Operation story: CR-3

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Male Bolívarian soldier C icon.png
Commanding Officer
Dossoles Guard icon.png
Mayor's Bodyguard
Bodyguard icon.png
Warehouse Watchman
Male Kuranta A icon.png
Community Resident
Salaryman B icon.png
Auction Host
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Solemn Man
Blank icon.svg
Blank icon.svg
Sound from Headphones
Blank icon.svg
Sound from Loudspeakers
Dossoles Street
Control Room
Underground Club
Slum Towers
Victorian Manor Room

Before operation

Eager to get the medicine off his hands, the Capitán instead draws the attention of Team Rainbow, Tequila also tracks down the delivery. Going after the same thing, the two sides almost come to blows.
<Background 1>
Commanding Officer The meds are in the underground warehouse, sir.
As you instructed, we imitated them, set up a bomb, caused a little bit of chaos, and got the stuff.
Mateo Good...
Commanding Officer You don't look happy, sir.
Mateo We need to get rid of the stuff... It's hard to not leave a trail, even if we change the packaging and sell it on the black market.
Commanding Officer You think it'll get tracked down?
Mateo I got word that Rhodes Island sent someone with an... atypical background to make the delivery.
Commanding Officer I noticed. The man looked familiar...
But old Pancho is in jail, and his people are scattered. Just being his son won't carry much influence.
Mateo Not necessarily. Someone from the city council let slip that Candela is looking for a successor, and the kid is a candidate.
Commanding Officer But I thought Pancho and Candela...
Mateo Candela cares more about ability than a personal grudge.
Commanding Officer What can we do?
Mateo Reynell's secretary shared some resources with us the last time he came by.
Commanding Officer Yes... a few shops and warehouses.
Mateo Wasn't there a warehouse that belonged to a pharmaceutical company?
Commanding Officer Yes.
Mateo One box of meds more or less won't catch their attention.
Commanding Officer You mean, pin it on Reynell?
Mateo That's not how I would put it. They came asking for our help. It's only natural that we asked for something in return.
<Background 2>
Mayor's Bodyguard Apologies for keeping you waiting, Señor Ernesto.
Tequila No problemo, I just got here.
Mayor's Bodyguard Excuse me, one...
Tequila I got your drink, Señor Burke. A double, right?
Mayor's Bodyguard I'm glad you still remember what I like, after so much time away.
Tequila Our time together was much longer.
Waiter Here's your coffee.
Mayor's Bodyguard Thanks. Mm... everything is just right.
After you left, there was no one who could take care of things like you could. Young people these days...
Tequila Have patience. You can change quickly in an environment like that.
Mayor's Bodyguard By the way, Lady Candela wanted me to give you this document.
Tequila Document? Does she want me to do something for her?
Mayor's Bodyguard No, it's what you're looking for.
Tequila I haven't even said why I'm here today.
Mayor's Bodyguard Lady Candela knows the exact moment that you entered Dossoles. She knows that your shipment was stolen, and that you're anxious to get it back.
This is a record of all unusual traffic and cargo movement, including locations and persons involved.
Tequila I don't know how I can thank her.
Mayor's Bodyguard No need for thanks, just don't forget us.
<Background 3>
Ela *cough* *cough*...
Fuze There's more dust here than cargo.
Iana What's your mission, Ela?
Ela The stuff here has been stuck in the warehouse for the past six months, with only a single watchman keeping an eye on it.
Doc That's like an invitation for people to help themselves.
Ela Yes, Miłosz says there are reports of stolen goods every day.
Iana Are we tracking down where they went?
Ela No, it's normal for stuff to go out, but yesterday the watchman got a call to expect a delivery of medicine.
Miłosz is suspicious and wants us to investigate.
Fuze Hostile intent?
Doc Hard to say. I don't know what they would want with a warehouse like this.
Iana Maybe Miłosz just wanted an excuse to get you and Shuhrat out of the way now that he finally has time to get something done with Reynell.
Ela All he needs to do is ask, and I won't go within a kilometer of either of them.
Iana You really don't like him, do you?
Ela I just don't like having to watch him play golf on the balcony every day.
Fuze At least he kept his promise to behave.
Ela ...
<Background 4>
[Tequila and Catapult arrive in front of an old building.]
Tequila This is where the clues from the document lead, but...
Catapult But it's just an old run-down warehouse.
Tequila There's a shipment of medicine coming to the warehouse in a bit. Let's see if it's the one we're looking for.
Only one watchman at the warehouse. No threat.
