image="Broken Wand - Malediction 1", num="133", qlt="superrare", use="Caster Operators have -40% HP, but deal +70% Arts damage.", desc="It is virtually impossible to identify when the Sarkaz first encountered Originium, and the origins of these ancient Arts have long been separated from actual reality and common sense.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Jetman\" boss 4 times."},
	["Stalwart Aid - Advancement 1"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Advancement", image="Stalwart Aid - Advancement 1", num="134", qlt="normal", use="Supporter Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP.", desc="Whenever you're \"almost done\" with a task, what you need at that moment is someone to help you with the \"almost\" part."},
	["Stalwart Aid - Training 1"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Training", image="Stalwart Aid - Training 1", num="135", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Supporter Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="Their tactics are always diverse and colorful."},
	["Stalwart Aid - Secondary Front 1"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Secondary Front", image="Stalwart Aid - Secondary Front 1", num="136", qlt="normal", use="Units summoned by Supporter Operators have +50% ATK.", desc="\"Um, I can understand the derivatives of combining mechanics with Originium Arts, but there might be something else...\"", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Forsaken One\" boss 1 time."},
	["Stalwart Aid - Diligence 1"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Diligence", image="Stalwart Aid - Diligence 1", num="137", qlt="rare", use="The SP Cost of Supporter Operators' skills is decreased by -40%.", desc="Operators tend to give it their all, even to tasks that might seem trivial. The reality is, those tasks are not trivial at all."},
	["Stalwart Aid - Demoralize 1"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Demoralize", image="Stalwart Aid - Demoralize 1", num="138", qlt="rare", use="Enemies within the attack range of Supporter Operators have -15% ATK.", desc="There are many ways to weaken an enemy's offensive capabilities: corroding their weapons, psychological warfare, increasing their weight, and... giving them a stomachache.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Forsaken One\" boss 2 times."},
	["Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts 1"]={name="Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts", image="Stalwart Aid - Counter-Arts 1", num="139", qlt="superrare", use="Enemies within the attack range of Supporter Operators have -20% DEF and -20% RES.", desc="There are many ways to weaken an enemy's defensive capabilities: positional devices, armor-stripping Arts, marking weak points, and... giving them a stomachache.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Forsaken One\" boss 4 times."},
	["Healer's Path - Advancement 1"]={name="Healer's Path - Advancement", image="Healer's Path - Advancement 1", num="140", qlt="normal", use="Medic Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP.", desc="The desire to save lives is a virtue that mankind must applaud, for that is the support that keeps us alive."},
	["Healer's Path - Training 1"]={name="Healer's Path - Training", image="Healer's Path - Training 1", num="141", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Medic Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="When the day comes when everyone is a doctor and can even cure the disease known as life, we will no longer need doctors."},
	["Healer's Path - Self-Treating 1"]={name="Healer's Path - Self-Treating", image="Healer's Path - Self-Treating 1", num="142", qlt="normal", use="Increases the SP regen rate of Medic Operators by +0.3/s.", desc="Who says healers can't heal themselves? They simply pop some pills before continuing to help others.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Rusthammer Warrior\" boss 1 time."},
	["Healer's Path - Potency 1"]={name="Healer's Path - Potency", image="Healer's Path - Potency 1", num="143", qlt="rare", use="Medic Operators have +40% ATK.", desc="Nobody else dared to attempt such a radical treatment — except Warfarin. She never made a single mistake."},
	["Healer's Path - Keen Hands 1"]={name="Healer's Path - Keen Hands", image="Healer's Path - Keen Hands 1", num="144", qlt="rare", use="Medic Operators have +50 ASPD.", desc="Compared to the feat of snatching a life from the grip of death, what is three days of coma afterwards?", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Rusthammer Warrior\" boss 3 times."},
