Enemy trivia: Blindey

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  • Its Chinese name (Hanzi: 遮目; Pinyin: zhē mù) literally means "blindfold(ed)," so does the Japanese name, Mekakushi (Katakana: メカクシ; Kanji: 目隠し).
  • Its English name refers to "someone who does not understand or think through what they are doing."
  • Blindey's appearance may be based on Huijiao (虎蛟), a creature with the body of a fish, the tail of a snake, and the sound of a Mandarin duck,[1] or Wenyaoyu (文鳐鱼), a fish with avian wings that can be used to fly,[2] as described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.[3][4]


  1. Original Chinese text: 其中有虎蛟,其状鱼身而蛇尾,其音如鸳鸯,食者不肿,可以已痔。
  2. Original Chinese text: ...文鳐鱼,状如鲤鱼,鱼身而鸟翼,苍文而白首赤喙,常行西海,游于东海,以夜飞。
  3. Bilibili video analyzing Who is Real cultural background (Credit: Bilibili@柞木不朽)
  4. Bilibili video analyzing Who is Real cultural background (Credit: Bilibili@自在道爷)