Once the truck comes in, Tecno is going to turn off the security systems and let us go in to check it out.
Catapult Well, we still have to wait...
<Background 5>
Warehouse Watchman *yawn* Sleepy...
When is that shipment going to arrive?
I can't believe they're actually sending someone to inspect it. What for? The weather is so good, I just want to find a beach to lie down on, have a cup of coffee, listen to a song or two.
Dancing a soundless tango at night♪
Where's the CD? Ah.
Sound from Headphones Dancing a soundless tango at night♪
I can't see your face, only the warmth of your hand♪
Warehouse Watchman Now this is life.
[Tecno silently drops into the room.]
Tecno (He's not even trying...)
(If you want to sleep so badly, I'll lend you a hand.)
<Background She whacks the guard in the head.>
Warehouse Watchman Oomph...
[The guard faints.]
Tecno That was easy. Let's see, where are the controls?
I thought there was just one manager. Why are there four people here? Who are they?
[Tecno contacts Tequila with her communicator.]
Tecno The security systems are down. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we know those meds are the ones we're looking for.
The bad news is that Reynell's bodyguards are here. Four of them, all in the warehouse.
Tequila I thought nobody ever came here.
Well, we've got a disadvantage in numbers... can you cut the lights, Tecno? Arleta and I might be able to sneak in under the cover of darkness.
Tecno Sure, I could try...
<Background darkens>
Tecno It's off.
Tequila Alright, we're moving.
[The transmission ends.]
Tecno Well, this guy knows how to live alright. Music and coffee... is that this year's crop?
It smells good…
Ouch! Too hot!
Shoot, spilled it all over the keyboard.
Where's a napkin when you need it?!
She stops at the sound of springs pushing a plastic cover open.
She hastily lifts her arm and sees an indicating light glowing green next to the keyboard. Below it is a tag that reads—
<Background 3>
Ela When is it coming?
Iana Don't worry, we have time.
Ela ...
Iana I guess that's normal for an old warehouse like this.
Sound from Loudspeakers Dancing a soundless tango at night♪
I can't see your face, only the warmth of your hand♪
Iana ...
Ela Fuze, check out the control room.
<Background 5>
Sound from Loudspeakers In a dark corner♪
You step on my toes, but I'm head over heels♪
Tecno Shouldn't have drank that stupid cup of coffee!
[The sound of footsteps draws near.]
Tecno (Someone's coming...)
(I need to hide.)
[Fuze enters the control room.]
Fuze Excuse me?
[He contacts the rest of the team on his transmitter.]
Fuze The watchman has been knocked out. There are signs of sabotage in the security and lighting systems.
Someone has infiltrated the warehouse.
They spilled coffee and pressed the wrong button... not a professional, from the looks of it.
Tecno (Ugh...)
Fuze I'll try to get the lights back up.
Tecno (Looks like Ernesto isn't in yet. Got to put you to sleep too then, big guy.)
[Tecno tries to whack Fuze, but he dodges.]
Fuze Hm?
Tecno (Oh, he's fast!)
Fuze A kid?
Fuze is shocked by the figure leaping out of the darkness, not just because of her small size, but also because her punch was so fast that it was all he could do to block it.
He grabs the girl's wrist after a few exchanges and attempts to restrain her, but quickly realizes that things will not be so easy.
Tecno Not so fast!
[Tecno easily shakes off his grip.]
Fuze What?! This kid's stronger than a grown man!
Tecno I'm not a kid!
The girl struggles free of Fuze's grasp and stomps on his toes.
Before he has a chance to feel the pain, the girl launches a spinning kick to his face.
[Fuze collapses.]
Fuze Oof—
<Background 3>
Sound from Loudspeakers Walking on the streets, we let each other's hands go♪
Far away you go, never seen again♪
I'm left alone, searching in the dark♪
Oh, the silent, unfinished tango♪
Tequila (Whisper) Stay close.
Catapult (Whisper) Alright.
The pair sneak forward silently along the wall, not realizing that another group is doing the same a short distance away.
<Background fades out and in>
Ela (Whisper) Fuze?! He's not answering.
Iana (Whisper) Should we look for him?
Ela (Whisper) No, I'll go. You wait here for the truck. There must be more than one infiltrator.
Iana (Whisper) Be aware that we can't use lights if someone is lying in wait. We'd be sitting ducks.
(Whisper) Do you want to use my night vision goggles?
Ela (Whisper) You hold on to it. I'll be careful.
Ela crouches down, clutching her gun, feeling her way in the darkness.
<Background fades out and in>
[Tequila wanders around...]
