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Cannot is a boss enemy in the Integrated Strategies game mode of Arknights. He is an optional boss in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor and Expeditioner's Joklumarkar.

Enemy description
A mysterious trader who roams the barrenlands, selling anything that exists in civilization.


A mysterious trader who roams the barrenlands, selling anything that exists in civilization. Unblockable and cannot be attacked.

Despite being a boss, Cannot is more of a hazard; he can neither be attacked nor blocked, but he does not attack and will not deduct Life Points upon entering a Protection Objective. Instead, he supports other enemies on the level by using potions that bestow one of the two effects listed below at random:

  1. All enemies will be put to Sleep (unless if they are immune) for 10 seconds, during which they restore 4% of their maximum HP every second.
  2. Two random enemies will have their ATK doubled, ASPD increased by 100, and cannot be defeated (the enemy takes damage as usual, but their HP cannot be reduced below 1) for 12 seconds.

Cannot will immediately use the potion after spawning and every 23 seconds afterward.


Integrated Strategies Fishing in a Dry PondLong-term TrialNature's ClauseSee the Big Picture


Weight 5
Life Point penalty 0


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate Frighten Fear
Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Vulnerable Vulnerable


See also