Episode 14: Secret Place

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Episode 14 features the Secret Place where recordings of Theresa's monologues, who shares the same CV with the Civilight Eterna's (Yuka Nanri, Kari Wahlgren, Ji Guanlin, and Kim Yoon-chae), are available for listening. It is unlocked after 14-23 is watched for the first time.

Entering the Secret Place for the first time adds the Civilight Eterna to the player's roster and listening to each recording (once unlocked by fulfilling certain conditions) for the first time gives Civilight Eterna's Token Civilight Eterna's Token, save for a sixth recording that is only available once the other five have been listened to.

For the sake of reading comprehension, the Arknights Terra Wiki uses the English version of the recordings, all of which are voiced by Kari Wahlgren.

The recordings' texts are quoted verbatim from the game and should be kept pristine. Edits and updates should be placed on other pages related to the same subject.
Secret Place 1.png In Commemoration of Setting Sail (Clear H14-1 with 3 stars)
Secret Place 1 background.png
Secret Place 1 timestamp.png
Oh... So this is how you use the gramophone that Closure brought over... ▶️
Ahem, can you hear me? Today marks the first day of the start of Rhodes Island's official voyage, and I am elated beyond words! ▶️
I remember the first time I saw this big girl, how battered and worn-down she was. But, Closure truly outdid herself, and Kal'tsit deserves credit too for helping. ▶️
When the engine furnace first sputtered to life, I could feel the vibrations beneath my feet even up on the deck. The setting sun in the wilderness seemed to draw an arc in the sky, and the fowlbeasts accompanied us through the fiery red. She took a steady step forward, and it was a great relief to all of us... ▶️
"Rhodes Island." Truly, what a wonderful name. ▶️
I hope this can become a place that many people call home... Huh? ▶️
What do you mean, insufficient memory... ▶️
Secret Place 2.png After Experiment OI-52 (Clear H14-2 with 3 stars)
Secret Place 2 background.png
Secret Place 2 timestamp.png
Trials for the newest generation of Oripathy medication failed. ▶️
I could only pretend to keep my calm in front of everyone. ▶️
Kal'tsit said well in advance that this experiment's likelihood of success was extremely small, but once I saw even the smallest possibility, I couldn't help but place my heavy hopes on it. ▶️
I keep thinking to myself, what will happen to Kazdel once Oripathy is cured? What will happen to this entire land? ▶️
No longer will infants be sentenced to death by terminal illness at birth. No longer will it be a miracle for children to reunite with their parents; nay, even their grandparents... ▶️
The life of an infected individual is far too short. If only I had more time, and was able to bear witness to more of this land... ▶️
Kal'tsit, these dreams you speak of... How long will it take for them to come true? ▶️
Secret Place 3.png Sleepless Night (Complete 5 Hidden Front Frontline Missions)
Secret Place 3 background.png
Secret Place 3 timestamp.png
Recently, there's been an influx of patients, and the sickbays can't accommodate them all... ▶️
At times like these, I find myself wishing that Rhodes Island was just a little bigger... But, Closure has already been up all night working on the renovation project, and I can't be too harsh on her. ▶️
Oh. Among these new arrivals, there are a lot of very young children. This land may not always be kind to us, but the one constant is that children will always be our hope. ▶️
We don't have a tremendous number of doctors who know how to take care of children; as cute as they may be, they're not always the best-behaved, and that can be headache-inducing. ▶️
Even Ascalon doesn't take her own health as seriously these days... Huh? Ascalon? Why are you here– No, I didn't call for you–– ▶️
Why are you here– No, I didn't call for you–– ▶️
Secret Place 4.png Next Season (Complete 15 Hidden Front Frontline Missions)
Secret Place 4 background.png
Secret Place 4 timestamp.png
It's snowing. Procuring supplies has proven difficult this winter. ▶️
The nearby villages have not had good harvests, which makes one worry about the situation in Kazdel City. ▶️
But still, when I see everyone playing in the snow on the deck, I can't help but fall in love with this frosty little phenomenon. ▶️
After one afternoon, the deck was filled with snowmen. Unfortunately, the engine furnace came back on, and all the snow quickly melted. ▶️
I've heard that the northern part of Sami is an icefield that hasn't thawed in tens of thousands of years. I wonder where the Cyclopes are now... ▶️
Amiya? Isn't it time for you to go to bed? ▶️
Oh, you're hungry? It just so happens that I'm a bit peckish myself, so let's sneak into the canteen and see if there are any grilled veggie pancakes? ▶️
Secret Place 5.png Our Home (Watch EG-6)
Secret Place 5 background.png
Secret Place 5 timestamp.png
Even when Amiya's asleep, her ears still twitch... ▶️
Amiya, I'm so sorry for making a decision like this myself, but I truly believe we can change that future you so despise. ▶️
I often wonder, with whom will you walk shoulder-to-shoulder, and what kind of future will you choose? ▶️
Babel will be your warm hearth. It's a little kindling taken from the furnace. And it will surely bring comfort to many in the future. ▶️
Amiya, I will stay with you for whatever time I have left. ▶️
I will watch you grow, and will also be with you as we look out across this land... ▶️
Amiya, I seem to be a bit tired. Would you mind... if I borrowed your bed...? ▶️
Good night, Amiya. ▶️
Voice For You (Listen to the other five recordings)
Secret Place 0 background.png
Doctor, whether you realize it or not, you've been traveling with Rhodes Island for quite some time now. ▶️
Though you may say you are a passerby, I nevertheless wish to welcome you to our side. ▶️
I did not have the opportunity to witness the era you lived in. But, I heard that people back then were free from the torments of Catastrophes and Oripathy, and could share their words and thoughts in a heartbeat. ▶️
Indeed, what a beautiful past that must've been. However, you bravely embark on this journey alone, even as it spans thousands of years. ▶️
I believe you still have hopes for this land, don't you? ▶️
So, Doctor, please continue to stay with Amiya and Kal'tsit. ▶️
I believe that you will once again fall in love with this world, and once again choose hope and the future. ▶️
Thank you, Doctor. ▶️


  • The Secret Place's background image is similar to that of Babel event's menu, but Theresa's eyes there are closed rather than open.
  • The BGM of the Secret Place menu is Storyteller, used as the BGM of the Babel event's menu.
  • The text above the 6th recording, written in the Predecessor language, reads "VOICE FOR YOU".