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RETRACED TERRA is a PV released for Arknights.

It is provides additional information about Terra and her history.


Kal'tsit "Government" as behavioral pattern is well established, and its associated relations tacitly accepted, but there remains room to questions its specific form.
What governs, and by what means?
These questions have persisted through the ages.
The First Catastrophe
The first Catastrophe in the history of Terra
Kal'tsit The First Catastrophe shattered what civilization has arisen.
Aslanian Conquests
The Aslans conquer the southwestern tribes
Kal'tsit In its aftermath, the word "world" was first used by the ruler of Sargon as a banner under which to unite civilization, a declaration of world empire that governed all.
The Birth of Sovereign Power
Terra's first sovereign power is established in Sargon
Kal'tsit Generations of monarchs failed to see that vision through, but their concept of sovereignty did manage to permeate the continent.
The valley's nomadic tribe breaks apart
The Kingdom of Victoria
The royalists establish the Kingdom of Victoria
Tailte na Teamhair[note 1]
The conservatives head south to what is now Tara
Kal'tsit In a valley ravaged by conflict over the crown, the Draco caught a glimpse of prosperity in the shadow of the Padishah's palace.
Nightzmoran Conquests
Kharanduu Khagan begins the Nightzmoran Conquests and conquers the steppes
Kal'tsit Bringing celestial law to the land and subjugating the south, the Khagan trampled an order once believed absolute.
The Royal Family of the Pegasi
The Pegasi Royal Family and their army confront the Nightzmora on the Kazimierzian plain
The victory that forms the Kazimierzian founding myth comes to an end
To maintain its ruling position, the Pegasi Royal Family surrenders to the Nightzmora
Kal'tsit The shadow of the Nightzmora left a mark on the golden Pegasi in those battles.
They say the royal family, blessed with their strength and virtue, withered the moment they capitulated.
The United Knightly Territories
Failing to sue for peace, the royal family is deposed, with the knights orders forming the United Knighly Territories.
Kal'tsit The few unbent knights stole the crown, yet sure enough chose to bolster their legitimacy with their own tales of strength and virtue.
The Hippogryphic Kingdom
Igor, the "Bear Raiser" of the Hippogryphic Kingdom, rebels against the Hippogryph
Ursus Empire
The Ursine rebel army captures Deity Grypherburg, with Igor ascending the throne
Kal'tsit The Hippogryph sat in the mountains, burdening their people with war, though I doubt they imagined their blood would nurse Ursus.
Igor's child, Aleksey Igorevich "the Young" declares hunting Hippogryph a national policy
Kal'tsit But the war to subdue the Hippogryph never ended, its blade merely pointed elsewhere.
To Ursus, war had become a tool of statecraft.
Francisco de León Geographical Exploration
An Iberian-sponsored geographical expedition arrives in the rich Bolívarian plains
Kal'tsit As Iberian sails broadened horizons, so too did national ambitions expand to new shores.
Iberia's colonial rule comes to an end
The ensuing power vacuum hurls Bolívar into civil war
Singas Dynasty
The Singas Dynasty under Leithanien's influence takes the reins in Bolívar
Coalition Government
The Columbian-backed Bolívarian Coalition Government is established
True Bolívarians
The militant group known as the True Bolívarians Liberation Movement is formed
Kal'tsit Once a golden treasury the envy of kings, Bolívar now hoards only the fires of war.
With each change of government, the word loses yet more meaning, offering reforms in name only.
Battle of Babbage
The Grand Duke of the frontier territories suffers a catastrophic defeat in the Battle of Babbage
The Grand Duke's army reatreats sout
Kal'tsit The developing nation of Columbia rejected hereditary rule, seeking to base it instead on a mandate of the masses.
Columbian Independence
Columbia formally declares independence
The Articles of Confederation are established, and the first election is held
President of the Columbian Union
Kal'tsit Yet as to whether their Union truly began a new era of government, only the entity known as Mark Max knows the answer.
Rim Billiton
All eyes turn to Rim Billiton and its Originium Rush
Kal'tsit The Rim Billitonians built their society around family bonds, with no notion of authority.
Autonomous Prefectures
A number of autonomous prefectures are formed in Rim Billiton, and its loosely-organized alliance slowly takes shape
Kal'tsit Yet under foreign pressure, they had no choice but to restructure their family into a "regime."
Rim Billiton
The "Rim Billiton Mining Alliance" declares itself as an independent political entity
Kal'tsit Only time will tell if a "government" spontaneously formed from the people will last.
War of the Four Nations
Victoria and Ursus enter the war
The Gaulish-Victorian war[note 2] is expanded into the War of the Four Nations
The Fall of Gaul
Corsica I perishes during the Battle of the Four Emperors
Lingones falls, leading to the collapse of Gaul
Kal'tsit After 30 years of rapid growth nourished by the corpse of Gaul, the bellies of the victors grew fat, and their weakness from overindulgence apparent.
Emperor Vladimir Igorevich[sic] perishes, bringing Ursus's rapid territorial expansion to an abrupt stop
Kal'tsit The war-tempered imperial prince brought Ursus unprecedented prosperity, yet that growth was itself a threat to vested noble interests.
The Great Rebellion
A number of armies, starting with the Sixth, take up arms against Deity Grypherburg, leading to the "Great Rebellion"
The Siege of Deity Grypherburg
The Second and Seventh Army withdraw from the western front to Deity Grypherburg's aid
The flames of war spread throughout Ursus
Kal'tsit Far from silencing enemies both internal and external, the defeat of the Bloodpeak Campaign only set the stage for the Great Rebellion.
Herkunftshorn the Witch King gradually falls into madness
Actual authority is partially restored to the Kurfürsten
Kal'tsit In the nation of spires, lengthy obscurity was followed by revolution, as the Witch King's efforts to shed the shackles of authority only aggrieved the worshipers of that authority.
Hildegard and Lieselotte
The Twins enter Leithanien's political arena and openly oppose the Witch King's rule
The Septemberaufstand unfolds
The Kurfürsten's coalition army attacks the capital, and the Twins defeat the Witch King
The Twenty Third Empresses' Celebration
One of the Twin Empresses "loses her voice"
Kal'tsit Yet those reveling in the death of a tyrant never imagined Leithanien would find herself once again sunk in the swamp of the past.

The civilizations lucky enough to survive to the present day by no means represent a perfect order.
But by the time the search is abandoned, few may yet remain.



  • The Narrator of the PV is Kal'tsit, who is voiced by her Japanese VA, Yōko Hikasa.
  • The Acahuallan jungle is briefly displayed in "The Birth of Sovereign Power" section.
  • The Victoria Crown is shown in the "Kingdom of Victoria" section.
  • The Ursus Chachek is shown at the end of Ursus's history section.
  • The logo of the Maylander Foundation is displayed in the "Battle of Babbage" section.


  1. Irish for "Land of Tara/Teamhair"
  2. This is considered a translation error. The original title is actually "Gaulish-Leithanian War," and only the PVs in both JP and KR servers are translated correctly.