Operator gallery: Marcille
< Marcille
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Default | |
An outfit commonly worn by Operators. While not as practical as a uniform, it's what they find most comfortable. |
Elite 2 | |
An outfit that has been improved after the Operator's Promotion. Custom-made to suit each Operator's experiences and needs, these outfits are designed to provide them maximum flexibility on any battlefield. Furthermore, this is all done without compromising the comfort that they've come to expect. |
Terra & Traveler | |
One of Marcille's casual outfits. “均衡饮食将军莱欧斯、规律生活将军齐尔查克和适当运动将军森西!听我的号令——吃掉它们!” Brand Collaborative Series/Terra & Traveler. 玛露西尔在罗德岛讲述冒险故事时的装束。她扮演了她想象的狂乱魔法师,挥手就能造出数只使魔,甚至还有干员模样的!在正式演出之前,玛露西尔努力地练习情景剧的台词。 How to obtain: [CN] Delicious on Terra (Outfit Store, 18 ) |