Operator dialogue: Ptilopsis
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Dialogue | Voiceline |
Appointed as Assistant Greetings, Doctor. How may I assist you?
Talk 1 Deep Sleep Mode enabled... Zzzzz... Setting advanced config and power interface... Zzzzz...
Talk 2 My racial traits, in conjunction with my infection, may cause me to fall asleep in mid-conversation. Do not be alarmed.
Talk 3
Talk after Promotion 1 Warning! Formatting Rhodes Island database... Don't worry. It's just a joke. Please don't panic.
Talk after Promotion 2 I recommend you refactor my data if optimization fails to increase my performance. This will improve communication efficiency, and Ptilopsis will... Zzzz...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The way I speak? It is a side effect of Originium poisoning. By no means do I enjoy articulating my thoughts in this way.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Warning, system has recovered from a fatal error. Reconfiguring to last normal system boot point. Do not be alarmed.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 It is, in fact, quite burdensome to speak in this manner. But this is a necessary measure to prevent the system nexus from being devoured by that other voice. Doctor, if I lose control, please guide me back onto the right path.
Idle System... is now in Sleep Mode...
Onboard I am Ptilopsis, former data analyst at Rhine Lab. Please submit your orders via the Command Line.
Watching Battle Record Reading package data... Installation complete.
Promotion 1 Update installation complete. Ptilopsis's system permissions have been revised.
Promotion 2 Warning. Reverting Rhodes Island database to previous save state. Time since save state: two years... Just joking. Please calm down. System update complete.
Added to Squad New data used to assemble package build.
Appointed as Squad Leader Squad leader permissions acquired.
Depart Direct memory access for application map and enemy coordinates authorized. Please stand by.
Begin Operation Tactical support system online.
Selecting Operator 1 Program initializing.
Selecting Operator 2 Initiation complete.
Deployment 1 Arts Unit charging.
Deployment 2 Target marked.
In Battle 1 Initiating healing process.
In Battle 2 Loading complete.
In Battle 3 Healing Mode enabled.
In Battle 4 Activating Arts Unit.
4-star Result Even such a challenging scenario couldn't stop you, Doctor. Perhaps one day you will find the solution to the non-deterministic polynomial time problem.
3-star Result Your logical deduction was absolutely correct. What a perfect calculation.
Sub 3-star Result A number of errors have been detected. Please confirm.
Operation Failure A fatal error occurred during the operation. Reboot the system to proceed.
Assigned to Facility Is this place like a disk array?
Tap Error occured.[sic]
Trust Tap Detecting affection increase for the Doctor within Ptilopsis. Would you like to skip to the next dialogue choice?
Greeting Date rollover complete. The Doctor is now online. Detecting emotional surge within Ptilopsis.