Episode 11: Book of the Tower Knights

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EN EP11 Book of the Tower Knights.png
The Book of the Tower Knights, chronicling centuries of life for the Knights of the Tower.
Lent to you by Dagda for your perusal, serving as a window into Victoria's history.

The Book of the Tower Knights is Episode 11's milestone. It is a book traditionally passed among the Tower Knights of Victoria that records the deeds of historical Tower Knights to serve as an inspiration for future Knights. The Book is currently in the possession of Isabelle Montague aka. Dagda, the last Tower Knight currently serving Alexandrina Victoria as part of Glasgow.

The contents are quoted verbatim from the game and should be kept pristine. Edits and updates should be placed on other pages related to the same subject.
#1: Livia Gildas (Clear 11-1)
Book of the Tower Knights 1.png
A lookout tower standing tall in front of the Palace.
Being from several centuries ago, the tower has long since crumbled, leaving only a sketch to provide posterity a notion of what it originally looked like.

Lady Livia of House Gildas was a former attendant of Lady Patricia of House Artorius.
She was named a Knight of the Tower at the age of 14.
She was 26 years old when a sudden windstorm swept the royal capital. Though she suffered grievous injuries, she escorted the royal family to an underground shelter, where they remained unharmed despite the windstorm causing massive devastation in the nearby areas over a period of three days. Lady Livia herself, however, died of her injuries.
After the calamity passed, the royal palace was rebuilt on top of the shelter, and a watchtower was erected at the spot of Lady Livia's passing, in honor of her service.
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Tactical Battle Record.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Chip Catalyst.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
#2: Richard Seymour (Clear 11-7)
Book of the Tower Knights 2.png
The identifying badge of the Captain of the Watch, who leads the Knights of the Tower.
An honor, and doubly so a responsibility.

Richard Seymour was the son of the 2nd Duke of Stanford.
He became a Knight of the Tower at the age of 16. He fought bravely to defend his king during the war between Aslan and Draco, killing many enemies, among them the nephew of the Padishah Aslan.
Although he was taken prisoner, he was pardoned by the Aslan king at the end of the war, preserving his right of succession.
Sir Richard was named Captain of the Watch at the age of 41, leading the Knights of the Tower until his death.
Story Environment rewards Standard Environment rewards Adverse Environment rewards
Tactical Battle Record.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Chip Catalyst.png
Refined Solvent.png
#3: Lucia Skamandros (Clear 11-12)
Book of the Tower Knights 3.png
The highest military award issued by Victoria.
Only found in the possession of truly heroic Victorian soldiers. You'll find more than one hanging in the White Wolf family hall, to boot.

Lucia Skamandros was the daughter of the 4th White Wolf Count.
She served in the Londinium City Guard before joining the Knights of the Tower at the age of 22.
With the permission of the King of Aslan, she relinquished her title during the Kazdel campaign to join the expeditionary force. She fought bravely in battle, leading her troops to capture a fortress near Kazdel alongside the Steam Knights, killing a Vampire prince and multiple highly-ranked Nachzehrer officers.
She was given the highest military honors upon return to Victoria, inheriting her father's title five years later.
Story Environment rewards Standard Environment rewards Adverse Environment rewards
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Orirock Cluster.png
Chip Catalyst.png
Optimized Device.png
#4: Layton Montague (Clear 11-15)
Book of the Tower Knights 4.png
A newspaper clipping filled with jubilation.
That day, all of Victoria's papers sang praises of Frederick III and his feat of conquering Gaul.

Leyton[sic] Montague was the son of Sir Angus Montague.
He was named a Knight of the Tower at the age of 27.
He retired from the Knights of the Tower after injuring his hand protecting the king from an assassination attempt by Gaulish remnants, on the way back to Londinium after a parade to honor the troops returning from the Battle of the Four Emperors.
He was conferred the title of Count of Manchester at the age of 55.
Story Environment rewards Standard Environment rewards Adverse Environment rewards
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Semi-Synthetic Solvent.png
Guard Chip Pack.png
Dagda's Token.png
Oriron Block.png
Polymerized Gel.png
#5: Jeffrey Metz (Clear 11-19)
Book of the Tower Knights 5.png
A clipping of the Palace amidst firelight.
No one knows where Victoria is headed.