Tequila (Damn... where did Arleta go? I told her to stay close.)
(It's just so hard to do anything in the dark.)
(Was it this way? I might have taken a wrong turn. There shouldn't be another corner.)
Sound from Loudspeakers So many times, brushing past each other♪
[...Ela wanders right beside him...]
Ela (There shouldn't have been a corner here! Not this way!)
Sound from Loudspeakers So much searching, so much lost♪
Maybe we'll see each other again, at the next corner♪
Ela & Tequila (I hope not.)
[...the two barely miss each other.]
<Background fades out and in>
Catapult (Whisper) Ernesto?
(Uh oh, I lost him.)
[Someone approaches behind her...]
Catapult Who's there?!
[...and knocks her out.]
Doc (Whisper) Did the girl not realize she was walking in circles around the same wall?
Iana (Whisper) Not everyone has night vision. Say, I think I've seen her before.
(Whisper) She was in that art community yesterday... should we leave her here?
Doc (Whisper) I think her friends will come for her. I'll wait.
Iana (Whisper) Alright, I'll look elsewhere.
<Background fades out and in>
[Meanwhile, Tecno is trying to drag Fuze's body away.]
Tecno (Mm... he's heavy.)
(I should have stuffed you in the cupboard with the other poor bastard.)
<Background fades out and in>
Doc (Why would people from that neighborhood be here? This doesn't make sense.)
(What's that noise?)
Doc holds his breath and reaches for his weapon. Auditory senses are sharpened in darkness. The dragging sound grows ever closer.
Sound from Loudspeakers So many times, brushing past each other♪
[The sound grows louder...]
Sound from Loudspeakers So much searching, so much lost♪
[and louder...]
Sound from Loudspeakers Maybe we'll see each other again, at the next corner♪
[...and Doc finds Tecno dragging Fuze's body.]
Tecno & Doc —!
Their surprised exclamations send the warehouse into a frenzy.
Iana Doc?!
Ela Gustave?!
Tequila Tecno?!
Tecno Well, you can blame your bad luck!
<Background flashes>
Ela What is that?
Iana Arts flash! Get to cover, Ela!
Tequila Wait, Tecno, don't do it here—
Doc No wrong moves, girl! I've got your friend here!
Tequila Oh no, they've got Arleta!
Tecno Hmph, we have a hostage too.
Iana Shuhrat!
The only light in the darkness is from Tecno's Arts, not bright enough to illuminate the whole warehouse, but just enough for everyone to see each other's faces.
Gazes cross and scan around, reading the same thing on the assembled faces—
Iana (Whisper) Well, this is awkward... how did we end up here?
Tequila Maybe we can exchange hostages and each go our own way?
Tecno & Ela Wait!
Tecno What are you doing here?
Ela We have to find out who's been using this warehouse for smuggling. What about you, girl?
Tecno Looking for the meds we lost.
Doc We've already said we didn't steal the meds.
Tequila Really? Then what are you doing here?
Ela I told you, we're trying to find out who's smuggling stuff into this warehouse. What about you?
Tequila I said, this is where our meds are!
Ela You people are just impossible!
[Ela cocks her rifle. Tecno prepares her Arts. Then suddenly, someone bangs on the door.]
??? Hey, anybody home? Your stuff's here!
Man, all the way out in the middle of nowhere...
Everyone ...
Tequila So... if we all want to know what's up with that shipment of meds, why don't we ask the guy who's delivering it?

After operation

Team Rainbow resolves the misunderstanding with Tecno and gets to experience the creativity and vitality of the artists. Ela passes on what she sees to Reynell, in hopes he would go and see the street art community for himself. Reynell seems open to the idea.
<Background 6>
[Fuze sits up.]
Fuze ...My head hurts.
Tecno There you are, big guy. Here, ice for that bump on your head.
Fuze Y-You're the kid who attacked me?
Tecno Call me a kid again, and you'll get another bump on the back of your head.
Fuze What happened?
Iana They found the meds they lost, so the misunderstanding with us has been resolved...
Fuze Meds? Misunderstanding? Resolved?
Doc It wasn't so hard persuading that poor driver to cooperate, after all.
Fuze Wha... I'm even more confused now... where are we?
Doc Come, see for yourself.
<Background 7>
Ela Here's your medicine. Careful with it.
Community Resident Th-Thank you...
Iana What's your name? Check it off the list.
Community Resident Mike... there.
Ela Two portions left.
Iana Let me check the list again. Maybe someone forgot to come... see if anyone hasn't signed.
[Tecno approaches.]