	["Healer's Path - Restore Sanity 1"]={name="Healer's Path - Restore Sanity", image="Healer's Path - Restore Sanity 1", num="145", qlt="superrare", use="Allied units within the attack range of Medic Operators gain Resistance.", desc="Reinforce your thinking. In the domain of your mind, make even every weed impregnable.", cond="Across all adventures, defeat the \"Rusthammer Warrior\" boss 6 times."},
	["Rusted Blade - Advancement 1"]={name="Rusted Blade - Advancement", image="Rusted Blade - Advancement 1", num="146", qlt="normal", use="Specialist Operators have -2 DP Cost and +60% Max HP.", desc="There may be many means, but only one end."},
	["Rusted Blade - Training 1"]={name="Rusted Blade - Training", image="Rusted Blade - Training 1", num="147", qlt="normal", use="Immediately Promote a Specialist Operator (Does not require Hope).", desc="When conducting live combat drills with Specialist Operators, please be prepared to be \"beaten up thoroughly before you are prepared.\""},
	["Rusted Blade - Execution 1"]={name="Rusted Blade - Execution", image="Rusted Blade - Execution 1", num="148", qlt="normal", use="Specialist Operators have +30 ASPD.", desc="Projekt Red has a knife. She has a knife.", cond="Clear the 4th Floor, \"Cloud Maze.\""},
	["Rusted Blade - Isolation 1"]={name="Rusted Blade - Isolation", image="Rusted Blade - Isolation 1", num="149", qlt="rare", use="Specialist Operators have +40% ATK and DEF", desc="The director of S.W.E.E.P. does not have any mission participation records. *None*."},
	["Rusted Blade - No Man's Land 1"]={name="Rusted Blade - No Man's Land", image="Rusted Blade - No Man's Land 1", num="150", qlt="rare", use="The Redeployment Time of Specialist Operators is reduced by -35%.", desc="Some operators have very peculiar combat methods. Don't make a fuss over how many times you see them, or how many of them you see.", cond="Across all adventures, place at least 15 bets in the \"Originium Slug Race\" event."},
	["Rusted Blade - Overwhelm 1"]={name="Rusted Blade - Overwhelm", image="Rusted Blade - Overwhelm 1", num="151", qlt="superrare", use="Specialist Operators have +2 shift strength.", desc="Terrain is one aspect of battle... That's all I can say.", cond="Across all adventures, place at least 50 bets in the \"Originium Slug Race\" event."},
	["Assault Co-op - Sharp Blade 1"]={name="Assault Co-op - Sharp Blade", image="Assault Co-op - Sharp Blade 1", num="152", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Vanguard and Guard Operators by +8% for each Vanguard or Guard Operator in the combat squad.", desc="Use the sharpest spear to strike the hardest shield. I guarantee you that the shield will break first, trust me.", cond="???"},
	["Assault Co-op - Skirmish 1"]={name="Assault Co-op - Skirmish", image="Assault Co-op - Skirmish 1", num="153", qlt="normal", use="Increases the DEF of Vanguard and Guard Operators by +8% for each Vanguard or Guard Operator in the combat squad.", desc="A sophisticated blocking technique is essential to protecting one's body.", cond="???"},
	["Fortification Co-op - Phalanx 1"]={name="Fortification Co-op - Phalanx", image="Fortification Co-op - Phalanx 1", num="154", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Defender and Supporter Operators by +8% for each Defender or Supporter Operator in the combat squad.", desc="Like a huge ship running over rubble.", cond="???"},
	["Fortification Co-op - Resolution 1"]={name="Fortification Co-op - Resolution", image="Fortification Co-op - Resolution 1", num="155", qlt="normal", use="Increases the DEF of Defender and Supporter Operators by +8% for each Defender or Supporter Operator in the combat squad.", desc="Use the hardest shield to block the sharpest spear. I guarantee you that the spear will break first, trust me.", cond="???"},
	["Ranged Co-op - Remote Strike 1"]={name="Ranged Co-op - Remote Strike", image="Ranged Co-op - Remote Strike 1", num="156", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Medic and Sniper Operators by +8% for each Medic or Sniper Operator in the combat squad.", desc="If you can solve the problem from a reasonable distance, why do you have to literally butt heads?", cond="???"},
	["Ranged Co-op - Assassination 1"]={name="Ranged Co-op - Assassination", image="Ranged Co-op - Assassination 1", num="157", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ASPD of Medic and Sniper Operators by +6 for each Medic or Sniper Operator in the combat squad.", desc="Can't tell friends from foes at this distance? Unload a volley at them then. The enemies are the ones that failed to avoid it.", cond="???"},
