Human Resources Office base skills

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A list of base skills related to the Human Resources Office.

Base skill Information
Skill-hire spd&cost6.png
Authoritarian Envoy
Operator: Bassline
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +30%, Morale consumed per hour -0.25
Skill-hire spd4.png
Operator: Aciddrop
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +40%
Skill-hire spd2.png
Catastrophe Messenger α
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +30%
Skill-hire spd5.png
Catastrophe Messenger β
Operators: Eyjafjalla and Provence
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +45%
Skill-hire skgoat.png
Clocking Out On Time
Operator: Earthspirit
Condition: Elite 1 Elite 1

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +45% and Morale consumed per hour +2
Skill-hire spd&cost5.png
Court Etiquette
Operator: Bassline
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +10%, Morale consumed per hour -0.25}
Skill-hire bd B.png
Drawing the Heart's Voice
Operator: Bassline
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, for every Recruit slot (Default slots do not count), Soundless Resonance +15
Skill-hire spd&clue.png
Empath's Insight
Operator: Tsukinogi
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, increases HR contacting speed by +35%, and increases Clue collection speed in the Reception Room by +5% for each additional Recruitment slot (does not count default slots)
Skill-hire spd&blacksteel2.png
Operator: Mountain
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, increases HR contacting speed by +20%, and for every 1 contacts made, increases the likelihood of obtaining Blacksteel clues (working time and recruitment slots improves the likelihood)
Skill-hire spd bd n1 n1.png
Operator: Whisperain
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +20%. Additionally, for every recruitment slot (does not count default slots), Memory Fragments +10
Skill-hire skgoat2.png
Law Is Order
Operator: Penance
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +50% and Morale consumed per hour +0.5
Skill-hire blitz.png
Operator: Blitz
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +20%, each 1 point of Intelligence Reserve adds extra +5% contacting speed, each 1 bottle of Ursus Specialty Beverage adds extra +5% contacting speed
Skill-hire spd memento.png
Memory Seeker
Operator: Whisperain
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, every 1 point(s) of Memory Fragment is converted into 1 point(s) of Perception Information. When Morale is fully consumed, remove all points of Memory Fragments and Perception Information
Skill-hire spd&extra1.png
Operator: Lin
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, +10% HR contacting speed for every Recruit slot other than the initial slot
Skill-hire spd&clue2.png
Operator: Insider
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, increases HR contacting speed by +30%, and increases Clue collection speed in the Reception Room by +5% for each additional Recruitment slot (does not count default slots).
Skill-hire spd&clue.png
Operator: Mr. Nothing
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, increases HR contacting speed by +35%, and increases Clue collection speed in the Reception Room by +5% for each additional Recruitment slot (does not count default slots)
Skill-hire spd&glasgow.png
Old Acquaintances, New Friends
Operator: Delphine
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +20%, and for every 1 contact made, increases the likelihood of obtaining Glasgow clues (working time and recruit slots improve the likelihood)
Skill-hire spd1.png
Personnel Management α
Operator: Rangers
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +20%
Skill-hire spd3.png
Personnel Management β
Operator: Ines
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +35%
Skill-hire spd4.png
Phone's Always Ringing
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +40%
Skill-hire spd&ursus2.png
Operator: Rosa
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, increases HR contacting speed by +20%, and for every 1 contacts made, increases the likelihood of obtaining Ursus Student Self-Government Group clues (working time and recruitment slots improves the likelihood)
Skill-hire spd4.png
Operators: Orchid and Utage
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +40%
Skill-hire spd4.png
Operator: Nightmare
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +40%
Skill-hire spd&cost1.png
Rescue Team – Abacus Calculations
Operator: Mulberry
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +10%, Morale consumed per hour -0.25
Skill-hire spd2.png
Rescue Team - External Contact
Operator: Qanipalaat
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +30%
Skill-hire spd bd n2.png
Rescue Team – Post-Catastrophe Census
Operator: Mulberry
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, for every Recruit slot (Default slots do not count), Worldly Plight +10
Skill-hire spd&cost2.png
Rescue Team – Resource Inventory
Operator: Mulberry
Condition: Elite 1 Elite 1

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +20%, Morale consumed per hour -0.25
Skill-hire spd&cost3.png
Rescue Team - Preserve Strength
Operator: Qanipalaat
Condition: Elite 2 Elite 2

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +35%, and for every recruit slot (excluding initial slot), Morale consumed per hour -0.1
Skill-hire spd&cost4.png
Special Channel
Operator: Lin
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +20%, Morale consumed per hour -0.25
Skill-hire spd4.png
Operator: Ethan
Condition: Base Base

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +40%