Tecno The last two are mine.
Ela Here you go.
Tecno *cough* I-I'm sorry about today. We didn't know someone else was behind the robbery...
Ela It's ok. Glad to see that the medicine ended up in the hands of those who need it.
Gustave told me that a lot of people here are afflicted with a special condition that requires these suppressants to control.
Tecno So... wasn't that Capitán at odds with Reynell? Why is he stealing our meds to suck up to Reynell now?
Ela Miłosz told me that he's after Reynell's development rights in this district.
Tecno And what if he gets it? Reynell had the rights himself, and he couldn't do anything about us.
Ela Good thing too. It would be a shame if the local culture here got replaced by hotels and casinos.
Tecno You've only been here half a day, and you're talking like you know the place well.
Ela And in this half a day, everyone who came for their medicine was trying to promote their artwork to me.
Tecno People have to eat, after all... what's that on your arm?
Ela A braided wristband. I didn't plan on buying it, but then I saw the kid's hands full of needle marks...
Tecno (Whisper) Who could be so clumsy?
Ela What did you say?
Tecno Uhh... I mean... would you like to take a break in my workshop?
<Background 8>
Auction Host 50 million Columbian gold certificates! 50 million going once, 50 million going twice!
Sold for 50 million gold certificates!
Reynell What did you say? The warehouse that kept losing stuff? Which one?
Ela The one from the pharmaceutical company that shut down six months after you acquired it.
Reynell I seem to remember something of the sort... so, some people stole meds meant for that neighborhood, framed you for it, then tried to sneak those meds into that warehouse.
Ela To be precise, they tried to frame you.
Reynell What do you want me to do, then? Thank you for resolving the misunderstanding?
Ela There's no need for that, Mr. Reynell.
Reynell Miłosz says you're leaving the accommodations I arranged for you. Have you found your friends?
Ela No, we just found another place to stay.
Reynell Where?
Ela That neighborhood.
Reynell There? Not that I'm against it or anything, but why?
Ela I saw something interesting.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 6>
Tecno This is my workshop. There's a lot of space here. I work together with other artists, looking for inspiration, sometimes exhibiting our work.
Ela Are those wet papers abandoned drafts?
Tecno No, they're finished artwork.
Ela Finished?
Tecno There's a guy who leaves his paintings outside and lets the rain dissolve the paint. The work isn't finished until that step is done.
Ela Hm...
The man who's flexing his muscles... is he looking for inspiration?
Tecno Strictly speaking, he's a work of art too.
Ela Performance art?
Tecno Read the plaque in front of him.
Ela "Name: Pepe Turrión. Artist: Pepe Turrión's parents."
"Description: Six months after creating this work, the artists abandoned it in the suburbs of Dossoles due to lack of economic value."
"Little could they imagine that Pepe Turrión would become one of the greatest masterpieces of Dossoles twenty years later. Eat shit, jerks."
Solemn Man I am the greatest Originium Artist in Dossoles. Would you like to see my Arts?
Fuze Is he better than you, Tecno?
Tecno No one's better, when it comes to Originium Arts.
Fuze Hm.
Tecno Be careful and don't hurt our guests.
Solemn Man Of course.
The man takes out a few dark crystals from his pocket, each one glowing with an orange-yellow light. The visitors cautiously take a few steps back.
The pure Originium Prime crystals begin to spin in the man's palm. Then, he tosses them into the air one by one.
He begins to juggle pure Originium.
After a few rounds, he tosses all of them into the air at the same time, then looks up and catches the first one with his nose.
Then the next, and the next... finally, all the crystals form a tower on the tip of his nose.
The man turns slightly, and the tower of pure Originium slides back into his palm.
Iana I thought Arts was about flashing lights and fireballs... that's Originium Arts?
Solemn Man What is this, if not Originium? What did I demonstrate, if not arts?
Iana I... see...
<Background fades out and in>
Tecno We're here.
My biggest work lies beyond this door.
Doc I think I've said this not too long ago, but I want to say it again—nothing could surprise me now.
[Tecno opens the door and reveals...]
Ela Two mannequin heads? So big?
Tecno Those are just the heads. You haven't seen the bodies yet.
They'll be dancing the night our arts festival begins.
They will dance when the twin moons begin to set, and the sunlight has yet to shine.
They will be the center of attention, the stars of the show. They will turn and pirouette on the streets, stepping in tune and gracing the entire community.
Fuze A beautiful picture.
Ela I'm sure many people will be dancing with them.
Tecno No, maybe...
...I don't know.
Iana You don't know?