	["Sabotage Co-op - Elimination 1"]={name="Sabotage Co-op - Elimination", image="Sabotage Co-op - Elimination 1", num="158", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ATK of Caster and Specialist Operators by +8% for each Caster or Specialist Operator in the combat squad.", desc="External destruction, internal disintegration.", cond="???"},
	["Sabotage Co-op - Suppression 1"]={name="Sabotage Co-op - Suppression", image="Sabotage Co-op - Suppression 1", num="159", qlt="normal", use="Increases the ASPD of Caster and Specialist Operators by +6 for each Caster or Specialist Operator in the combat squad.", desc="Don't worry about your accuracy. Take enough shots, and you're guaranteed to land something!", cond="???"},
	["Psychedelic Treasure Map"]={name="Psychedelic Treasure Map", num="160", qlt="superrare", use="Immediately adds +2 Originium Ingots and +1 Hope.", desc="Someone wrote the name he saw in his dream on this treasure map. Judging from the coordinates, this \"city\" seems to be a forest of banana trees?", cond="Complete an adventure."},
	["Bloodstained Flyer"]={name="Bloodstained Flyer", num="161", qlt="superrare", use="Immediately adds +22 Originium Ingot, and changes your adventure towards a different ending.", desc="Filled with objects and places that only appear in fairy tales and nursery rhymes. On the other side of the Candy Castle. The boy of the Honey Windmill. What does it all mean?", cond="Complete an adventure."},
	["Glorious Craftsman Bag"]={name="Glorious Craftsman Bag", num="162", qlt="superrare", use="Guard and Sniper Operators have +16% ATK, but Supporter and Caster Operators have -8% ATK.", desc="Only when drinking cheap booze does Mechanist remember that he is flesh and blood, not the embodiment of a physical property."},
	["Logos's Bone Pen"]={name="Logos's Bone Pen", num="163", qlt="superrare", use="Supporter and Caster Operators have +16% ATK, but Guard and Sniper Operators have -8% ATK.", desc="Every stroke made by this crazed but masterful Sarkaz caster can be considered some form of Originium Arts. Watching is prohibited. Questions are prohibited. Understanding is prohibited."},
	["Vessel of Unlimited Refills"]={name="Vessel of Unlimited Refills", num="164", qlt="superrare", use="Gain +1 Hope upon entering a noncombat node.", desc="Just pour in water, and this cup will produce an infinite supply of fizzy soda! What an ingenious invention! You've never seen anything like it before."},
	["Left Coconut Shell"]={name="Left Coconut Shell", num="165", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators have +6 DP Cost, but gain +8% ATK, DEF, and Max HP.", desc="Neatly printed upon the coconut shell are the following words, \"Fight on, my friend. If you cannot face the suffering of life, then life itself will lose its meaning.\""},
	["Right Coconut Shell"]={name="Right Coconut Shell", num="166", qlt="superrare", use="All Operators have -35% Max HP, but have -50% Redeployment Time.", desc="Neatly printed upon the coconut shell are the following words, \"Running is a tactic in its own right, and proficient use of it is a shortcut to success.\""},
	["Reversed Pocket Watch"]={name="Reversed Pocket Watch", num="167", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have -15 ASPD.", desc="A rusty pocket watch made with unknown materials, its hands ticking backwards. You can't figure out how to wind it up, or how to take it apart. How strange..."},
	["Hand Gun"]={name="Hand Gun", title="\"Hand Gun\"", num="168", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have -3 DP Cost and gain +5% ATK, DEF, and Max HP. The adventure will head towards a different ending.", desc="The severed skeletal hand is tightly clutching onto this large-caliber firearm. Who did it belong to? What happened to the owner of this severed hand? And how did all of this happen?", cond="???"},
	["Heavy Metal Chest"]={name="Heavy Metal Chest", num="169", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +2 DP Cost.", desc="This thick, heavy metal chest has seriously delayed your schedule, but you don't want to discard it for whatever reason. Maybe you're interested in seeing what's inside.", cond="???"},
	["Pitch-Black Key"]={name="Pitch-Black Key", num="170", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +3% ATK, DEF, and Max HP.", desc="You're very surprised to find that this exquisitely-shaped key is made of Originium. What kind of processing technique could make such an intricate key?", cond="???"},
	["Auspex"]={name="Auspex", num="171", qlt="rare", use="Deployment Limit +2", desc="A special instrument made by a mysterious society in Columbia. This spherical device made of Originium crystals can detect the topography within dozens of meters around it. How magical."},