Jeffery Mays[sic] was born in County York.
He served with the 2nd Regiment before joining the Knights of the Tower at the age of 34.
He was named Captain of the Watch at the age of 49. At 53, he led six hundred Knights of the Tower against the Londinium defense forces when the latter launched a coup on the eve of the king's birthday. More than half of the knights were killed in the battle but still not enough to stop the tragedy.
Even after the coup was successful, Mays refused to capitulate to the parliament. He was removed from his position and imprisoned, dying of illness in prison one month later.
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Dagda's Token.png
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Incandescent Alloy Block.png
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#6 (Clear H11-1)
Book of the Tower Knights 6.png
My name is Finn Henderson. I am a Knight of the Tower.
I was named Captain of the Watch by my late predecessor, Jeffrey Mays. The position was traditionally appointed by the king, but with the lights of the palace extinguished, it falls upon me to take up the mantle and maintain the Book of the Tower Knights.
These records have gone on uninterrupted for centuries, since before Londinium was founded. The life of each and every Knight of the Tower is recorded herein. I should have stopped after the account of Sir Mays, but I fear that there will be none to follow me.
Therefore, in a break from tradition, I am adding an appendix to the book, for whomever may read it.
Dagda's Token.png
Optimized Device.png
#7 (Clear H11-2)
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Three years have passed since His Majesty's passing. Peace has largely returned to Londinium.
Less than fifty Knights of the Tower remain. I had to adjust the schedule to ensure that knights on night watch duty can be put in pairs. Absences have become increasingly frequent. When Mitchell and Ferguson failed to show up to their shift on time two days ago, I found them drinking at a tavern, against orders. It was the third incident of this type this month.
My old comrade Edgar resigned yesterday. We stood vigil one last time before he left. He advised me to leave the Tower sooner rather than later. Like appointments, resignations by Knights of the Tower used to require the king's approval, but all it takes now is a letter of resignation delivered to the parliament.
Edgar has become disillusioned. He feels that the honor of the Knights of the Tower died with His Majesty three years ago.
But the greatest dishonor would be if there was no Knight of the Tower to carry the torch by His Majesty's side when he returns.
That is why I have chosen to stay.
Dagda's Token.png
Orirock Concentration.png
#8 (Clear H11-3)
Book of the Tower Knights 8.png
Fifteen years have passed.
One by one, our numbers have dwindled as familiar faces left, with only a dozen young newcomers to replace them. To those on the outside, the Knights of the Tower have become a shell of their former self, a place to escape from conflict, or to earn empty prestige.
But I received a letter today from a young girl, only eleven years old. Her family name is Montague, a name that is not unknown to the pages of these annals. I thought she had come to seek temporary refuge, just like the other scions from noble families, but she looked me in the eye and said she sought a knight mentor to train her in the ways of the Knights.
I have decided to instruct Isabelle Montague personally.
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Nucleic Crystal Sinter.png
#9 (Clear H11-4)
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My dear Isabelle, I expect I am no longer of this world by the time you read this.
I told you countless times in the last ten years that the Knights of the Tower believe that our king will return someday. What I did not tell you was that this was not a hope that I and the other older knights clung on, but a burden that forced us to trudge on even in the darkest hour.
Watching you as you grew over the years has filled me with an emotion that I can only describe as "hope." Forgive this joint decision by your teacher and your comrades.
Isabelle Montague. You may be the last Knight of the Tower, but your duty is more than just awaiting the return of a king.
Carry with you these annals, the honor of the Knights of the Tower, a snapshot of Londinium's history over the centuries. Carry them into Victoria's future.
Plaque - Insight.png
Dagda's Token.png
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