Operator overview: Ptilopsis

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Ptilopsis is a 5★ Multi-target Medic who specializes in Healing and Support. As a Multi-target Medic, Ptilopsis heals up to three targets within her range of adjusted 3×3 with a 1×1 extension up front that is improved to adjusted 3×4 at Elite 1 simultaneously with lower ATK and DP cost when compared to Medical Medics.


Skill Aura increases the automatic (and only automatic) SP recovery rate of friendly units while Ptilopsis is deployed.

  • The boost may be modest, but can be useful for those whose skills have a low SP cost as Skill Aura allows them to be used more frequently.


  1. Healing Up γ buffs Ptilopsis's ATK while active.
  2. Enkephalin extends Ptilopsis' range by adding a 1×3 extension up front and reduces her healing interval while active.

Operator Module

The RIN-X Module, Medic Environment Analyze System, extends Ptilopsis' range by adding a 1×1 extension up front in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Skill Aura's SP recovery boost is slightly increased for friendly units within Ptilopsis' range.

  • Medic Environment Analyze System makes Ptilopsis' Skill Aura more useful so long as she is deployed correctly in addition to help extending her reach by a bit without the need to use Enkephalin.

Base skill

Rhine Tech α increases Factory productivity by 15% while Ptilopsis is assigned to one. At Elite 2, Rhine Tech α becomes Rhine Tech β with a higher productivity boost of 25%.


Ptilopsis is a versatile Multi-target Medic who can improve SP regeneration of her allies and heal them more frequently, making her a valuable addition to virtually every team and can be used effectively in most situations.