	["Super Premium Sofa"]={name="Super Premium Sofa", num="172", qlt="rare", use="+1 Squad Size Limit, +1 Deployment Limit.", desc="\"The most comfortable sofa in all of Terra,\" \"Lying on it will make you forget all the troubles of life,\" \"A must-have for leisurely travel.\" ...All these ads are suspiciously exaggerated.", cond="Across multiple adventures, recruit a total of 90 Operators (excluding starting Operators)."},
	["Stereo Projector"]={name="Stereo Projector", num="173", qlt="normal", use="Immediately gain +6 Objective HP.", desc="This projector will generate a holographic humanoid clone that is hard to distinguish unless you look closely. May come in handy if trying to mislead the enemy, but don't use it to play a prank..."},
	["An Old Refrigerator"]={name="An Old Refrigerator", num="174", qlt="normal", use="Immediately gain +6 Objective HP.", desc="An old refrigerator that has long run out of juice. However, hiding in it may protect you from many dangers, like even the most dangerous Originium bombs. That's how they do it in the movies."},
	["Personal Refuge"]={name="Personal Refuge", num="175", qlt="rare", use="Immediately gain +8 Objective HP.", desc="Mama Johns, a Columbian technology company, provides personal protective services to explorers, but any explorers with the money to afford that kind of service probably wouldn't still be doing that job."},
	["Void Field Capacitor"]={name="Void Field Capacitor", num="176", qlt="superrare", use="Immediately gain +10 Objective HP.", desc="A mysterious device of unknown origin, found in a Rhodes Island warehouse. Does not require Originium for its power supply. When activated, it generates an invisible barrier around the user."},
	["Water Boiler"]={name="Water Boiler", num="177", qlt="normal", use="Immediately gain +2 Objective HP and +1 Hope.", desc="Some people often use the water boiler in the Rhodes Island Office to cook instant noodles in the middle of the night. That's not a very healthy lifestyle..."},
	["The Bad Guy Is Here!"]={name="The Bad Guy Is Here!", title="The \"Bad Guy\" Is Here!", num="178", qlt="superrare", use="All friendly units have +35% ATK, +35% DEF, and +45% Max HP.", desc="This transport aircraft integrates all of Rhodes Island's cutting-edge technology, guaranteeing that your journey will be as smooth as a springtime outing in the wilds."},
	["Demonblood"]={name="Demonblood", num="179", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have +20% ATK, DEF, and Max HP.", desc="The essence from a certain bloodline, plus a touch of a unique Originium derivative... Just flipping the cap of the bottle open is enough to become a culprit of bloodshed.", cond="Complete an adventure."},
	["Frozen Claw"]={name="Frozen Claw", num="180", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have +12% ATK, DEF, and Max HP; Boss units gain an additional +16% ATK, +16% DEF, and +36% Max HP.", desc="Even though explorers such as Magallan challenged this pure white land from generation to generation, there are still countless mysteries... and terrifying truths buried beneath the eternal tundra.", cond="Complete an adventure."},
	["Witch King's Twishorn"]={name="Witch King's Twishorn", num="181", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have +12% ATK, DEF, and Max HP; Entering a new node decreases Objective HP by 1 (cannot be reduced beneath 1 this way).", desc="O, Great Witch King, you have cast your shadow across this land! Your corruption has flooded the Spires! You have died, your Arts have faded, and Leithania will no longer fear you!", cond="Complete an adventure."},
	["Whispers of the Shallows"]={name="Whispers of the Shallows", num="182", qlt="superrare", use="All enemy units have +8% ATK, DEF, and Max HP; 4-star and above Operators cost +1 Hope when recruited.", desc="A flower commonly found on the cliffs near the seas in Iberia. This one, however, is stained with colors that defy common sense. Listen to its whispers, the way it rejects hope, and know that even flowers and plants succumb to madness.", cond="Complete an adventure."},
data["Large Sami \"Candle\""]=data["Large Sami Candle"]
data["\"Roar\" Pendant"]=data["Roar Pendant"]
data["$trange $unglasses"]=data["Strange Sunglasses"]
data["\"Self-Defense Handbook\""]=data["Self-Defense Handbook"]
data["\"How to Throw Down\""]=data["How to Throw Down"]
data["\"One-Armed Chainsaw\""]=data["One-Armed Chainsaw"]
data["*Piddling* Overtime Pay"]=data["Piddling Overtime Pay"]
data["\"Fluorescent Lamp\""]=data["Fluorescent Lamp"]
data["\"Hand Gun\""]=data["Hand Gun"]
data["The \"Bad Guy\" Is Here!"]=data["The Bad Guy Is Here!"]
return data