Tecno Nobody has danced in a long time, ever since that dance hall fire.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 8>
Ela I told you, they've got innovative structures, deep emotions, delicate expressions.
Reynell Interesting... you've piqued my interest in what those people are doing.
If you're going to that neighborhood, will you see what they're doing on my behalf?
Ela I thought you weren't happy that they planned their arts festival on the same day as your opening ceremony.
Reynell Doesn't mean I can't be interested in what they're doing.
Ela I can observe what they're doing on your behalf, but I have no reason to intervene in your conflict with them.
Reynell Of course not! Not that I wouldn't appreciate it if you could convince them to change the date.
Ela I can't make you any promises.
Reynell You can't succeed if you don't try.
Ela Anyway, I'm surprised you're willing to learn more about what they're doing.
Reynell ...
You wouldn't be surprised if you were willing to learn more about me.
Ela I thought...
Auction Host Collection No. 257, antique music box, starting price 15 million gold certificates. Any bidders?
Reynell Shh... I have to focus.
(Raises bid card)
Auction Host 20 million! Anyone else? 20 million!
Reynell (Raises bid card)
Auction Host Er... same bidder to 25 million?
Reynell (Raises bid card)
Ela There's no one bidding against you.
Reynell (Raises bid card)
I don't care what anyone else bids. I just want to raise it to the price I think it's worth.
<Background 1>
Mateo I-I apologize for my rash decision...
But we didn't think they would have the nerve to openly insult Coalition government forces that...
I-I understand! Next time—there won't be a next time!
I'll accept any punishment if this happens again! You can fire me, court-martial me, anything!
[Capitán Mateo puts down the phone.]
Commanding Officer Capitán...
Mateo Shut up. Now the brass knows about that stupid truck driver.
They stripped him naked and dropped him at our front door. The brass considers it an open insult to the Coalition government.
They asked whether our relationship with Reynell can continue, whether there is hope of obtaining the land. What am I supposed to say?
Stupid, incompetent idiots.
Commanding Officer Capitán, Reynell's secretary is here... do you want to see him?
Mateo Show him in.
[The door opens and Miłosz walks in.]
Mateo If you're just here to complain on Reynell's behalf, you can save it.
Miłosz Of course not, Mr. Mateo. Reynell is satisfied with your efficiency. You were just a little... reckless.
There are many Infected in that community. Stealing their medicine is one way to take them down. But you must understand that, if many Infected die because of it...
Making a big mess does none of us any good.
Mateo We understand. What else did he tell you?
Miłosz What he means is that, if you were too reckless before, perhaps a more cautious approach now can bring about a peaceful resolution.
Mateo We've gotten to this point, and you want me to negotiate with those people?
Miłosz No, Mr. Mateo. There's no need for you to worry about it. Mr. Reynell has already sent someone to do it.
Mateo Who?
Miłosz Miss Ela and her squad.
You're familiar with them, no? Your men have had dealings with them, and people have even confused them with your men.
Mateo We have an agreement, Miłosz. Don't forget it.
Miłosz No need to get excited, Mr. Mateo. Reynell doesn't intend to terminate his cooperation with you. He just asks for cooler heads.
We can talk about the land once you're calm enough to do so.
Is there any message that you would like me to deliver to Mr. Reynell?
Mateo ...
Miłosz I take my leave, then.
[Miłosz leaves.]
Mateo You were playing games with me, weren't you, Reynell?!
You're dead, Reynell, DEAD, if I don't get that piece of land from you!
<Background 7>
Iana 150 million? He bid a music box to 150 million on his own?
Ela He may be eccentric, but he shows respect to what he considers art, in his own way.
Iana It sounds like you're starting to change your mind about him.
Ela I've never made up my mind about him, Meijer. He's not easy to make up your mind about.
Iana Is that what makes him interesting?
Ela I'll admit that he's not your traditional, boring art dealer.
Iana That's saying quite a bit, coming from you. You're not big on compliments usually.
What now? Will you continue to work with him?
Ela I'm not sure... but I'll think about it.
Iana Come to think of it, we couldn't have adapted to this place so quickly without his help.
Ela We did save his life, so we're even on that.
Iana *sigh*...
[Tecno approaches the two.]
Tecno Hey, Ela... do you have a moment?
Ela Of course. What is it?
Tecno Papá wants to see you.
Ela Mr. Diaz? Why?
Tecno He has some questions for you.
Ela Very well, I'll go and see him.
Tecno And just so you know... he might act pretty... angry.
Ela He wants to intimidate me.
Tecno He may not admit it, but... yes.