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This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights. Read at your own risk!

Yu icon.png

Yu Elite 2 icon.png

Yu, a chef from the market, is busy with the stove all day long.
He can do everything from washing, cutting, prepping and cooking.
Class Defender.png Defender
Branch Primal Protector Defender.png Primal Protector
Faction Sui.png Sui
Position Melee
Tags Elemental, Defense
Trait Blocks 3 enemies, and can inflict Elemental Damage
How to obtain [CN] Festival Limited Headhunting
The names and descriptions of Yu's talent(s), skill(s), and base skills are tentative translations which may not represent the official English localization and will be updated when the Operator is announced or released in the Global server of Arknights.





Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 1368 1800 2433 3333 +300
ATK.png ATK 303 421 548 685 +30
DEF.png DEF 217 324 444 577 +30
RES.png RES 10 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 22 24 26
BLOCK.png Block count 3
ASPD.png Attack interval 1.6 seconds


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
Improves Reciprocity
Potential 4.png
Max HP +270
Potential 5.png
Improves Marketplace Hermit
Potential 6.png
DP cost -1
Total Cost
Yu's Token.png
Royal Defender Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New talent: Reciprocity.
  • New skill: Present to the Dignitary.

Raise Yu to Level 50.
Defender Chip.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New talent: Marketplace Hermit.
  • New skill: Miracles of the Stoves.
  • Reciprocity improved.

Raise Yu to Elite 1 Level 80.
Defender Dualchip.png
D32 Steel.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png


Elite 1.png When blocking an enemy, gains 15% Sanctuary and the blocked enemy takes 25% of ATK as Arts damage and 8% of ATK as Burn damage per second
Elite 1.pngPotential 3.png When blocking an enemy, gains 20% (+5%) Sanctuary and the blocked enemy takes 25% of ATK as Arts damage and 8% of ATK as Burn damage per second
Elite 2.png When blocking an enemy, gains 25% Sanctuary and the blocked enemy takes 40% of ATK as Arts damage and 12% of ATK as Burn damage per second
Elite 2.pngPotential 3.png When blocking an enemy, gains 30% (+5%) Sanctuary and the blocked enemy takes 40% of ATK as Arts damage and 12% of ATK as Burn damage per second
Marketplace Hermit
Elite 2.png When the number of Operators on the field is no less than 4, recover 1.5% of Max HP as HP and Elemental Damage recovery per second
Elite 2.pngPotential 5.png When the number of Operators on the field is no less than 4, recover 2% (+0.5%) of Max HP as HP and Elemental Damage recovery per second


Today's Host
Defensive Recovery
30 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +10%, DEF +10%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 30% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 25 30
Rank 2.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +15%, DEF +15%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 30% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 24 30
Rank 3.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +20%, DEF +20%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 30% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 23 30
Rank 4.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +25%, DEF +25%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 30% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 22 30
Rank 5.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +30%, DEF +30%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 30% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 21 30
Rank 6.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +35%, DEF +35%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 30% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 20 30
Rank 7.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +40%, DEF +40%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 40% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 19 30
Rank 8.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +50%, DEF +50%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 40% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 18 30
Rank 9.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +60%, DEF +60%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 40% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 17 30
Rank 10.png
Passive effect: More likely to be targeted by enemy attacks
Max HP +70%, DEF +70%. Each time this unit is attacked, deal 50% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage to the attacker.
0 16 30
Additional information
  • Today's Host increases Yu's aggression level by 1.
  • Interestingly, the Burn damage dealt to Yu's attacker can apply to allies, which can be seen with Aak.
Present to the Dignitary
Auto Recovery
20 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +70%, ATK +140%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 10 35 20
Rank 2.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +80%, ATK +150%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 10 34 20
Rank 3.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +90%, ATK +160%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 10 33 20
Rank 4.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +100%, ATK +170%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 12 32 20
Rank 5.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +110%, ATK +180%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 12 31 20
Rank 6.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +120%, ATK +190%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 12 30 20
Rank 7.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +130%, ATK +200%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 14 29 20
Rank 8.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +140%, ATK +230%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 16 28 20
Rank 9.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +150%, ATK +260%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 18 27 20
Rank 10.png
Immediately deals 100% of ATK as Arts damage to all nearby enemies and teleports reachable ground enemies to this unit's position; Block +2, Max HP +160%, ATK +290%, normal attacks deal Arts damage 20 26 20
Additional information
  • When the skill is activated, Yu will increase his stats first before performing the skill.
  • "Reachable" means that the enemy's route intersects with Yu's position (i.e. the enemies are on his way) and they are in range of the skill.
  • The skill will not affect enemies in Camouflage, enemies that cannot be teleported, enemies in phase transition and immobile enemies such as Sal Viento Bishop Quintus.
Miracles of the Stoves
Auto Recovery
40–45 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
Max HP +20%, ATK +20%, DEF +20%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 5% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 10% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 15 55 40
Rank 2.png
Max HP +30%, ATK +30%, DEF +30%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 5% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 10% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 18 55 40
Rank 3.png
Max HP +40%, ATK +40%, DEF +40%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 5% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 10% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 21 55 40
Rank 4.png
Max HP +50%, ATK +50%, DEF +50%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 6% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 10% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 24 55 41
Rank 5.png
Max HP +60%, ATK +60%, DEF +60%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 6% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 10% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 27 55 41
Rank 6.png
Max HP +70%, ATK +70%, DEF +70%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 6% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 10% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 30 55 41
Rank 7.png
Max HP +80%, ATK +80%, DEF +80%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 7% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 15% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 33 55 42
Rank 8.png
Max HP +90%, ATK +90%, DEF +90%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 8% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 15% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 36 55 43
Rank 9.png
Max HP +100%, ATK +100%, DEF +100%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 9% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 15% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 39 55 44
Rank 10.png
Max HP +110%, ATK +110%, DEF +110%, and applies the effect of Talent 2 to all Operators on the field. Creates a firewall across the entire battlefield; other allied units deal 10% of Yu's ATK as Burn damage when attacking through the firewall, and enemy projectiles have a 20% chance to be removed when passing through the firewall 42 55 45
Additional information
  • Only Arts damage dealt by friendly Operators can trigger the additional Burn Damage.
  • Unsourced damage and damage dealt by an Operator to theirselves will not trigger the additional Burn damage.

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Sugar Substitute.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Compound Cutting Fluid.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Integrated Device.png
Polyester Pack.png
Rank 8.png
Today's Host
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Oriron Block.png
Present to the Dignitary
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Cutting Fluid Solution.png
Semi-Synthetic Solvent.png
Miracles of the Stoves
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Sugar Pack.png
Rank 9.png
Today's Host
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Refined Solvent.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
Present to the Dignitary
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Solidified Fiber Board.png
Miracles of the Stoves
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
Crystalline Circuit.png
Rank 10.png
Today's Host
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Present to the Dignitary
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Nucleic Crystal Sinter.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
Miracles of the Stoves
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Keton Colloid.png

Base skills

Skill-dorm sui.png Flavors of the Masses
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, for every Sui Operator in the Base (excluding Base Assistants and Activity Room users), increase the Morale restored per hour to all Operators in the Dormitory by +0.06 (caps at 4 Operators, and only the strongest effect of this type applies)
Skill-train bd.png Merry With the Masses
Elite 2.png
Training Room.png
When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Morale consumed per hour +1 and for every 1 Worldly Plight, Specialization training speed +1%
